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MAY6, 2005 - Page 15 SENIOR TRIBUTE Allen fought apathy, fueled change on campus paralegals on international ntzed Multicultural Student member, appreciate, and ap- years down the line is un- AMALIE SHAFFER cases involving extraditions Weekend for OMS in past ply to subjects," said Allen known to Allen at the time. STAFF WRITER and treaties of mutual legal years as well. Along with being one of Allen believes it is impor- assistance." Allen was also given.a Allen's most memorable Starting a petition in Allen was closely in- scholarship to attend the Na- teachers, Harlow, is also a tant to be involved because it March 2004 which asked ad- volved with the Office of tional Conference on Race mentor in her eyes, as is gives a person a sense of impor- to tance and it is rewarding ministrators to address cul- Multicultural Service (OMS), and Ethnicity held last sum- "Zephfa Bryant, Director of make a difference. She also be- tural, ethnic and racial issues at Black Student Union (BSU), mer in Miami Florida. Allen the Office of Multicultural lieves that when people get in- McDaniel is what Senior Sociology Club, Students Tu- represented the BSU and Services. Bryant worked volved, people can accomplish Krystle Allen considers her toring America's Youth McDaniel at the conference. closely with Allen while she things. proudest moment in her college (STAY), Best Buddies, and Dr. Roxanna Harlow was an intern in the OMS and "KrystJe not only has a career. The petition resulted in Circle K even though she was and Dr. Debra Lemke are two considers her a part of the wonderful personality, she is an open forum in April 2004. not an official member. of Allen's most memorable "small family" very conscientious and inspires "I b'elieve it served as a She is the co-president teachers for the simple fact "She has a quiet spirit others to be their best" said great incentive for other stu- of the Sociology Club and as . that she remembers what she but a very strong presence. Bryant. dents to dismiss the apathy, that group's leader: she facili- was taught. She said not only She is one of the sweetest "It's [Life's] only what become active, and try to ex-: tated a forum for Election did she remember the infor- young ladies that I know and you make it. Don't simply sit press means to improve our Day 2004as well as organized mation for tests, but she also has a future ahead of her as back and complain or wish you campus," said Allen. a trip to a graduate school actually learned something bright as the sun," said could do more. Be active in Allen is currently intern- fair. For the BSU,Allen orga- that she may be able to apply Bryant. some fashion, and make your ing at the Office of International nized the step show, brought later in life. Five years from now experience enjoyable," said Affairs which is a branch of the renowned speakers to cam- "Both doctors pre- Allen hopes to have com- Allen. Department of Justice in Wash pus, and organized the soul sented information in forms pleted her master degree in '. "I w~rk with lawyers and food dinner. Allen has orga- where students can actual re- Science Administration. Ten BY THE Collins vowed to use NUMBERS college time to its fullest Omicron Delta The time of year has arrived when certain students say good AMAUE SHAFFER Kappa, the Leadership she has participated in her most bye to their undergraduate college days and hello to a new c~ap- STAFF WRITER Honor Society proud moment was finishing ter in their lives. Everyone should know about your graduation, According to Dr. Debra , Trumpeters, a lead- her first semester of college as but a phone call is not enough. So there are personal announce- Lemke from the sociology de- ership honor society a freshman. ments, envelopes, thank you notes, return labels, and of course partment an outstanding stu- Peer Mentor "It was the toughest se- tissue inserts to be had. It depends on the amount of people you dent is someone who, "has a Student advisor for mester, r got bad grades, Ididn't Want to know you graduated to know how many p~rsonal an- high level of scholarship and the Council for the Maryland want to be: at COllegeanymore nouncements to buy. For example one can purchas:e: commitment to the college Higher Education Commis- and Iwas really homesick," said community. Someone who sion. Collins. $61.98 - Cap and Gown leaves the college a better Collins is also a part of Five years from now $6.98 - Souvenir Tassel place than when they came." the Black Student Union Collins hopes to have her mas- ters in Sociology and be work- Devin Collins, senior and $36.98 - Graduation Steins very involved student seems (8SU), the Hispanic-Latino ing toward her Doctorate in So- the (HLA), $84.46 - Self made Package #1 to exemplify this description Association Student Asso- ciology. Mulltcultural and Dr. Harlow Personalized Announcements $49.98 per 25 in Lemke's mind. ciation (MSA) and the Asian Johnson "Dr. Ross are with out a Collins helped start the Thank You Notes $22.98 per 25 Sociology club and is active Community Coalition doubt influential in my educa- "T only get one chance Envelope Seals $11.50per 25 in the Sociology Honor Soci- to be an undergraduate stu- tion, I would not have stayed her without them," said Collins. . 120 Return Labels . ety, Alpha Kappa Delta, dent and I want to use that which she is the president. A _Compiled by Amalie Shaffer few of the other things . time to my fullest potential," said Collins .: Collins is involved in are: Free time seems to be the Senior class non-existent for this busy se- Learn to Fly! president and a part of Stu- nior but she admits that di- dent Government Assembly recting the BSU Fashion (SGA); Pi GanunaMu Show is her time to hang out with friends and get away The International So- from the stresses of classes. at cial Science Honor SOciety Of all these positions Carroll county Regional Airport Psi Chi, which is the Collins hold in the honor so- Psychology Honor Society cieties and all the programs Congratulations Seniors! From Hoffman's Ice Cream Home Made Ice Cream & Ice Cream Cakes ilkshakes, Deli and Carryout, Sandwiches, and Sub Introductory Lesson Only $40 Ice Cream Shop: 7:00AM-10:00PM Thru May 31, 2005 With Current McDaniel College Student or Faculty ID Call (410) 876-7200 for a reservation subjeCIto Ayailability 934 Washington Road, Located 2 miles south of Westminster. 410-857-0824 Offer Applies 10 DA20 C-1 Only
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