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Dmen Tilffilr SPORTS Vol. 3No.1 February 10, 2005, Page 12 Backed by fired up fans and talent, Women's Basketball ANDYWU player of the week Kristy STAFF WRITER Costa, the Terror found them- selves back in the national Approaching the play- rankings. offs, the girls' basketball team Similarly to last is looking forward to a possible season's success, Martin pre- Centennial Conference Cham- fers not to dwell on the rec- pionship repeat. To coach ognition. She views the rank- • BeckyMartin, the key to accom- ing as a nice perk for the plishing such a feat is crystal team's prestige but doesn't clear. get caught up in it. She real- Don't go for the repeat. izes that the team "could be Go for the 2004-2005champion- #1, in the nation, but that ship. Martin believes her play- wouldn't guarantee an ers need to focus solely on this NCAA Tournament bid." A season rather than being drawn conference championship to the attractiveness of two would. straight rings. Helping the ladies in Standing in the Terror's their effort is the team's "6th way are three teams who Mar- man." The girls basketball tin believes are McDaniel's team enjoys some of the best most dangerous competition. fan support of any team on Gettysburg's physical presence, campus. Hopkins' consistency, and Martin recognizes the Dickinson's victory over the fans as an asset to the team Terror make these three teams and encourages students to the biggest threats to the Cen- join the frenzy. She believes tennial basketball crown. the crowd intimidates oppos- Recently, Gettysburg, ing schools and psychologi- L.---------------l~,~"~,,~,,~c,~'"._-------- __ ~~~_ Hopkins and Haverford have cally inspires her players. fallen victim to the Terror as the Growing up, she never Women's basketball players Katy Powell (left) and [acq Pundt shown here in file photos, together with the rest of the team, are currently in the midst of attempting to.repeat their 2004 Centennial Conference Championship ladies continued a 15 game win had a chance to play before streak heading into their match substantially loyal crowds The Last Fifteen Games against Johns Hopkins on Feb- and describes. coaching in 12/9 Lebanon Valley W 58-52 1/10 York W 76-63 1/24 Gallaudet W 71-53 ruary 8. this new era as "a dream 12/11 Gwynedd Mercy W 61-46 1/1 1 Bryn Mawr W 80-54 1126 Washington W 74-41 Behind this streak and come true." i2/30 Susquehanna W 70-52 1/13 Ursinus W 62-44 1/29 Ursinus W 65-39 performances from conference 1/5 F & M W 66-53 1/15 Muhlenberg W 87-59 2/1 Gettysburg W 74-66 1/8 Haverford W 96-47 1/20 Hopkins W 77-59 2/5 Haverford W 85-52 Florida training whips swimmers into shape everyday-at McDaniel to get cheerleader. " TAYLOR HEBDEN ready for the conference One swimmer who de- STAFFWRlTER championships. serves a medal for determi- Junior Cassie Allen, nation is Nick Grigsby. The hot sun glistens off sophomore Molly Ruane, Grigsby tore his ACL the top of their shoulders as and freshman Chris Reed playing flag football this fall, they glide through the water have all been standouts for but has worked hard enough with speed and grace. Not a the team this season. Allen to swim again. Grigsby is thought in their minds except has not lost a breaststroke now getting ready to chal- getting back to the wall and race all year. Ruane dropped lenge for a top spot in the 100 dropping their current times. more than 25 seconds from m breaststroke at the cham- While most of us were sit- her time in the 1000 m free pionships. ting on our butts this Jan term, and Reed is currently the fast- Every team has chal- the swim team was in Florida est 200 m breaststroker in the lenges over the season. working their butts off conference. "The biggest challenge The swim team goes on a Bolek is ranked quite is keeping everyone's spirits w.inter training trip every year. high in the conference and up with such a small team," This year they went to a facil- has dropped_many of her said Coach Easterday. ity near Orlando Florida and times from last season, hitting Since last year the team swam everyday in an olympic some all time personal bests. has graduated many swim- size swimming pool. "I'm hoping to drop mers and a number of incom- In Florida, the team prac- more time and make top .ing students who decided ticed long and hard for hours eight at'conferencechampi- not to swim. ata time. cnships," Bolek said. Unfor- So how will the team Sophomore Molly Bolek tunately, sophomore Mark do in the championships? said that training in Florida was Yankovic could not compete "If everyone gives their "very hard both mentally and with the team this season due all and swims with their physically, but we got through to knee surgery. But coach heart, they will be able to sue- DAVESINClJ\IR it together and got stronger." Kim Easterday said that ceed," Bole.~said. ~cDaniel swimmers Brooke Bennet! (top) and Nick Grigsby. shown here in The team still practices Yankovic is their "biggest file photos,. have broken into the season after a training sesaion held in Florida over the Wmter break.
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