Page 134 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 134
MAY 6, 2005 ~Page 10 SPORTS Modest softball team becomes congenial winners keeping their chances of go- again, hitting two homeruns MIKE HABEGGER ing into the playoffs alone in and driving in six. She fin- before sweeping York (PA),5- opponents helped the team SPORTS EDITOR 0,5-4. learn and build. second place alive, if ishes the season leading the "It was a shock, consid- Smack. A bali flies high Dickinson could have de- Terror with a batting average ering the past two years," From there, McDaniel into the air. Fans sitting next to feated Ursinus. of .337. said Mitchell. "We played won fourteen out of sixteen games, sweeping conference left field lose the ball in the sun. The first game was won But at the beginning of against some tough oppo- rivals Washington, Haverford, It looks as if it will never come by McDaniel as well, 1-0. the season, things didn't look nents, so the losses weren't and Dickinson. The winning down. Somewhere along the Shortstop Samantha Smith so great; the team got off to a necessarily horrible." She spree was led by Megan foul line, a man spills a cup of scored the only run in the rough start. On April a'", the added that playing down in Mitchell, who went hitless in coffee. The date isMay t-, 2005. third inning. Megan Mitchell Terror had a record of 3-10 Virginia against some ranked her first seven games. She bat- Is that Miguel Tejada circling was credited with the RBI on ted .502 with 2 HR and 5 RBIin the bases just now? No. It is the a base hit. The RBI was a span of eight games, includ- bottom of the ninth, extra in- Mitchell's 13 th on the season. ing a doubleheader against nings. The ball flies over the With the wins, the Washington where she went 4- fence, out of reach of the de- McDaniel Softball team com- 6. moralized opponent. The fans pletes another successful sea- "When the conferences roar, the game is over. This is son, again making the play- started, we scratched off the McDaniel College Softball. , offs for the 5 th straight season. record," said Mitchell. "We for- In the season finale, a. The Centennial Conference make-up doubleheader against began softball playoffs in got about the beginning of the season." Muhlenberg, Senior Caitlin 2001, and McDaniel has The team anticipates per- Burns was as clutch as clutch reached the postseason every forming as well again this sea- can possibly get. On Senior subsequent year. Western son during championships as Day, traditionally the last home Maryland College won they did in 2004. The women game of the season, Burns went championships in 2002 and made won the championship 4-for-6 on the day with a pair 2004, while in 2003 and 2001, from the second seed last year, of walks and four RBIs. the team finished first in the and will strive to do the same "It was great," said Junior Centennial Conference for first base from Ellicott City the regular season. this season from the third seed. "{We] expect the same Megan Mitchell. "Being our All three teams, thing," explained Mitchell. The only senior and hitting ... a two- McDaniel, Ursin us, and team hopes that it can hit the run shot walk-off homerun ... [it Gettysburg are tied with ball well as they have done all was the] best way to end her three conference losses at the season, and see what happens last home game and career at conclusion of the season. from there. McDaniel." They will face each other on It was the most important May 7 th • McDaniel receives Said Mitchell, "We go in game of the season for the the third seed and will play tied, all three with three losses Green Terror, to gain momen- Ursinus. On Monday, the in the conference, and we hope tum for the playoffs after tak- Green Terror defeated to come out on top." ing a tough loss to #1 Swarthmore 9-1 and 14-2. And this is the type of at- Gettysburg. Winning meant Caitlin Burns came up big Junior Sam Smith dives for a ground ball titude that makes modest stu- dents into congenial winners. Good Luck Terror. Kim Lowry loves laughter, leadership by example ERIN POTASH The most difficult as- guise" because this experi- for a lacrosse game, Lowry STAFF WRITER pectofherjobwas "being ob- ence prompted her to tryout received the Martin Richard Carpenter in the Exer- jective and putting my foot for the lacrosse team where Oswiesimka Memorial cise Science and Physical Edu- down," said Lowry. she was captain for two sea- Award, which stands for cation Department, and her As Kim Lowry pushes Her sense of fairness sons. grandfather, Dale Lowry. through the door of Hoover and good judgment was Head Women's La- leadership, involvement in Lowry nods her head vigor- extracurricular activities and Library's Common Area a grin learned from parents, Dave crosse Coach Marjorie Bliss sports. Her sorority nomi- ously when telling a friend that appears on her face. Her curly, and Christine Lowry, and be- says that Lowry is a player her grandfather is her "advisor brown hair is pulled back in a Ing the oldest of six Siblings who "commands respect, but nated her for both awards al- for life" and that before she 10~ing Lowry to fill out ap- ponytail. She sits down at the that include a brother, twin also gives respect" and has an plications and obtain recom- came to college he had her en- table and slips into a long sisters and two stepbrothers. ability to conununicate effec- mendations. tire four years of school sleeve Brew Thru shirt greeting Separated when Lowry was tively with others and really "I got lucky," Lowry planned out. "He's like Rain a friend with a nickname she young, her parents live "get to the heart of the per- said. Man!" Lowry exclaimed. has given the friend and only nearby and remain close son." Causing Lowry much Lowry is someone spe- she can use. "Hey Potts!" she friends. A true leader by ex- anticipation are her post- ~ cial, her friends agree. Omega giggles. Born in Silver Spring, ample, Lowry was tested last graduation plans. For the advisor Kathryn Crowe de- A senior at McDaniel, Md., Lowry has lived most of year when she tore her ante- scribes her as "someone whO Lowry is greatly involved in the her life in Carroll County, at- rior eructate ligament or ACL summe~ she is moving to can do it all," referring to the Ocean CIty, Md., with friends school. She plays both soccer tending South Carroll High during the soccer season. For before she returns to two sports she participates in, and lacrosse. Outside of the School where she lettered in the majority of the soccer sea- McDaniel in the fall to play her involvement in the sorority sports world, she loves to go to soccer, basketball and Ia- son and for the entirety of la- soccer, and then lacrosse in and how she excels in academ- the beach, write, shop, and go crosse. crosse, she was forced to lead the spring. Lowry hopes to ics. Her grade point average to concerts. Her favorite con- She chose Mcl.ianlel so by voice, explained Bliss. She last semester was a 3.788. cert was Kenny Chesney, who she could play both soccer was cleared by doctors and travel to England to coach la- . This girl certainly can "do she saw this past summer. She and basketball. "I'm passion- trainers to play lacrosse for crosse with two teammates It all," but according to every- has been president, until re- ate about basketball," Lowry her final season, but red and close friends, Kristin cently, of the Alpha Nu Omega declares and as her eyes grow sooted in hopes to continue Ramey and co-captain [illian ~:::;,~~:~es~:~;~~~~~~;i~ sorority since her sophomore big with the words she recalls to rehabilitate her knee allow- Farrell during the sununer of make people laugh. Both BI.iSS year. the "devaslattng" day when ing her to perform at her best 2006 and possibly longer. and, Crowe said what they like She explains that the she was not chosen to be a come next year. For her career goals, most about Lowry is her sense terms run from spring to fall member of the team. Lowry is a standout Lowry plans to use her de- of humor. An example of and since she will be graduat- Lowry, a positive and athlete and was recognized gree in Sports and Entertain_ Lowry's fun-loving personality ing in May she was not allowed uplifting person, quickly for her contributions recently ment Marketing and Man- was provided by Bliss. She to be re-elected president. adds with raised eyebrows by receiving the award for agement to do something in starts to giggle as she takes out Asked how it felt to be elected that she believes "everything Greek Athlete of the Year. a related field. She devel- the Wom~n's Lacrosse media president as a sophomore, happens for a reason" and Also during the Greek oped this major with the help g~ide, opening up to Lowry:S of professor Joe Carter in the Lowry remembered that she that "it was a blessing in dis- Awards, which she missed Business Department, pIcture. Her smiling face IS did not want to be the presi- Dr. j: complemented by her side po- dent; instead, she wanted to Kim Lowry can "do it all," but according to everyone nytail reminiscent of the 1980s. work her way up gradually, but "The best sound in the now looking back on the expe- interviewed, including Lowry, what she can do best is make World is someone laughing," rience she decides it was better people laugh. says Lowry and everywhere to be "thrown into the role." she goes., she will be sure to hear that Sound.
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