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APRIL 26, 2007 - Page 6 FEATURES Honor Board values 'integrity, credibility' duct case." In 2006 the Honor interested in and why it inter- Conduct System procedures? KATHRYN YOUNG and Conduct Board met 20 ests them," adds Inverso. In instances of academic viola- is more room to be FEATURES EDITOR creative...but physical abuse times; in 2005 it met 23; and in Typically the interested tiona there is the process of in any way is not tolerated." Despite the six-page section 2004 the board met 21 times. individuals will meet with "notification" with support- The conduct procedures, on dedicated to McDaniel's A group of 10 faculty mem- Cerl and she will recommend ing evidence by a faculty the other hand, start directly Honor and Conduct Board in bers and 10 students are certain students for the SGA to member to the Dean of in the Student Affairs office. the Student Handbook, most selected to serve on the Honor review the students' letters. Faculty. In instances of aca- The Associate Dean of Student students are clueless when it and Conduct Board (two fac- Inverso says, "We then read demlc violations, the faculty Affairs investigates the comes to knowledge of the ulty members and two stu- the letters and select for the member responsible for the charges and the role of the board. dents are present at each number of spots available." course is expected to investi- board is to determine whether Within a journalism class of board hearing). Two faculty The Honor and Conduct gate the alleged violation the charge is true. In conduct ten students, it was apparent members are elected annually, Board considers cases of rnis- before the Dean of Faculty procedures, a resource person of how little is known about while student members are conduct that are specified in notifies the Dean of Student may be brought into the hear- the Honor and Conduct selected by the Student the Proscription on Conduct. Affairs. ing. However, this person may Board. A female student said, Government Assembly (SGA) These allegations include vio- After the process of investi- not be present during the "They don't take it serious- and serve until graduation. lating an academic program gation the case is brought into board's deliberation. Iy...well I don't know, maybe Faculty members are elected through plagiarism or cheat- the "hearing procedures," Results of conduct cases they do." from within the faculty and ing. Hearings are then which the Dean of Student include the charge, excluding "This [integrity and credi- serve a three-year term. requested by a member of the Affairs can proceed with even any names, and the sanction bility} is what we value," says Associate Professor of McDaniel College if one member of the board is that was chosen may be Associate Dean of Student Sociology Dr. Roxanna Community, such as a mem- absent. Ordinarily, a failure, or released to campus news Affairs Elizabeth Towle. "The Harlow has been at McDaniel ber from the student body, fee- an "F," in a class is the mini- media upon the conviction. If board meets to discuss aca- for seven years and currently ulty or staff. Once the aca- mum penalty for a first time the accused student is found demic violations as well as serves on the board. demic violation is alleged, the offense. In some more serious responsible for the charge, conduct violations... any aca- "We really try to give peo- board follows the Honor academic cases the second McDaniel may release the demic case goes before the pIe a second chance... we are System procedures. When a violation carries a minimum name of the responsible stu- board, any conduct case goes always willing to take a sec- non-academic violation is penalty of suspension. dent, but not the victim or vic- before the board." and look at complicated fee- alleged, the board follows the The Appeals Board then tims'names. According to the McDaniel tors," says Harlow. Conduct Procedures. reviews both the convictions "I think what it comes Student Handbook, academic In terms of how the SGA Harlow and Towle agree and penalties. If the accused down to is that we feel a violations referred to the elects student members to the that many of the honor cases feels the penalty unjust, he or strong responsibility to the Honor and Conduct Board Honor and Conduct Board, revolve around plagiarism. she may write an appeal to the students but also to the com- could lead or result in the stu- SGA President EBen Inverse "More in particular is the College Provost within three munity - the board is fair even dent being removed from the says that spots open up for the copy-and-paste situation's days of the decision. The sane- though we have to make residence halls, suspended or following year's board and easy to find, you will get tions are then suspended until tough decisions ... decisions expelled from the college. then Dean of Student Affairs caught," says Harlow. For the appeal is considered. that impact the careers of stu- While referring to the rise in Beth Gerl sends out a notice conduct cases there is usually "Even if students admit that dents," says Towle. plagiarism, Towle notes that through campus mail. alcohol or physical abuse they messed up, we deliber- there are always honor prob- "Those interested can then involved, "sometimes both," ate," Harlow states. "The min- lems, but that she went "three apply by submitting a letter of says Towle. imum penalty is simple for months without seeing a con- intent saying what they're But what are the Honor and honor but with conduct there
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