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NEWS APRIL26,2007-Page 3 Cash pledge for OMS not yet honored (from Institutional Advancement at professional and polite, pre~ are the ones most affected by contact Fox through his inves- • "Donation" on page 1) contact him but to no avail. McDanielsince 1998,says that ferred not to discuss the his decision. tigative agency, CSlA, the It has been two years since thousands of people donate to specifics of Fox's situation and Handed directly to students number given by several web- the donation was promised McDaniel each year. Over maintains, "Philanthropy is at the banquet, the unfulfilled sites has been disconnected and Bryant has had no word 3,500 alumni alone take part one of the most positive tradi- pledge has disappointed and non-existent through from Fox. in the "gift process" at tions of Americans," and it is many. One student artist, who information. Then upon fur- "I didn't see it coming at McDaniel. Though there are each donor's choice to discon- was promised to be able to ther investigation, Fox' was all," said Bryant, who has no strict guidelines in the gift- tinue with a pledge. work with the painter com- contacted at home but appar- been left confused by the lack giving process, there are Asked if the donation sys- missioned by Fox to create ently not the correct Edward of communication. papers signed. Kief explains, tern should be revamped to five pieces, was ultimately let E. Fox living in Baltimore, Fox, who gave two "A pledge is an intention to avoid another situation like down after only one of the even though he was the only McDaniel students intern- give, not a legal document." this, Bryant explained, "The works was completed and one listed. ships with his company in the With Fox's pledge not legal- system has worked for years," then heard nothing back from Keeping her cool through- summer of 2005 and had pre- Iy binding, Bryant was unsure and should not be changed Fox or the artist. out the whole ordeal, Bryant viously attended many other of what McDaniel could do, because of one bad instance. Though Bryant is perplexed hopes that in the future Fox college events, has left Bryant but still hoped that the school Rather, it ought to be evaluat- about why this happened, she will keep McDaniel informed flabbergasted. In the nearly would follow up. Since she ed on the donations that have remains positive about the sit- and commit to follow five years she has worked at considered the pledge to be a worked out, she added. uation. She noted that even through. With McDaniel being McDaniel this is the only time "goodwill offering," she says Though Bryant is mostly Fox's partial donation "helped so well connected, Bryant is that a promised donation did she would not want Fox to be confused by Fox's apparent us to grow at a time when we sure that the college will cross not come through. forced to continue with his decision to discontinue his needed assistance." Fox's path again and looks Kief who has worked in commitment. Kief remaining pledge, she says the students During current attempts to forward to hearing from him. McDaniel Hall in need of improvements (from "McDaniel" on page 1) school's campus plan for reno- heater on," confesses sopho- oped. Towle says that when reno- longer are. Brenton and Posey vating the six dormitories. more and McDaniel first floor The school is working with vations to McDaniel do take strongly agreed with her. Posey says that McDaniel RA Dave Robertson. an architect to develop the effect, all the dorm furniture Brenton explained that the got new mattresses when Robertson adds that the heat- plans for these two projects. will be replaced. Brenton men- buildings on campus need needed, and a handicapped ing comes from the pipes Brenton explains that an archi- tioned no furniture but says change over the years to fit the bathroom on the first floor. underneath his room and teet is necessary because the they are definitely working on desired living situation of the However, she adds that "the from the ceiling above. building has limited space better ways to manage the time. However, the bathrooms only thing that's fixed is Many students question and they do not want to take heating system and tossing seem to have been neglected already broken." why these problems haven't away from the individual around ways to possibly since 1922.Posey says that the Sophomore Kimberly been addressed. Posey, room capacity. incorporate a centralized air- toilets don't work, the water Bonsiero says that McDaniel is Nydick, Brenton says that things conditioning system into the never stays hot, and the show- "alright because it's quiet but and Porreca all suspect that could possibly start happen- dorms. ers leak. She also pointed to an it's really dirty." Nydick the school has other priorities ing this summer, but that all So don't despair McDaniel instance earlier this year when added jokingly, "I don't think and not enough money. depends on what the architect residents, improvements are the RAs requested that the this floor is sanitary." She, Towle pointed out that comes up with. He adds, "To on the way. For now, bear with second-floor toilet seats be along with Bonsiero, Posey, Rouzer Hall was renovated say the word soon would be the bathrooms, bugs, heat and ~nci-th I d.d nct-sophorn'ore RHa Porreca, Jast- SUnlrTUC>r,-induaing; new vague" of when these plans filth. Things are looking up. not comply for unknown rea- all say they wish they could paint, will take effect. sons. live in the North Village some new carpet, and ••••••••• "It just seems to never end," Apartments because they're improvements to the halls and Brenton offers as an explana- nice, new, and clean. lighting. tion to the massive amount of McDaniel residents know Also, within the past four work orders the Physical Plant that they are not the only ones years, about eight receives from all residence with building problems. Pennsylvania Avenue houses halls. Brenton says plumbing and were fixed up and added to The school has slowly been heating are a huge issue in all campus housing. trying to help McDaniel out the dorms. The North Village Those who have lived in over the past few years. Towle Apartments operate under a McDaniel will be pleased to says that in the summer of geothermal heating and cool- hear that a plan for renovating 2001, McDaniel got new win- ing system that runs under the McDaniel is in the works. dows and sprinkler systems buildings and they are looking Brenton and Towle say that put in. Brenton also points out at options to better heat the plans to fix the bathrooms and that McDaniel and Blanche rest of the residence halls, create more much-needed Ward Hall, also built in the according to Brenton. common rooms space for the 1920s, are the top two on the "I've never even turned the building are now being devel- Gastrointestinal virus attacks students must have already had the the college community about The quick spread of the GI Lusby believes that the rea- MELANIE CHUPEIN virus. The GI virus, also the presence of the virus, virus is not uncommon on a son some students went to the NEWS EDITOR known as gastroenteritis, is a explaining the steps taken to college campus, where people hospital was because the ini- Freshman Katie Hecht highly contagious illness that find a bacterial source, and are living in such close prox- tial outbreak hit near a week- thought it was just a case of causes nausea, diarrhea, loss eventually announcing that imity. The best ways to Pre- end. food poisoning. She started of appetite, fever, weakness, the numbers have decreased. vent the spread of any disease "The weekend was a fac- feeling ill and symptoms and dehydration. Lusby says Once news of the virus hit, are to wash hands frequently, tor," Lusby said. "Most did began within a half hour. She that these symptoms can be people were quick to blame avoid immunosuppressants, stay here and got well here." suffered from "intense stom- "violent but usually short dining services. . keep an ann-length from other Health Services provides a ach pains and nausea." She lived anywhere from two to "I feel bad that people first people, don't share any food shot called Phenergan that was also feeling "very faint five days with fatigue some- blame it on Glar," Lusby said, or drink, and be sure that bod- hurts but can get someone and weak" with a fever. She times lasting up to a week." adding that she received a lot ily fluids are cleaned up prop- back on their feet in 20 to 30 was taken to the hospital. "The hardest thing is that of phone calls from parents. erly, Lusby suggested in her minutes. Hecht is just one of the some people can be conta- A careful food history was first email. "We're not used to getting roughly 30 students who came gious before they show symp- taken from students that went Sophomore Devon Sick," Lusby said. "Usually down with the GI virus over toms and even afterwards to Health Services but because Brackbill, who contracted the [viruses] will burn themselves the past month, according to they're still contagious," "there were too many differ- virus last year, took precau- out." Joan Lusby, Physician Lusby said. ent histories" a food borne ill- tions when he heard about "Viruses are alive and well Assistant-Certified (PA-C). The GI virus caught the ness was ruled out according this year's outbreak of what and they do nasty things," Lusby says the outbreak attention of Health Services to Lusby. he referred to as "the black Lusby" said, adding, "There began before spring break and after it became clear that there "To be on the safe side, we death." are other things out there in that she saw "a whole flurry of were "a little too many" cases, sent out stool cultures to check "I locked myself in my the environment that you can people" after a floor meeting Lusby said. She sent out three for food borne bacteria or par- room so r wouldn't get sick," get that are worse." in Rouzer, where someone campus wide emails, warning asites," Lusby said. Brackbill said.
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