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MAY 6, 2005 - Page 18 SENIOR TRIBUfE ~D And then...And then... ~ ~ ~rnf] Q)' inevitable question, ."What willyou be doing next?" Long before seniors cross the stage, fhey are asked the ~ o rrYO::l ~ U UlJ:.Q...ll" (l f'7f'rr:J CJ going to start real jobs or just relax. Here is a snapshot of Some seniors are off to graduate school; others are \Q..4J U l.S" what some of the graduate~ will be doing next. The Great Job Besdworth lands dream technology job with Anteon -"--------- viders of information tech- and playa hands-on role in the Central Intelligence Agency JENNI EVANS nology solutions. developing new equipment (CIA) _ both from which he has STAFF WRiTER After interning at for the Ll.S. Navy. not received any notification- While most seniors Anteon this past summer - It's no surprise thatWes Wes has decided that spend the lastfew months be- and successfully designing a is thrilled with his job pros- "[Anteon's] offer is better than fore graduation fretting over tool used to measure ships' peets. "I'm excited because I what the NSA and the CIA what they're going to do in electrical data - Bedsworth don't have to worry about it," would have offered me finan- "the real world," Mathemat- was offered a job at the corn- he says. "Twon't have to fran- cially, speaking strictly from ics major Wes Bedsworth is pany as an associate engi- tically hunt for work like oth- what people [outside the com- surprisingly calm when neer,a position he'll assume ers do - I'll be able to 'walk penies] have told me." asked about his future plans. soon after his graduation. into a job.'" So what advice would Maybe it's because he has Bedsworth will be re- Not only is the job quite Wes give to undergraduates nothing to fret' about in the sponsible not only for tech- convenient, the pay doesn't still uncertain about their fu- first place; he's already se- nical duties within the com- look too shabby, either. After ture? "Be involved and be cured a job with Anteon, one pany, but he'll also push for applying to both the National busy," he says. "And don't rush of the nation's leading pro- new business opportunities Security Agency (NSA) and it or be in a hurry to get out. The GradStudent: Shinholt enters UMBC's Sociology Masters Program tor, which she describes as school," Shinholt says, "[I to the professors here on cam- CHANAN DELIVUK "several steps up from an will have a] little more pride pus. The professors are "full That person is remark- STAFF WRITER able, intelligent, and kind. R.A" in my work .. .I have already of information" and are really Shinholt hopes life after gradu- While most seniors are Shinholt remembers achieved my Bachelor's." concerned with her "personal counting down the days to her firstday of freshman year But getting to that life," Shinholt notes. From Dr. ate school will enable her to do what she loves best. "help graduation, others, like Erin as if it were only yesterday. bachelor's degree has not Shin, her sociology advisor, people in some way." Shinhoit, are counting down She had to wake at the early been an easy task. Shinholt to Elizabeth van den Berg, the days until the start of a new hour of 6:30 a.m. to make her was a conunuter for her first her theatre professor, the pro- realm of study ... Grad School. new daily commute for an two years here at McDaniel, fessors are always interested Shinholt is a SOCiology 8:00 a.m. class. For the first so it wasn't until her junior and concerned both academi- major with minors in theatre, time, Shinholt felt the "I am yeat as a resident assistant cally and personally, she psychology, and human re- in college" feeling. (RA) that she really was able added. sources development. After Now, as she 'enters to "Jive on campus and getIn- "I learned so much graduation Shinholt will enter graduate school, the same volved." about myself and others," UMBC's SOCiology Masters feeling of "working towards One involvement that says Shinholt about van den program, and she will work as a finished goal" reoccurs. Shinholt has valued and goes Berg. "[She] transformed me an assistant community direc- "The first day of grad on and on about is in relation into who I am today" The Wonderer:: Cavey is happily riding the limbo train ... for now riding on the limbo train for keting and public relations, ALYSE HOLLOMON thing in public relations or else [know. Everyone is wor- STAFF WRiTER but Ireally could do anything marketing or something like ried about finding jobs and A Communications ma- or nothing at all and be pretty that but I can do that later," When' most seniors jor with a minor in Business, content with that," she said. stated Cavey. apartments, but I'm really in no graduate, they have a pian, Cavey's not too sure why she She is currently unsure Cavey does know, how- hurry to start stressing about it. some plan. It might be gradu- even picked that major. about what she wants to do ever that she wants to even- That's no way to spend your ate school, or a challenging job. "I'm interested in mar- as a career or even where she tually own her own business. last semester here," said Cavey. It might be a temporary, mind- wants to live. She does know As of right now she doesn't Even though Cavey has less job that earns lots of cash. that after graduation she is have the money to do some- this relaxed attitude, her mom The plan might include a few going to live in Ocean City, thing like that and like other isn't so laid back about it. She months of down time and then Maryland and continue man- things in her life she doesn't sends gentle bribes and com- work for the family business. aging a shop that she has know what type of business pany names often. No matter the course - there's been working at for several it would be. "I'm Sure I'll figure some- a plan. summers. She thinks it's funny thing out, I'm not worried Unless you are Laura "I thought of getting a that she has such a relaxed at- about it at all. Things always Cavey. Determined not to pol- job but I don't know what titude about her future. "I work out and I'll figure some- lute her senior year with stress kind of job I would get. I think it's easier cause I'm not thing out," concluded Cavey. about the future- she's happily guess r would look for some- stressing out like everyone The Wanderer:one more piece to her puzzle; Roth travels in Europe TODD KNEPPER venture could be considered entire month Chava's time on the Hill. One cooking, hiking, and playing STAFF WRiTER "planned spontaneity." The As for now, departure is of her proudest accomplish- basketball. She also finds time "Travel changes who you "planned" portion comes scheduled for January of ments was successfully to take rides on her horse are as a person each and every from her need to recharge her 2006, due to fulltime summer switching her major from Bi- named "Tootsie." time," says senior English ma- mental battery before head- employment at the College ology half way through her With so much going on in jor Chava Roth. "Every place ing off to grad school and her Bookstore and the everlasting college career. Accordingly, her life, this voyage seems ideal you go adds a little piece to hope to broadenher traveling grad school application fuss. the entire English Depart- as a means to let loose and kick your individual puzzle." experience. The "spontane- Cambridge, where she ment, specifically the Writing • back ~efore c?nquering her Hopefully backpacking in ous" portion comes from her has previously studied, Center, has become a tightly Australia for a month after choice of travel and destina- Stanford, and Cornell are knit on-campus family to graduation will not be the final tion. She was influenced by amongChava's top choices of Chava. She is ultimately piece of Chava's puzzle. a Travel Channel snippet on Grad Schools. She plans on grateful for the relationships Friends have told her that she Australia. It was then that obtaining a PHD in English that come with attending a will love Europe so much that she convinced herself to go Literature, focusing in Liter- small school. she will not want to return to "down under" and learn how ary Theory, 18 th Century Brit- Although she is known the States; however, she has to surf. Chava decided to ish Literature, and 20 th Cen- as a "workaholic," Chava heard it all before, especially backpack because it's eco- tury Southern American lit- manages to find time away after spending time in England nomical. Continuing the erature. from the classroom. She en- and Spain last sununer. theme of spontaneity, she'll Ironically, English has joys jotting down songs and She explained that this be staying in hostiles for the not always consumed most of poetry, reading, gourmet
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