Page 47 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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Westminster, MD Vo!.6 No.4 Press bond community contributes to migraines Page 7 Page 10 INSIDE Bust at 'the j Blue House' Ten students, one resident assis- stgnt cited for alcohol violations Barnes, a spokesman for the DAVID P. GREISMAN Westminster Police NEWS EDITOR Department. Toiiet blowouts a Eleven McDaniel College Authorities cited two of the hassle for campus students - ~cluding one resi- building's renters - Brian Kastner, a senior, 21, of Seattle, dent assistant - were charged safety Page 6 with alcohol offenses after Wa., and Gregory Mihalek, a police disrupted an off-cam- senior, 21, of Saratoga Springs, pus party, authorities said. N.Y. - with furnishing alco- On Oct. 22 at approximate- holic beverages to persons ly 1a.m., police were on patrol under the age of 21, police at the 100 block of W. Main St. said. when they heard a loud party Nine people received cita- at a building known to some tions for underage drinking: McDaniel students as "the Elizabeth Brown, a freshman, Blue House." They went 18, of West Orange, N.J.; around back and saw several Alexandra Dejohn, a junior, Members of the McDaniel College community streamed into Ensor people drinking from open 20, of Westfield, N.J.; Stephen lounge on October 26, to recteve £lu shots for $1B. From 11:00 a.rn. until containel'~ said Capt. Randy (see "Bust" 011 page 2) 1:00 p.m., the line remained steady. Registration process changes again completed at McDaniel tion date is determined by the with an anticipated gradua- HARRINGTON )EN Volleyball eyes STAFF WRITER College. actual graduation date, even if tion date of May 2010 may championship When students opened their for In the past, it was possible a student completes all of his register, while the remainder- who a semester early. or her classes a first-year student and anyone with later antici- Page 16 blue packets detailing the arrived at McDaniel with a The specific date and time pated graduation dates - will schedule of classes and regis- large number of Advanced within each group is deter- register on Nov. 16. Open reg- tration times for next semes- Placement credits to register mined by how many credit istration begins Nov. 17. ter, many saw registration before a student who had hours the student has earned - Details about this new reg- times that were later in the completed two full semesters those with a larger accumula- istration process were official- week than originally antici- at McDaniel. tion of credit hours will regis- ly announced to the student pated. The new registration ter earlier within the two-day body on Aug. 31 through a The change is linked to a process parallels the modifica- period. campus-wide e-mail sent by new registration process that tions for housing selection Students with an anticipat- Henry Reiff, dean for academ- goes into effect in the next few made by Residence Life last ed graduation date of May ic student life. weeks. Previously, all students year. 2007 will register on Nov. 6 or "Although students may had been grouped into specif- Students are grouped 7. Those with an anticipated not jump to a more senior ic registration times based on according to their anticipated graduation date of May 2008 class by earning extra credits, . Garnett garners the number of credit hours graduation date. Within these will register on Nov. 8 and 9. students who do not remain criticism they had earned from any groups, they are then classi- Anyone with an anticipated on pace with their anticipated Page 16 combination of high school fied according to the number graduation date of May 2009 graduation date may be Advanced Placement credit, of credit hours they have will register on Nov. 13 and reclassified to a later gradua- ______ ~---' transfer. credits and courses earned. Anticipated gradue- 14. On Nov. 15, some students (see "chmIges" 011 page 3) Administration hoping hazing hotline helps ago. from a student who thinks his ing, and that underground if the tip is accurate. If it is, BRIAN ENGLER AND "I would prefer to get or her friend or roommate has organizations may be doing the administration will inves- DAVID P. GREISMAN anonymous information than changed behaviors, lost sleep what they want to anyway as tigate further, involving McDaniel College has set no information at all," said or seems to show signs of they are less regulated and do Campus Safety only when up a hotline for students, par- Amanda Rose, assistant hazing; or.If it is from a pro- not have access to the same necessary. training seminars and meet- ents, professors and others to director of college activities. fessor who has noticed that a To maintain anonymity, the call anonymously with infor- Rose said the hotline student who he or she thinks ings that recognized Greek voicemall messages will not be preceded by caner identifi- groups get from the school. is pledging is not showing up mation related tohazing. should not be seen as a meas- to class, is less participatory Hotline callers will reach a cation, though the "Message The Hazing Hotline num- ure being taken against Greek or has grades dropping. that only Rose has from extension" prefix will ber - 4]0-871-3114 or exten- life. "The administration and In addition, Rose said the voicemail remain on calls from campus access to and which she plans sion 3114 - provides another trustees all fully support information can be applicable to check frequently in order telephones. outlet for administration jGreek life, but no one sup- to any organization, recog- to quickly respond to calls. Rose, however, said she members to receive informa- ports hazing," she said. nized or not. She said she sus- Any information gathered via expects most people will use tion on an illegal practice that Rose said the administra- led to the suspension of two tion -is looking for informa- pects various Greek organiza- the hotline may result in an their cell phones to call, and tions and sports teams of haz- to check. Greek organizations years tion of any kind. Whether it is initial investigation (see "JIOWne" on page 2)
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