Page 143 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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MAY6, 2005 Page 19 SPORTS Gospel Choir, rooftop chats thrilled Quashie ButQuashie will be the first to Alliance, the Multi-Cultural tors, and she also enjoys lis- sibly even her Doctorate. ANDREA PURCARO admit that her-journeythrouch Student Association, and the, tening to music by Gwen When asked if she was STAFF WRITER collegewas the most meaning- Student Government Asso- Stefani, Mas Def and 'Ialibe scared about her approaching ful years of her life.. dation. She was also a mem- Kweli. graduation date she confi- Senior Arnelle Quashie Sinceher arrival In 2002, ber of the Black Student With extra-curricular dently answered, "I've got no hails from Boston, Massachu- Quashie has immersed herself Union, and served as a Rest- activities, friends, and often fearatall,just total excitement." setts and the journey to in a variety of activities, in- dent Advisor, Admissions' a part time job, it is hard to Arnelle credtts her friends McDaniel College seemed far. eluding the Hispanic Latino Tour Guide, and a host for imagine how Arnelle could and family with supporting her Multi Cultural Student Week- have fit in a full schedule of throughout her college experi- end. classes and homework as ence; after graduation, she says Ultimately,Arnelle said, well. that she will miss the easy ac- her most meaningful and en- However, she did en- cess she currently has to aU of joyable experiences involved joy many of her classes, in- her friends. the Gospel Choir, with which eluding "The Art of Great For the undergraduates, she sang for four years. Song," taught by Eric Byrd. Arnelle leaves behind this ad- lnthelittlefree-timeshe With encouragement vice: "Go out of your comfort has had Arnelle managed to from professors in the Soci- zone. This will you grow to hold several part time jobs ology Department, she de- your full potential, which is throughout her four years at cided to major in Social important for everyone to do." McDaniel. She also enjoys Work and minor in Sociol- In May, Arnelle Quashie talking on the phone, watch- ogy. After graduating in will move from the comfort of Ing movies, and "rooftop May, she would like to stay life at McDaniel into a new life chats" with her friends. in the area and focus on a that she hopes is full of adven- She notes that Denzel career with adolescents. ture, friends and reward. Washington and Tom Hanks Eventually she would like to are her two of her favorite ac- pursue her Masters and pos- zzz...Donelson donates time, energy, sleep , junior year and pres~den: se- der 21 years of age. vorite movies "Remember CHANAN DELIVUK nior year and was vtctonous "Merchants should the Titans" as she tries to de- "This year, we have co- STAFF WRITER abide by law," explained sponsored so many different . in both. scribe SGA's success thus events and have done a great Every Wednesday, whl~e Aside from the SGA, Donelson. "lt is there for a far: "Attitude reflects lead- job at communicating to the most students are in then Donelson is involved with an reason and despite what one ership, Captain." Overall, various organizations that if dorms watching television or assortment of organizations believes, to ignore it is with Donelson as the cap- you need money, come to us," wrong." pOssibly doing some hor_n~- that keep.her occupied all se- tain, SGA has been able to reasoned Donelson, "WIth less work, SGA President FehCla mester long. From resident Donelson's work on do more than it has ever than $5,000 left in the account Donelson prepares for th.e assistant of the first floor in and off campus exemplify done. and the year is not over, Iwould night's meeting. "Being in this Albert Norman Ward Hall to what fellow SGA Vice Presi- Previously organiza- have to say that we have done Organization meant sacrifice of the college liaison/intern .for dent Laura Tluerer says are tionsjust wanted the SGAto a fabulous job of simply spend- time, energy, and sleep," the National Capital Coalition Donelson'S strongest traits. give them money during al- ing the money on various Donelson said, laughing. to Prevent Underage Drinking She is a "strong black locations. Now, according to events for the students." Born and raised in Wash- (NCCPUD), Donelson's in- woman," Thierer said. "She is Donelson, each organization "As president, T had a vi- ington, D.C.,Donelson grew up volvement reveals her dedica- also charismatic, energetic, is asked to present their sion of what I wanted SGA to around politics."While in high tion and pledge "to preserve and passionate." typed proposals before the do for the campus. I had a vi- school, she took an active role the spirit of the Hill" as all Donelson is proud of SGA during their weekly sion and T gave it my best," in various organizations and SGA members do once her ability to reach out to oth- meetings, or prior to alloca- Donelson said. clubs. She thrived in the small elected. ers, especially other campus tions. leaders. She and President atmosphere of her private nator Residence Life Coordi- Joan Develin Coley practi- Amanda Isaac, has school, and recognized sorn~of taken' notice to Donelson's cally,"call each other sisters," the same qualities at McDarueJ. she said. And Coley confirms McDaniel quickly became her leadership qualities. "She is a that she has "been extremely top pick for college. . very warm, energetic indi- impressed with her Each year, Donelson said, vidual. She has a unique way she feels like she has climbed a of motivating her peers," said [Donelson'S 1 ability, her drive, and her warm person- "ladder of success." She has Isaac. As the liaison for the ality." been involved with the SGA NCCPUD, one of Donelson's Donelson's complex since her freshman year, and position as president is not thatSCA work linked well with most exciting positions in- easy and is one that she says her political science major. cluded undercover work as takes "dedication, de- During her sophomore year, the youth advocate with the termination, and patience> Donelson ran for the class rep- Metropolitan Police Depart- As the year winds resentative and won. Once she ment. That undercover work down, Donelson describes Was an official member, mostly Involved walking into her involvement .with the Donelson said that the ladder various stores to see if mer- SCA as an experience that she just went higher and highe~. chants would sell her alcohol wouldn't change a bit. She She ran for several officer POSI- without carding her and/or tions, such as vicepresident her without care that she was un- quotes from the one of her fa- SENIORS-AT-A-GLANCE MAYRA VASQUEZ KORRIE LENTZ . ed her McDaniel career in the Social Work de- Korrie Lentz knew immediately that she wanted to major in Social Work af- Mayra Vasqu.ez~asSenJ.orWork has provided her with some enjoyable ter meeting Professor Corbin and Doctors Rees and Orzolek-Kronner. Partment. Her major In .oc~,a d "Human Behavior and the Social Environ- classes such as "The Famil.Y ed liberal arts classes like "Fundamental Ques- "Everyone was so caring," she said, "and really seemed concerned about ~ent,." but. she has ~ls~~~};Zstory of Westem Art rand IL" .each individual student. The social work department does a wonderful job of pre- paring their students for pursuing the social work occupation." Ions In PhIlo~o_phy a rself in five years as a licensed social worker with a Korrie knows that she wants to work with children, but her certification as S~e.envls.iOnshe She advises undergraduates to "not be afraid tojump both an elementary school teacher and a social worker "will make the decision ~aster s m SocialWork. d n't think you're ready for them. Trust yourself very hard." mto things just because yo~ .tOwilibe evident to other people. Don't expect to She advises uncertain undergraduates to "just follow your heart and it will because if you trustyour~e I is what leads to improvement." be perfect because experience all fall into place with time. Be sure to scout out all the options and the various majors at the college. Get to know your department well. It will help you out in the long run. Most importantly, have fun]"
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