Page 8 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 8
OMen SOtIIIS TCffilr Volume XXIV Number I Western Maryland College Thursday, September 13, 200 I After falling to Bridgewater in opener, the Green Terror football team defeated Susquehanna in home opener MICIIAEL Jf:NKINSON fense in three plays, Junior Jesse scored again, and they were lead- touchdown, Junior newcomer to but it changed the momentum of Sw!fWriler Hudson, who also had a sack on the ing 21-0 in the first quarter. The the team Wendell Butler broke the Preceding If records are made to be bro- day, blocked the punt leaving the game looked like it was going to through the line and blocked the the entire contest. had scored 20 kick, Susquehanna ken, then a lot of records did as Terror with the ball inside be a romp, but The Crusaders had PAT. The block flew right into the straight points. After the big play, they were told last Saturday as The Susquehana's 30. The Terror put other ideas scoring 20 consecutive hands of Junior Scott Stolzenburg WMC went on to score 42 straight. Green Terror football team de- About as much momentum differ- feated visiting Susquehanna 63-20. ence as their can be. WMC Quarterback Jamie Har- The week before the Terror ris threw six touchdowns and ran traveled down to Harrisonburg Vir- for one, establishing a new mark ginia to play the Bridgewater for total touchdowns in a game for Eagles. The Terror lost the contest both Western Maryland College 29-20. and The Centennial Conference. The game, which was arguably Harris's 355 yards throwing was also the third highest total in the biggest game in the country for Division was a III thai weekend, school history. Harris is quick to battle of the number 4 (WMC) and pass the credit on to someone else, 6 (BC) ranked teams in the nation. "The coaching staff really put The Terror started out rough and me in a position to make those were down 14-0 at one point, but plays. They called great plays. the feet of Harris kept them alive The offensive line blocked really on a long scoring run in the third well, and the receivers made great quarter. catches." Down 20-21 late in the fourth, Senior Ferron-Powell caught the rally came up just short as . four touchdowns, upping his career Bridgewater was able to stop the mark to 25, a new WMC record. Terror offense, and score a final Not only did he score, however, he .,JD scored big. One of his touchdowns Next week the Terrordrive right went for48 yards, and another was up 97 to ulke on The Gettysburg 60. Bullets. Of the game, Harris said The Terror received the opening "It's a big game, it starts the con- kickoff and marched 80 yards to ference for us." the end zone for a touchdown in ter, and were leading by two scores At this point a special learns 90 plus yards for the defensive two- Harris finished, "Gettysburg is less than three minutes. less then five minutes into the play turned the game around for the point conversion. a rivalry, and you can throw out ev- After the "Green Swarm" de- game. I Terror. As the Crusaders kicked, Not only was the playa three erything else when two rivals are fense shut down Susquehana's of- A few minutes tater, the Terror their extra point after their third point swing in favor of the Terror, playing." the opposition was better on this who had four goals, and freshman SpomEdi/Dr day. Brooke Weimer who scored three. Despite a school record 16 wins The next day, WMC looked 10 The defense was again smothering, last season and many returning redeem themselves in another road led by senior backer Kura Moran, starters, the Western Maryland game against Bridgewater College. as the opposition didn't even get College women's soccer team has Once again, the Green Terror de- one shot on the Green Terror goal. had to adjust things for their fall fense was dazzling on the field, but "We have a very strong, welt 2001 campaign. the offense, despite taking 24 shots rounded learn," says sophomore First team all-conference on goal, were held scoreless forthe forward Heidi Hurtt. would-be sophomore Carah Medill second game in arrow. Kuligowski Despite the loss of Mcdill, the who set conference records for had a another strong performance team is very deep on young talent goals, assists, and points, left in goal with four saves, but the op- who can put points up on the board. school to transfer back to her na- position picked up a first half score "We needed to get adjusted to tive Kansas, and the team only has and held on to win a squeaker 1-0. playing without her, and I think we one senior for this year's squad. The Green Terror headed into have adjusted now," says Hurtt. The team isn't short on talent their next game against With the offense's early though, with many all-conference Shenandoah University with a struggles to open the season, there players returning and a dazzling winless 0-2 record, but the team may' have been some doubt about recruiting class coming in. had played much better than their this year's team, but the team has To begin the season, the Green 'record indicated, losing close road many other stars to pick up the Terror traveled on the road to play games. The offense was hoping to scoring load. tough non conference foe, Eastern respond in the next game. With all conference players like Mennonite University. Against Shenandoah, the of- Merson and sophomore Niki It was a tough day for the Green fense took out their Irustratiorion Lepscn and a strong contingent of Terror as they found goals hard to the opposition, with seven first half young freshman like Brooke come by and fell in their opener 2- goals in the first half and won in a wetmer.Kane Kirley, and Lauren O. Junior goalie Candi Kuligowski shutout, 8-0. The offense was led Toussaint, the team has all the mak- played well, stopping six shots, but by junior forward Melissa Merson ings of championship team in 2001.
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