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·MAY6,2005 - Page 14 SENIOR TRIBUTE .Greek Awards Greek Man of the Year On April 27, 2005 several of our favorite Greeks received awards for their outstanding chapter and com- Alpha Sigma Phi munity service. members Jason Fratto (Left), Chapter Awards: Brian Patterson Outstanding Chapter Scholarship (Center) "Greek Alpha Sigma Phi 3.32 Man of the Year", PhiMu 3.26 and Mark Yankovich Outstanding New Member Scholarship Alpha Sigma Phi 3.21 (Right) celebrate Phi Mu 3.14 at their annual Black and White Outstanding Philanthropic Service Formal. Alpha Sigma Phi Phi Sigma Sigma Individual Awards Outstanding Greek President Jonathan Fitzgerald, Alpha Sigma Phi Jennifer "Bean" DUf11pert, Phi Mu Ebony White reflects on her Outstanding Greek Athlete Kim Lowry, Alpha Nu Omega Chad Keller, Alpha Sigma Phi year as a resident assistant Greek Woman of the Year Jennifer "Bean" Dumpert, Phi Mu ALYSE HOLLOMON "1 picked Whiteford having with a roommate or STAFF WR1TER because T thought that my someone on the floor. White personality would fit well Greek Man of the Year Ebony' White is one of with first year students," also sets up various activities Brian Patterson, Alpha Sigma Phi the first people that first year , White said. "... they are a lot for the girls on her floor to get students in the ground floor more open to advice and are to know each other and her bet- of Whiteford Hall got to less troublesome than upper ter. Martin Oswiecimka Memorial Award know this year. White, a se- classmen." These activities include Kim Lowry, Alpha Nu Omega nior Sociology major and an An RA has to be, "re- socials where the girls come Elementary Education minor, sponsible, have a good moral and hang out in the ground floor lounge and special holi- Outstanding Chapter Advisor has been an RA for two years. code of ethics, understand day activities such as pumpkin Dr. Brian W1adkowski, Phi Kappa Sigma Even though being RA takes confidentiality, lead by ex- carving for Halloween. a lot of dedication, White has ample, work well on a team, found the time to be involved and handle confronting oth- White ·has even had a Outstanding Professor in numerous activities and to ers in a responsible manner," guest speaker come in to inform Dr. Herb Smith, Political Science be a role model to future RAs. stated Rachel Spencer, the the girls on her floor about sex White grew up in Resident Life Coordtnaro- for education. White is eager to set Distinguished Service Award Certificates Washington D.C. attending Whiteford and Rouzer Halls. up activities such as these to educate and keep the girls on Catholic or private schools Betsy Beveridge, Phi Mu only. McDaniel, a private col- "Ebony isvery genuine, what her floor involved. Jennifer "Bean" Dumpert, Phi Mu lege, caught White's attention you see is what you get and While being in Whiteford, first year students appreciate Britnie Greene, Phi Mu because it was small and that." White's different activities and Amber Grimes, Phi Mu there seemed to be more in- "RAs for [first year stu- open personality has helped in- fluence other girls to be RAs. Natalie Hardy, Phi Sigma Sigma teraction between professors - dents] do have a unique re- "I encourage others to be and students. She became sponsibility - they are getting involved in the school com- their residents at a stage that RAs. If they have the right type Gamma Sigma Alpha GPA Awards rnuruty by joining the Black is so important for adjust- of outgoing personality then I (goes to each man and woman with the highest Student Union, Porn Dance ment, success at the academic encourage them before they cumulative GPA in each class) Team, S.T.A.Y.,Gospel Choir, level, and most of all, for re- even Come to me," comrnentsd White. and the Sociology Club. tention," said Dr. Jean Shin, Being an RA didn't White has enjoyed her Sophomore cross her mind until she was Assistant Professor of Sociol- time as being an RA and being [erma Swartz, Phi Mu nominated to be one by a ogy and Acting Associate involved with so many stu- Pat O'Toole, Alpha Sigma Phi friend during her sophomore Dean of Academic Affairs. dents. Her eagerness to work "As such, RAs not only need year. For her junior year, she to be leaders in terms of resi- with others, mainly children, Junior decided to give it a try. dence life, but they also need will help her with her job in the Summer and it will help her "1 chose to become an Jonathan Fitzgerald, Alpha Sigma Phi RA because I thought it to be role models for how to When she returns to Jodi Hunter, Phi Sigma Sigma would be· a good challenge be a successful student who Westminster next fall-to com- both in demands balances for me and an opportunity to and out of the classroom." plete student teaching for her Senior be more largely involved on White uses her leader- teaching certification. Being an RA started out . Liz Stavis, Phi Mu campus," White said. ship skills to help the girls on as a suggestion from a friend, White started as an RA Randy May, Alpha Sigma Phi for McDaniel Hall and then her floor adjust to being at and turned into a memory and college and living with new for her senior year she de- people. . experience that White will cided to be an RA for first She is always available never forget. . year students in Whiteford to talk and mediate problerns Hall. that anyone of them may be
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