Page 137 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 137
............................... MAY 6, 2005 - Pa~e 13 This academic year has been marked with landmark celebrations as well as the departure of some of the college's finest faculty and staff members. The college community has celebrated championships and academic successes; it has also hoped to quickly turn pages in the college's history of some not-so-proud moments. What follows is the year- in-review - as we turn back the pages of this year's issues of The McDaniel Free Press. SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER Enrollment ofnew students at McDaniel College dipped by 20 percent, which results in "inVi~ibl~'~::~;~~~:paper delivery boy and door-to-doorencyclopedia salesman,Tom Falkner jumps into campus lifeas provost a~d.d~a,~of faculty. I' Sports headlines scream "Back to Virginia to celebrate the football team s 14-11 victory against Bridgewater in its season opener. News that Dr. Robert Sapora faces OWl charges rocks campus; Sapora takes leave of absence (PHOTO BOTTOM RIGHT). Students 'buy in' on poker fever - the popularity of the game becomes contagious. . The tailgating tradition continues and ~error football's 31-0 stampeded over Gettysburg gives fans reason to cheer, eat good. food and.dnnk .... sodas.. '. . Baseball pitcher Joey Morningstar is Involved a tragic ~otorcycle accident that inspires the college community to donate record amountS of.blood dunng a Red Cross blood drive (PHOTO Thirteen members of the 1959 soccer team meet with current soccer team members who have already had a tumultuous 8-5-3 season. The bond with the older team members proved to be a strong inspiration all year. NOVEMBER - DECEMBER .. . . . . . Broadcast journalist Jon Lie?er~a~, who. was fired by ~mclalr Broadcast Gro~'p after he VOicedconcern about biased news durmg the election season, tells students that the journalism profession still has ItSheroes and ItSstrong role models .. Rose Falkner's work for the Study Abroad program boosts the number of a record ~igh and earns the program accol.ades at home and aboard. Men's soccer takes second in conference tournament. The team defeated Swarthmore 10 1-0 overtime game, but fell to Johns Hopkins 1-0 after a hard-fought battle. o eration Shoebox and Greek organizations on campus ensure that soldiers rece~ve so~ks, food an~ cheer. . . p The college radio station comes alive and ISrocking. Wom~n's basketball returns in style; Men's basketball stumbles. FEBRUARY - MARCH After 22 years at McDaniel College, Associate Dean of the First-Year Program Barbara Horneff packs of her office and finds challenges and joy working at a local high school. Dr. Bob Sapora is found guilty of driving under the influence by a Carroll County jury and is told to spend 10 days in the Carroll County Detention Center beginning June 1. Big wave rocks students spending the semester at sea. Junior Andrea Bock and sophomore Meghan Ambra got more than they expected on the trip when gale force winds whipped the ship and fueled 50 foot waves. Mclsaruellaunches a wireless network by identifying WiFi "hot spots" in places like Ensor Lounge, the pub and coffee house. Students with lap tops and the right software can open up and fire lip when internet connection is needed. An edgy production of Tile Vagina Monologues raised awareness and fund for anti-violence groups in the local community (PHOTO ON LEFT). Assistant Coach Ryan Hines leaves the Terror football team; wrestling takes second in con- ference championship. . h M ledges drop out of initiation and recruitm~nt process and courageously tell college admin~strator they have ~a:~n~~P haofh~~ng on campus. Ultimately, the ~orority is klck~d off campus for three years. Appeal is pending. g 'b ketball team captures centennial conference title. TonyHoward f~~ishes in fifth place in the 174-pound weight class at the NCAA Division III National Wrestling Champi- onships. AY APRIL.:"1 ram at McDaniel College is revamped; most of the orientation process goes online. The first y~~r Ptr~gdefiesall medical odds and recuperates well enough to journey with the college baseball team to F!ord~ j~~~~~r;::~r:ak. Morningstar hopes to begin classes again Fall Semester 2005. Optimism continues to fuel his recovery. " " harged with hazing after campus safety officers, during routine check, walk. in on what appears to be The Betes are c, fraternity is kicked off campus for five years. Appeals to President Joan Develin Coley are pending. PhysicaJ~~~:~ ~~::~:ocate Elie Wiesel receives and honorary degree from McDaniel College and shares his message of hope with the cOllefel~?'~~:S~~' from his position as head coach of the men's basketball team after four difficult seasons. ~:c~r~~e;be~Srand students debate the value of student evaluations. Turning Back the Pages on National News September 2004: CBS claims Bush received special treatment October 2004: Flu vaccine contaminated, millions of doses destroyed November 2004: Bush reelected in after narrow victory over Kerry December 2004: Enormous earthquake, ensuing tidal wave devastate Asia January 2005: 8.5 million Iraqis tum out for groundbreaking election February 2005: Professional hockeyseason canceled after lengthy negotiations March 2005: Congress intervenes in case of brain-damaged woman, feeding tube eventually removed April 2004: Pope John Paul II dies, German replacement named (Source:
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