Page 59 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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SPORTS MAY6,2004 - Page 13 New turf highlights Ravens deal Women's golf soundly wins JOE HORROCKS. lege helps us give conference championship SENIOR SPORTSWRITER OUf players the right atmosphere Since 1996 the Baltimore for learning, and Ravens have called McDaniel the access for fans PAT OTOOLE SPORTS EDITOR College their summer home is e~,syand pleas- and a new deal will keep the ant. 2001 Super Bowl Champions The Ravens When one hears the here through 2010. The two and McDaniel term "powerhouse," the sides signed a new six year deal were both featured sports that usually come to mind are the likes of foot- that calls for some changes at in the summer of ball, basketball, and soccer. McDaniel. 2001 as HBO vis- It is not very often that a The new agreement ited the campus to team outside of this group brings along a new addition to The field in Scott S. Bair stadium is undergoing a shoot a documen- isable to put together a sub- the campus. Both sides have transformation from natural grass 10 synthetic tary on the then Su- stantial dynasty. However, turf. Large piles ufgraveJ are being laid as a base , agreed to share the cost of new for the turf per Bowl champs the women's golf team has synthetic tu rf to replace the entitled, "Hard done just that. natural grass on Scott S. Bair the summer, but it wasn't al- Knocks: Training Camp with For a third consecu- Stadium's surface. ways that way. The Balti- the Baltimore Ravens." That tive year, the team has won The Sportexe Momentum more Colts held camp here summer the Ravens weren't Turf is the same surface that the from 1953 until they moved the only team highlighted, as ~~a;~~:Z:ii~. Conference I..o.. _-- ......;;;.,..:,,:i:.,! Ravens play on in Baltimore at from Baltimore to Indianapo- the Green Terror gridders This time, the win [unlor golf prodigy Kelly Cramp M&T Stadium. As you have lis in 1971. The school and its were featured on a segment came in a fashion that cer- completed her remarkable season by noticed, the project started in administrators love having of the series. More than tainly made a lasting im- winning the individual conference championship and by leading her early March and is slated to be the camp here and don't want 100,000 people showed up to pression upon the other team 10 the crown as well done by the summer for the to see it leave anytime soon. see that years training camp schools in the conference. start of Baltimore's training "Pro football will con- according to according to The women beat the closest camp. The new contract also tinue as a great summer tra- Ravens director of opera- . school by a staggering 76 Cramp points to a total calls for a feasibility study for dition at McDaniel College," tions, Bob Eller. strokes, leaving nodoubt as team effort as the reason for room expansion at the Raven's Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice presi- The Ravens report to to their status of the undis- this year's success. headquarters hotel, Best West- dent for Administration and camp on Thursday, July 29, puted masters of golf. "I'm glad we finally got Finance said. Dr. Seidel-isn't with the first practice to be Leading the effort was everything together at one The camp has become a the only person happy about held the next morning at junior standout Kelly time," Cramp said. huge summer attraction in the the deal. 8:45am. The first actual Cramp, who also won her area as over 66,000 fans flocked "I'm very pleased with scrimmage on the new turf at third consecutive individual Team Scores to the college on the hill to see this agreement. Going to Scott S. Bair stadium will take championship. 1.McDarnel-360+354",714 2. Gettysburg-397+~93;790 players such as Ray Lewis and McDaniel is special for me, place on August 6 at 5:30pm. "J was reaUy happy 3. Muhlenberg-441+436"'-1l77 Jamal Lewis prepare for their and I believe for our fans," With the Ravens at with how Iwas playing and Top Individual Scores upcoming seasons. said new owner Steve McDaniel for at least six more I feel like I went out and 1. Kelly Cramp, Mcljaniel: 15~ . The Ravens may be the Bisciotti. "It's a great place to years, the Home of Champi- conquered the course really 2. Garnett Pumphrey, McDaruel: 173 current resident at McDaniel in have training camp. The col- ons will play host to two well," Cramp said. 5. Britany Dowen, McDaniel: 190 championship caliber feotball teams. ·_:~(Od3~.e.;":. ·.:zpo4. '''" +~'"~. '" Turninq Back tJt% ages Green Terror athletics: Bumps, bruises, and glory KIM LOWRY fore falling once again to The grappler drew the num- • Broderick Maybank • Witha4-1 victory over STAFF WRITER Hopkins. Thomas Kane also ber one and eight seeds at the has paced himself far ahead Ursinus, McDaniel Women's earned Centennial Confer- tournament, falling to both. of the pack both literally and Softball won the 2004 Centen- ence Player of the Year. The senior heavyweight fin- figuratively. Maybank nial Conference championship. Head Field Hockey • Cross Country run- ished the season with an placed fifth in the long jump Heather Sinclair had two hits, and Lacrosse Coach Mindy ner Paul Hugus had an in- overall-record of 23-5, a Con- with a bound of 22'8S' at the including a home run, and McCord made the decision to credible season. The sopho- ference Championship, and a NCAA Division III Champi- scored two runs, while Kim step down in both facets, after more placed 74th out of 215 selection to the All-Confer- onships. The sophomore was Camponelli addedtwo hits and spending more than a year runners at the NCAA Divi- ence First Team for the sec- named an All American this two RBI. The Green Terror will away from her family McCord sion III National Champion- ond year in a row. past March, only the second return to the NCAA Playoffs for dominated the Field Hockey ships held in Hanover, IN. Tt was all the man to receive this honor for the third time in school history, scene, establishing h'erself as Hugus advanced after finish- Women's Basketball Team Indoor Track. Also a and the first time since the 2002 the most successful coach in the ing 9th of 249 in the NCAA could do for the hundreds of standout running back for the program's 68-year history. In Mideast Region Champion- fans that had supported them Green Terror Football Team, After a record break- 4.5 seasons, she transformed a ships. The Baltimore native whole-heartedly throughout Maybank will .look to im- ing winning streak of nine mediocre squad into a Division became only the second male the season: win a Conference prove both on the field and games and an overall record of III powerhouse. NCAA National qualifier in Championship. Under the the track. 12-3, the Women's Lacrosse The Green Terror the program's history. In ad- leadership of solo senior • Once again dominat- Team has finally established a Men's Soccer Team boasted an dition to tremendous talent, Toby McIntire, the squad ing the links is the Women's name for itself. They finished incredible 15win season, break- the McDaniel runners ranked posted a 25-4 record, the best Golf Team, led by juniors the regular season ranked sec- ing a school record for wins in 31st in the nation with a team in the program's history. The Kelly Cramp and Garnett ond in conference standings, a season. The men competed grade point average of 3.503. team advanced from a gut- Pumphrey. For the third con- with only one loss under their for their first ever Centennial Wrestler Drew wrenching victory over arch- secutive year, the team belt. The Terror have clinched Conference Championship, Reinecker found himself fly- enemies John's Hopkins, to claimed the Centennial Con- a birth into the Centennial Con- eventually coming up short to ing solo at the Division III the sweet sixteen of the ference Championship title. ference Tournament; some- Johns Hopkins University. Al- National Tournament this NCAA Division III National Three of the top five finish- thing that has never happened though the team did not ad- past March. After defeating Tournament. McIntire finally ers were Green Terror, with before. Unfortunately, their vance into the NCAA Tourna- Johns Hopkins University's got her due with a selection Cramp. Pumphrey and hopes of getting a ring on the ment, they still received a bid Karol Gryczynski 2-1, to the All-Conference First Bowen finishing first, second, first 'attempt was halted by to postseason play in the Reinecker clinched his sec- Team and a not too shabby and fifth respectively. The Franklin and Marshall in the ECAC's. The Terror continued ond Conference Title in two feature article by Michael Terror relinquished all oppo- semi-final game. their winning ways making it years and an automatic bid to Wilbon in lThe Washington nents, the closest team trail- to the Championship game ~e- the NationalChampionships. Post. ing by a mere 76 strokes.
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