Page 158 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 158
APRfL 26, 2007 - Page 4 NEWS VA Tech- Senseless tragedy inspires prayer doubt as familiar as home to and universities all over the It could have been some of To those who lost ~ir GEOFF PECKHAM them, the same way McDaniel country and all over the the brightest minds who were lives, and to the family and BUDAPEST COHRBSPONDENT is familiar to us. It was safe, world. killed at that school. We'll friends who have been left and know it will no doubt That could have been our never know. The only thing to behind: you are in my prayers. ever been seen in that same school. That could have been do right now is reflect on it in You are in the prayers of light again for many of those us. Those students never coo- whatever way we feel we McDaniel College, and in the students. sldered for an instant that need. SBend time with the prayers of every college stu- So what do you say? such a thing could happen at friends you have. Be grateful dent who feel the same safety There will no doubt be com- their school, their home, and for them and their safety. and stability that you felt pari sons to the Columbine neither has any other student. Such an event puts things like before that fateful day. That shootings 8 years ago. I There are certainly students that in perspective. Our lives familiarity will not be taken would have liked to think at McDaniel who have friends will go on, and for that we for granted again. such horror could be learned at Virginia Tech. Maybe you should be grateful. God Bless. from by now, but sadly there know someone who was a vic- truly are some sick people in tim, or know someone who Idon't know what to say. this world. Old pain is mixed knew someone. We are all If you feel What can you say? with new pain. The same feeling the same thing, cer- l wish there was some questions are asked, and again tainly to different extents down, pick magic set of words 1could use it seems there aren't any depending on our own emo- to ease the suffering the stu- answers. But we have to react tional investments, but the dents of Virginia Tech must be in some way, and that's what same thing. We're praying, this up experiencing right now. The this column is. we're cursing; we're crying, uneasiness every college stu' This massacre should have we're thinking. dent in America must be feel- a very profound effect on So what do you say? ing right now. But unfortu- everyone who hears or reads You don't say anything. The angels are always We are all praying for the nately there isn't. So as young about it, but in particularly You reflect on it in your own near to those who are comfort of. those who lost adults we must endure the college students. It doesn't way. For many that's saying a grieving, 10 whisper 10 beloved family members, grief, so that we can move on. matter that McDaniel College prayer, which is what this arti- them that their loved friends, students and teach- Senseless doesn't begin to and Virginia Tech are com- de is. The media blitz will be ers in the events of Vigirina describe what happened at pletely different schools, with there from all sides, remind- ones are safe in the Tech. May your days be that campus on April 16th. different atmospheres and dif- ing everyone even when they hand of God." filled with warmth know- Tragedy doesn't convey the ferent student lifestyles. They don't want to be reminded. - 11re Angels' Little emotions associated with are both schools. They serve N; a student studying abroad, Instruction Book by ing that others around the learning that 32 people were the same purpose, and for that r probably won't be exposed Eileen Elias Freeman country are praying for murdered in an environment both Institutions are lumped to that barrage to the same your security during this that supposed to be safe, and together in the same category, extent, but I will still feel the time of mourning. environment that was no along countless other colleges anguish involved. B\' Tcrreka Jordan Word Up As part of the Office of Multicultural Services' Diversity Week, 2007, Clayton Rosa (left), helped organize the second annual "Word Up," a spo- ken word performance featuring Subslanlial (rlght), and 21 poets (below). Though Ihe evenl had to compete with Alpha Nu Omega's Mr. McDaniel, Ensor Lounge was packed with eager sludenls for Ihe perfo- mance, in which artists discussed race, abortion, and sex through origi- nal poelry.
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