Page 155 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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Westminster, MD _1'•• "",. Vol. 7 No.5 PrE'SS In case you don't G.l. virus outbreak Special Report: remember ... sends students to The academic Spring Fling hospital gender gap photos on Page 4 Page 3 Page 7 SIZE MATTERS OMS donation promise unfulfilled Readers, you may notice that this issue is man "known for his philan- ments over the next five years, needs. a bit skimpy. This thin- JULIA SAUNDERS thropy," according to Zephia was pledged in front of sever- After the first installment ner, eight-page version CONTRIBlITOR Bryant, director of al high-ranking college offi- arrived as promised, it was $100,000 A much-needed was planned. donation to the Office of Multicultural Services, signed cials including McDaniel used to update the office, sup- donating pledge a letter Why? Multicultural Services in May $100,000 and five paintings President Joan Develin Coley of port current programs, and, Vice for the first time, hire full-time President and Well - staff members 2005 seemed like a blessing, specifically sanctioned for Institutional Advancement administrative support. But are still recovering from but only became an ordeal Multicultural Services. Richard Kief. when the subsequent install- Spring Fling, you know when $80,000 of the donation According to Bryant, the office Two months after the ments did not materialize what that means, and never materialized. had never received such a pledge letter was signed, Bryant was shocked. Two years ago, Chief the work involved with Edward E. Fox, owner and generous donation and was Multicultural Services To verify that the rest of the thankful for the gesture. cranking out the April 1 CEO of CSTAInc., a Baltimore- Multicultural Services is a received the first promised donation was on the way the Development office, in charge installment of $20,000. edition and a Ureal" edi- based investigative agency, resource center for minority Excited about the new pos- of foundation relations and all tion of The McDaniel was invited to attend students. The office works sibilities for the office, Bryant donations, sent out a pledge Free Press that had McDaniel's Multicultural hard to provide a healthy sup- made plans for the unexpect- submission letter to Fox. No Leaders Banquet. Hosted by port system to students of all neighboring deadlines. Multicultural Services, the ethnic backgrounds through ed cash flow, including more response was received. After office's financial Development the aid, book scholar- It was crazy, but we school was looking for poten- scholarships, mentoring, and ships, increased staffing, men- failed efforts, Bryant personal- made it. tial donors to invest in awareness building programs. taring programs, a scholar- Iy sent letters and made More importantly, McDaniel programs. The donation, which was to ship for the January term trip phone calls in an attempt to staff members are gear- Fox, a reputable business- be paid out in $20,000 incre- to Cameroon, and basic office (see "Donation" on page 3) ing up for this year's Thomas wows Senior Issue, which will packed house decade career in the media. STACEY EYLER "All of the presidents were ture many important STAFF WRITER intelligent," said Thomas, news stories, the dead- Fifty-seven years. Nine "but it had nothing to do with line providing the presidents. Hundreds of ques- their decisions." newspaper staff with tions asked. Dozens of stories After giving her speech in more time to create top- to tell. All in the career of one which she spoke about the notch journalism. It will current presidential adminis- Helen Thomas, a renowned be a good issue, so look journalist and member of the tration, the 2008 election, the war in Iraq, and how she got for it, and be excited. White House Press Corps, to be interested in journalism, In short: We offer spoke to McDaniel College Thomas graciously. answered less now to bring you students, faculty, and resi- questions from the crowd. more later. So give us a dents of the Westmi.nster com- What do you think about munity on Thursday, April 12 of the break now, but be pre- in the newly renovated the fact that most gets its generation younger pared to be fascinated Decker Center Forum. news from comedy channels and entertained on Speaking to the crowd of and late night comedy? May 3. over 400 people (thanks to the "Half the time, comedy is publicity Sincerely, advanced Thomas shared of the right. My advice is to read the event), newspapers-let them engulf her Mike and Djerdj stories, observations, and you. A typical day for me Co-Editors insights from her nearly six- (see "First Lndy" on page 2) Another dorm needs help ing on campus it would be George Brenton, director of ROSE ENEY McDaniel," says junior and the Physical Plant, disagrees. CONTRIBUTOR third-floor resident assistant "Structurally the building is In 1922, the cost of building M.E. Posey. very sound," says Brenton. He McDaniel Hall was $137,190. The problems with insists that most problems are Today, the purchase of a single McDaniel according to the simply cosmetic. And he home is more than that, and students are almost endless. should know; he lived in the cost to replace McDaniel They range from ants, dirti- McDaniel in his senior year of would reach millions of dol- ness, shower problems, bath- 1985. lars. Sadly, McDaniel has room issues, hot water and The biggest problem across spent 85 years in decline s~ce heating deficiencies, walls the board is that, "Those bath- its construction in the Roaring caving in, bad windows, and rooms are in need of help," '20s. appliance problems. admits Liz Towle, associate There are many complaints As sophomore Anna dean of Student Affairs. She today from students who live Nydick bluntly put it, "The adds that the bathrooms were in McDaniel. "If they were whole building is a problem. great in their day but going to renovate one build- They need to tear it down." (see "McDaniel" on page 3)
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