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FEATURES Wednesday. April 10, 2002 - Page 11 and funk comes to WMC ltreet CQflef: music to their standard funk trio of Romye "Booty There's more to being a or Oil Fare, which includes Brown" Robinson, Tre dual headliners for several albums and split CDs "Sl imkid" Hardson and Greek than you think Western Maryland College's with other groups. But in Imani Wilcox were spotted Spring Concert at 8 p.m. on 1999 they completed the in music videos and dancing JESSICA JONFS Although national organiza- Friday, April 12, 2002, in sound, adding bagpiper Spicy on TV's "In Living Color." Staf!Writer tions have their own set of re- beer-pong, and Kegs stands, Gill Center, have probably McHaggis and mandolinl The group came together flip cups are not what this Greek quirements from their national requirements set by headquarters, never been asked to share a tinwhistle player Ryan Foltz. when they met up with Der- community is about. While some Western Maryland College are stage before. The now. sever-member rick "Fatlip" Stewart and members like to enjoy a night out minimal. If granted housing, or- The bands are from oppo- group also picked up young producer J-swift. The every now and then, this commu- ganizations are expected to site ends of the country, as guitarist Mark Orrell, who Pharcyde's first song, "Soul nity has clear goals and standards, "sponsor and complete three well as very different musi- also plays the accordion, and Flower" was released in On the top of every organization's community service projects," says Rose. community cal genres. It's East Coast went back into the studio. 1992 on a compilation al- priority list Rose, residence service. life is only if the Amanda punk meets West Coast rapl The re-worked Dropkick bum from The Brand New coordinator That requirement organize- funk. Murphys released two split Heavies. for Greek While some members [ion But it actually isn't so far CDs with The Business be- The group, which has housing, de- c e j v e s out for a college to wed the fore launching its own Sing toured the U.S., Europe and fmescommu- like to enjoy a night housing; if sounds of Dropkick Loud, Sing Proud in Febru- Japan, released its latest nity service as out every now and the organi- projects Murphys and The Pharcyde. ary2001. Since then the band "Plain Rap," in November "volunteer then, this community zationdoes not receive After all, campus musical has put out a split CD with 2001. work," These housing, tastes spread across the en- Face to Face, a California Admission is $18 for all events can has clear goals and no written tire spectrum and the two rock group, and toured the non-WMC students; $12 for take place on standards. re q u ire- or off campus bands were picked based on U.S. WMC students with !D. and are chc- meets are in place. student survey results, as Professionally, The Tickets will be available at sen by the or- Rose well as availability, said Pharcyde, which did perform the door, outside of glar, or ganization. Rose says that orga- sees this requirement as a mini- Mitchell Alexander, director at the very popular and eclec- in CAO. Doors open at 7:30 nizations can receive service mum and a guideline and eagerly of college activities. tic Lollapalooza, has been p.m. For more information hours for "any experience which admits, ''The majority of organi- surpass it." The Dropkick Murphys, around nearly twice as long, call 410-857-2267. Infor- ultimately benefits someone zations else." organizations All originally five guys from signing with Delicious Vinyl mation courtesy of the Pub- One notable project done by agree that the requirements seem are to Boston in 1996, have always Records in 1991. Even prior lie Information Office, tran- Sigma Phi Epsilon is Rent-A-Sig minimal, but appreciate the le- a-touch of Irish folk to that contract, the original scribed by Ed Schultheis. Ep. Though it began as an un- niency of the policy. lohnna successful fund-raiser, this idea Hooban, Philanthropy Chair for quickly turned into a generous Phi Sigma Sigma thinks that the service project. Although most of requirements are too small. "Be- tbeJobitbeyd1d~joN" cau.e tb~,. ....... 0 minimal," for professors and families in the Hooban says, "it leaves us a lot area, the Sig Eps completed a of room and gives us the chance -- DEPARTMENT of ART ANd ART ... ;..........., more difficult job for Barbara, a to decide what we want to do." member of the housekeeping staff When asked about the pRESENTS rliE last year. During Spring Fling school's. requirements, Patrick 2001, while most were enjoying Pulliam, community service chair KAThRYN E. WENTZ the sun in the Quad, eight Sig Eps of Phi Kappa The requirement is Sigma, responds, Barbara her "It's nothing. were helping move STudENT ART Show furniture Even though it was a dif- a minimum it." The Phi Kaps do just down out of her broken and we go above and house. beyond ficult job, Andy Burrows, Sigma that as they complete one or two Phi Epsilon vice president says, service projects a weekend. "we were glad we could help her." "Although many people see Community service projects service as a negative thing, ser- are not limited to the individual vice can be fun." says Rose, organizadons. Panhellenic Coun- which is one reason why Greek cil, which consists of two mem- organizations do so much. bers from each sorority, does their Hooban thougbt for a moment best to complete two service when asked why Phi Sigma projects a semester. According to Sigma did so many service Melissa Grimmer, president of projects. Not because it is re- Panhellenic Council, the group quired and not because anyone tries to concentrate on women's tells them to. Hooban smiles and issues and does an annual toiletry answers simply. "Because we like drive for a local women's shelter. it." Important Greek Life Dates KATHY WILSON will be held at the football stadium Thursday, April 18, there will be a organization's charity of prefer- Staff Writer track Greek Happy Hour from 7 - 9 p.m. be holding a raffle between April Greek Games will be held be- Monday 4/15- 8:30 -10 p.m. Events It will be held on the Pub terrace ence. Panhellenic Council will be II - 25. First prize is $75. sec- The tween April 14-16. All Greek held at the swimming pool. Some with a Hawaiian theme. co-sponsoring the National Alco- ond prize is $50. and third prize members should wear their Greek events include the cannonball The Penny Wars will be taking hol Screening Day. It will be on is $25. Ask any sorority member Games 2002 T-shirt for the com- splash and relay races. place from April 8 • 12. Each April II. between 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. for a ticket, which are $1 apiece. petitions. Here is a schedule of Tuesday 4/16- 4:30 - 7 p.m. Events Greek organization will sit in front events: held in the Quad, including tog-o- ofGlarcollecting pennies for their in Ensor Lounge. The screening is There free and confidentiaL Sunday 4/14 - 11:30-1:30 p.m. war and a building a human pyra- jar. Pennies are good points, while also be some free giveaways. will Come out and Picnic Lunch at Harvey Stone mid. everything else will be considered Other co-sponsors include Coun- PM' Wednesday, April 17,thewinnerof bad points. For example, if you put seling Services, College Activities support!! 1:30 - 6 p.m. Various track and Greek Games will be announced. a nickel into a group'sjar, they will field events, including an obstacle Their banner will be placed in front lose five points. All the money Office, and the Sexual Assault Team. course and the 50 yard dash. This ofGlar. collecte~ will go to the winning The Panhellenic Council will also
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