Page 152 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 152
APRIL 5, 2007 - Page 14 INTERNATIONAL PAGE London adventures 'just around the corner' places in London for a stroll - able shops and a couple of For a pleasant afternoon, right next door to the heart of CHRISTINE BOYNTON Butler's Wharf. waterfront bars and restau- grab a latte and relax in the FOREIGN COORESPONDENT London, but far away enough According to Wikipedia, rants. In the cobblestone alley piazza. Or duck into the for a few moments to yourself. In a city the size of London, "Butler's Wharf was built in between rows of buildings, trendy shops. and boutiques I hadn't really expected you never know what'll be the 19th century as a shipping iron supports bridge the gaps that line the street. After a anything more than a lazy around the next corner. wharf and warehouse com- between buildings and criss- slow day, stroll down to the afternoon stroll around a city I Hoping it's not a mugger or a plex, accommodating goods cross down the narrow street: water along the docks for thought Ihad gotten to know speeding double-decker bus, unloaded from ships using the an unusual and artsy photo- some spectacular views of pretty well. However, Iended sometimes it makes for an port of London. It contained op. Tower Bridge, and a scenic up having a great day, walk- exciting day out to explore what was reputedly the A spidery lane twists off waterfront lunch with some ing around, and then meeting your own backyard. largest tea warehouse in the into a row of shops on one friends in one of the dockside up with a group of really fun Iwent out last Saturday for world. During the 20th centu- side and opens up into a restaurants or pubs. Grab a Australians right on the banks a day of peeking around cor- ry, Butler's Wharf and other charming piazza on the other, pint around sunset and sit in of the Thames. ners. A series of them eventu- warehouses in the area fell tucked away from the throb- the outdoor seating. Nothing I had found my exciting ally brought me out to the into disuse ... Since the 1980s bing hubbub of tourists, com- beats watching the sun set by comer and rounded it. I'm Tower of London and Tower Butler's Wharf has been trans- muters, and the constant hum Tower Bridge over a pint. looking forward to seeing Bridge. formed from a run-down of daily life. You won't be The wharf is a great place to what spontaneous adventure Not a very exotic locale for derelict site into luxury flats bombarded by free newspa- meet some new and interest- London has to offer next the London local but never- with restaurants and shops on pers here, nor will you have to ing people as well (in my case, weekend ... and to finding the theless an awe-inspiring sight. the ground floor." watch out for that speeding a large group of fun corner it's hidden behind. I walked across it, over the The wharf is a charismatic double-decker bus, as the road Australians, mid-pub crawl.) Thames, to one of my favorite little area, with a few fashion- is blocked off to traffic. All in all it's a great little area, Photos are for reflecting, not impressing picture of the Great Barrier dothes you wore when you see them through the lens. you. GEOFF PECKHAM Reef or of the Coliseum or of were a sophomore in high Basically, photos allow us to All these photos, all these BUDAPEST CORRESPONDENT the Great Wall of China, and school. It extends to the friend reflect. And reflecting is experiences, and all these Think of every big trip they might be a little standing next to you with a important, because as the memories all lead up to one you've taken in your lifetime, impressed, but not nearly as grin as wide as yours. Look at adage goes, you can't know important revelation: how and you'd probably think of impressed as you were when your younger brother or sister, where you're going unless blessed we are to have had the all pictures you took. you saw it for the first time. if you have one, and compare you know where you're com- them. The friends you've When was the last time you You can't comprehend just how they've grown along ing from. made, the family that has sup- looked at them? Go ahead, go how amazing some things in with you. Look at your par- Look at the youthful exu- ported you, the places you've pull out the scrapbook, or this world are until you see ents, and the lives and deci- berance in your face at your been, the things you've done. open that folder on your com- them for yourselves. It might stons they've made, because high school homecoming. We're not all that lucky, and puter. Look through your seem that taking a photo is they're more than just your Look at how methodical you maybe some of you who are photos, 1mean really look. Do just a way of showing people parents, they're people living and your friends were as you reading this can't relate. 1sus- it now. Go ahead, I'll wait. you were there, a bit of brag- their lives as well. The world stared at that beautiful sunset. pect a lot of you can though, Are you done (for those of ging rights underneath a 5x7 was so much different when You want to go back further? because Ihave never mer-coy- you who actually did it)? piece of glass. those pictures were taken, Look at how excited you were body who didn't have a few What are you thinking right But this column is about whether it was ten years ago that one Christmas morning, photos somewhere to remi- now? If you're like me, you're much more than your scenic or yesterday. Imagine how when Santa was still real. nisce. probably reflecting a little bit vacation pictures. Look at much different the world will The examples are endless, Go on, look at all your pho- on where and when those pic- your personal pictures. Look be tomorrow. the moments timeless, and we tos. Look back on the life tures were taken. Depending the friends you've had, your Here's the point: we take can't always remember them you've had, SO that you can on where you were or what family, the things you did photos as a way to remember all. That's why we take pho- get excited for the life ahead of you were doing, you might be with them. Look at yourself. what is important to us, tos. Even those scenic photos you. That might include new thinking of that one universal Look at the person you were though we may not know it that don't have anybody in places with old friends or truth regarding trips and cam- when it was taken, and then when we take them. There them count, because you still familiar places with new eras: photos never do the real look at the person you are can be deep psychological rev- remember why you were friends, or maybe a bit of both. thing justice. now. It goes beyond the way elations associated with there, what you were doing, Just don't forget your cam- You can show someone a your hair was styled or the remembering our lives as we and how amazing it was for era. Rome for a wife, Bavaria for a mistress Rome. 110ve the atmosphere, at what is essentially one of My time in Bavaria will be my I couldn't help but fall for the GEOFF PECKHAM and feel like I could do this the inspirations for all the hidden love, a few days full of charm of these places. BUDAPEST CORRESPONDENT every night. Yes, Rome is the Disney castles. It was more scenic mountainsides, good Of course, I still have Yes, it is official: Geoff than a nice change of pace for people, Litersof beer, and a lit- Vienna, Prague, Amsterdam, Peckham has fallen in love. But indecisiveness rings someone eager to see the tle enchantment. Thus, Ithink London, and a long weekend Many thought it would true, for not even a week later world, but has really just seen I'll take the Italian city for a in Ireland before I leave never happen, that I would my train arrives in Munich, cities the past few months. wife, but leave a little time for Europe. I think I'llhold off on remain a dedicated bachelor Germany. The city has its Just amazing. that nice little region in that marriage certificate, as for the rest of my days, but charm, and T enjoy my stay, Now I'm in a dilemma. Germany. well as booking that shady love can strike at any point, to but 1 still feel like Rome is the Rome offered me class and Budapest will always hold motel room; because I just any person. I felt the sting of place' for me. That is until I beauty; in the same way it a. special place in my heart, might fall in love again tomor- Cupid's arrow as 1 stood in arrive at Passen, specifically at offers the millions of tourists but I'm bound to wander, and row. awe at the Coliseum, as I the Neuschwanstein Castle. that visit it every year. made my wish in the Trevi Now that was something Everyone knows Fountain, and gazed upon the else. Rome, and everyone might that is Rome from atop Imagine every fairy tale loves Rome. Most the cupola of St. Peter's you've ever read, with some people couldn't even Basilica in Vatican City. enchanting castle nestling in spell Pussen, let alone My heart belongs to Rome. the mountains. This was it. know where it is. But How could I not be smitten? King Ludwig II could lookout its attraction is equal- She's cultured. She's sophisti- his window in the morning ly alluring. So which cated. She's beautiful. And and see the waterfall pouring do I choose? the food she's given me has down into the valley, which The answer is both. been the best I've had in extended throughout the People are always Europe thus far. I sit and sip beautiful mountain ranges impressed by Rome my Chianti at one of the many and into this charming little (and if they haven't outdoor cafes as the evening town which just screams been there, a little jeal- rolls along. The lights flicker 'Germany: Charming doesn't ous, let's be honest.) the history 1~~.1~~~;.:z~~..:~~ on from beneath the water of begin to describe watching the J'lI remember Rome one of the many fountains of stream pour down from the through the many piazzas that you top, exploring toward the bot- and beauty and sheer .. think of when you think of tom, and being able to look up awe it inspired in me.
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