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MAY 6, 2004 - Page 12 SPORTS McIntire stepped up as a leader Talarovich could really ROBCOEKE out as well. It showed her stick it to the competition SPORTS WRJTER character," said Powell. "With nine freshmen, she The look on Becky wanted to build team unity." AMALIE SHAFFER Martin's face said it all. As she She was not the leading SPORTS WRITER spoke of the impact senior Toby scorer this year. But during McIntire has had on the the season, she broke the The left wing starter women's basketball team, tears school's career assist record. for the McDaniel Field began to stream from her eyes. However, when nearing the Hockey team, Kristin "There is no question that mark, Mcintire was still so Talerovich, is a senior with Toby was the heart and soul of focused on making the team a lot more to offer than this team. She was the beacon successful that she did not speed and good stick skills. of light that everyone looked to realize that she was close. Talarovich is from-Ashton for this team to be successful," "I did not know it was Pennsylvania and is an Ex- Martin said. "But T would say happening until the day of ercise Science Major. She is Kristin Talarovirh was a standout that this year, it will be bitter- ketball season. For the first the game but it is always seen as very sociable on for the field hockey team during sweet to watch that young lady time in Martin's coaching great to break records," and off the field by her her four year tenure. walk across the stage." tenure, "the freshmen com- McIntire said. teanunates. Freshmen Col- Martin and McIntire have ing into the program out- The season ended with leen Nugent and during warm up before a grown close to each other while numbered the upperclass- a close loss, but Mclntire does Carolanne Bianco both de- game in her junior year. Even McIntire has been here. men." Being the only senior, not regret anything. scribed her as a very re- with the adversity she over- McIntire has formed a bond Mclnttre had the arduous "Sure, you want to win spectful person towards came it and was named a re- with the McDaniel Campus task of helping all the new the championship, but we both players and coaches gional All-American at the that will last far beyond her faces integrate into the team's still got farther than anyone and very easy going. end of the 2003 field hockey May 22 graduation date. camaraderie. expected," McIntire said. "She constantly ex- season. "I could not have asked "Each team has a way The semester is nearing pects more of herself and Although uncertain ex- for a better senior season in bas- to helping freshmen get inrro- its conclusion. A leader is never gives up until she has actly where-she wants to go ketball or a better senior year," duced into the program. I re- about to move on. Respect. achieve {her goal]," said after graduation Talarovich sad Mclntire. member, Toby mentioning "I use the analogy of a Head Lacrosse and Field has been accepted to Spring- With the sounds of the that she wanted to make sure high jumper. When you start Hockey Coach Muffie Bliss. field College in Massachu- Green Terror Squad still echo- that the freshmen that came questioning how high the bar Talarovich had to re- setts and is looking currently ing inside of Gill Gym every- in had it better than she did is, that is when self-doubt cover from an eye accident at University of Delaware for one still in ecstasy from the and felt more a part of the starts. Toby is not fhat kind when she was hit by the graduate school to get her Green Terror's Sweet Sixteen team," said Martin. of person. Her response is not end of a stick on someone's masters. She wants to be a berth in the NCAA tournament, Instead of treating the to ask how high it is but to back swing in her left eye dietician. all must remember that the underclassmen in the hateful keep moving it up and keep team's lone senior and starting manner that she had once going," Martin said. point guard was Mclntire. been treated as a freshman, "She is a tremendous McIntire took the high road, leader," said freshman Katy giving all the new players a Powell, who was also on the loving welcome to McDaniel. This Pope was a Terror to the team. . "That takes a special At the same time, the individual to do that," Mar- team's success was more than tin said. With the team posting a opposition, friend to all others Mcintire's impact. "But ail of our success 25-4 recording and advanc- would not have happened ing deeper into the JOE HORROCKS most touchdowns (2) in a game without the fifteen other play- postseason than any other SENIOR SPORTS WRJTER at Dickinson in 2001. ers and Toby is aware of that," team in school history, this "I was at the Dickinson said Martin. approach brought results. Over the past four years game and remember him just Mcintire faced a large re- "All the upperclassmen you may have noticed a small coming out of piles of people sponsibility entering the bas- were nice, but Toby helped friendly fellow walking and galloping up the sidelines for the scores," says Steve Peed, Pickett's successful swimming along, in your classroom, or McDaniel Sports Information out one night. Well this small guy was as big as they come ~~~,?r. 'P really was some-- career comes to an end over the past four years here French took to the mats in to return to school to get his at McDaniel College. French 2002 for the first time wrestling MIKESEFF MBA as he pursues a career Pope is a leader and has par- SPORTS WRITER ticipated in three sports and at the 14?-pound weight class in accounting. But Pickett for the Centennial Conference Although he will be says his experience here at ROTC on top of his normal Champion Terror. He wrestled graduating from McDaniel McDaniel was one he will school load. He has had great again the following year as the . College this May, Dan Pickett never forget. success in every aspect of his Terror fell just short of another certainly has left a legacy on "[My teammates] were collegiate life and was a bless- title falling to U~sinus, but Green Terror athletics. This the best group of guys I've ing for this campus. and has just gotten better and didn't wrestle his senior season. past season, Pickett com- ever had in my life, this year Pope, a senior, is from better and deserves all the All in all French was just a role pleted an astounding four- especially," Pickett said. "A Germantown, MD where he praise in the world for what player on the wrestling squad, year career here at McDaniel lot of people asked me if I'd attended high school at he has accomplished over the but contributed a lot to the on the swim team. have rather worked instead Northwest and participated years," says head track coach team. During the season, of swam, but there was no in four sports including foot- Doug Renner. Pope only was a guy who "Pope Pickett managed to set sev- way. They' awesome ball, wrestling and track in competed in two outdoor worked really hard and got oth- eral pool and conference group. I'm going to miss which he competed here as meets, but the potential was ers ready to wrestle," says records that will most likely them next year. I wouldn't ..., well. there and he would definitely former teammate and assistant take quite some time to be' have traded my time with He came to then West- build off of it. wrestling coach Davey Blake. broken. To cap off his O\.1t- them for anything." ern Maryland College 'as a Over his years he at 'standing season, Pickett confident freshman defen- McDaniel, Pope has had a tre- "It was a pleasure to get to took home two gold sive back and return special- mendous amount of success. wrestle with him and to know him." medals at the Centennial ist looking to get some play- He has been a part of four Pope also played a role on Conference champion- ing time for the defending conference championship the track team. He was part of conference champions. ships this past February. squads (3 football, 1 wres- the champion 4xlOOm relay He became the team's Pope quickly became tling) and also a part of the team at last year's Centennial first champion by win- an important part of the Ter- 4xlOOm relay conference Championships. Pope majors ning both the 200- and ror football machine. He be- championship unit. He has in Mathematics/ Computer 400-yard individual came the team's starting punt garnered All-Conference Science. From everyone Italked Medleys. return man and he didn't dis- honors in football three times to and my own personal expe- After graduation, appoint. He finished the year being named to the second the Hanover, Pa. native with 34 returns for 390 yards team as a return specialist. He riences, French is a great person Pickett will be working Senior swimming guru Dan Pickett will and one touchdown. holds 4 school records for who I have never heard a bad thing about in four years. as an accountant for T. regret leaving his team and his amazing I,you know French is a football as a returner includ- Rowe Price. He intends career to pursue a career in accounting. guy that always works hard ing most yards (170) and
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