Page 53 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday, November 16, 2000 a program first introduced, to the registration is being handled this News Editor campus in 1984. Datatel, the pro- semester," commented junior Steve gram company, required the up- Sharkey, SGA president. While WMC has made a push to grade to be complete by December The Registrar's office acknowl- improve technology on campus I, 200(}, which, she said, left the edged that Release 16 and its inca- with the Ethernet, other hopeful school with no choice. pabilities had everything to do with' improvements and upgrades have But, others question whether an this alternative scheduling process, been more of a hassle than a help alternative could have been found. said Donni Follendorf, office men- to faculty, staff, and administration. Martha O'Connell, dean of Ad- ager. The introduction of database missions, explained that she feels "We found Release l6~ a school-wide program the- system is designed for a much fore paperwork out two weeks be- had to be out to the that is used for recording and fil- larger college, such as University [students'] advisors that Release 16 ing, began nearly two years ago, of Maryland and suggests that did not have the capability to as- according to Christine Mathews, WMC develops its own system. sign appointment times based on director of Information Services. She explained that the change credits earned. Immediately Icon- But, Mathews said, despite the pro- has greatly affected business. tacted Information Services and grams complete installment in . O'Connell said that the process found ihat it would take at least two June, many problems are becom- of getting information on one of the weeks for someone working full ing burdens to the.offices of WMC roughly 30,000 individual perspec- time to write a program that would Release 16 is used in offices tive students is now much slower. be able to do this. Obviously we Student Government Assembly President Steven Sharkey including Admissions, Registrar's, "We can't do what we used to be did not have enough time, so we presided over the SGA s Open Forum held to discuss issues Financial Aid, the Department of able to do because we've lost that continued on page 3 a] concern to students and the new Student Bill 0/ Rights. Campus Safety, and Residence timeliness," she said. "Everything See related stor on age two.- Life, and holds detailed inforrna- we do is so calendar-sensitive." tion on both current and perspec- Students have experienced Westminster site of new additions ti ve students, as well as the problems due to the change also. At the current time, the mall and Metabolite. college's budget and finances, Because of the program stu- NCWj'Editor management is negotiating with Ni'atfiews sai dems were unable to receive regis- ~e Western Maryland Col- Another significant change is "It's a huge, huge program that tration times Ihis semester, causing lege campus is not the only place Old Navy and other stores that can the te'rrtoval of the planterS" in or- basically minds the college," she much frustration among the student in Westminster that is currently not be named at this lime, said der to have more space for enter- Funk. said. body. under construction and in the pro- She also mentioned that nego- tainment, and also a place where groups can set up dis- Mathews explained that Re- "It seems like no one is happy cess of change. The former Cran- community lease 16 was an upgrade of the data with it, but Iguess they have to deal berry Mall has changed its name tiations are also being made to put plays. a brew pub in across from Hoyt's through November From system the college had been using, with it. I'm not endorsing the way and what it has 10 offer, and Theatres as well as a family reerau- January, the previous planter area Marijuana possession Westminster is about to welcome rant where Tully's used to be. by Belk will have a "living room Depot and 81's. Kohrs, Home Presently, Funk feels that they later this spring. are close to an agreement, however concept." With a mg, sofa. and player pi- leads to fourth arrest named Town Mall of Westminster nothing to know by the end of the ano, "it'll be an area for shoppers the mall was re- is definite yet, and she is Last April. hoping by its new 'Owners, said Peggy year. to rest from a busy day of holiday said Funk. shopping," MAlT MCGOWAN tion of anonymity added that one Funk, who has been the market- Exclusively for the holiday sea- Asst. Features Editor of the students arrested had also ing director since July 2000. son, 12 businesses will be added to She also noted that at various been arrested in one of the earlier Within the last six months, the mall from November through limes, there will be live music in In the early hours of Sunday, busts for the same charge. there has been much discussion on this area. October 29, three WestminsterCity This repeat offense, under how to make the mall more invit- January. These businesses include: The major change of the exte- Cottage police vehicles pulled up and Maryland law, could carry a sen- ing to the community and such Belk Trim-a-tree Shop, Hickory rior of the mall is the new signage, NASCAR, Candles, parked outside the Department of tence of five years imprisonment, changes are being made to the ex- which will now have a more fes- Campus Safety. though such sentences are usually terior as well as the interior of the Farms, Perfumery, Bonnie's Coun- tive look, complete with different A short time later, six persons, suspended indefinitely. mall, Funk said. try Gifts. SERRV International, size poles with a confetti look. nOI all of them WMC students, While the Phoenix is still inves- One such change is the addi- Laurence Galleries. Day by Day These festive poles will be lo- Company. Electrolux, were led out to the cars from the tigating this specific incident, one Calendar lnus Lawn and Landsca e cated Dou Rouzer donn room in which they thing is clear. Drug use at WM~ is continued on a e 3 - - - had been caught with marijuana. an issue, though use seems limited At least two of the students ar- only to marijuana. Inside rested on charges of marijuana pos- "To the best of my knowledge, session and use are presently in no one's been caught with anything their first semester at the college, harder on campus in a great many the Phoenix has learned. One of years," said a source who preferred these, approached for comment, to remain anonymous. Ed Schultheis comments on the declined an interview. An obvious question to accom- media's unrelenting presentation While the matter was handled pany those of use on campus is how of false information regarding by Westminster Police, the Honor the marijuana becomes available to the election. and Conduct Board is also an ex- students. As of yet, it is unclear pected stop for those implicated. whether any of the students arrested The arrest, which one observer in the most recent incident were Lisa Dale Van Auken introduces described as a "chain gang," refer- charged with dealing. her new column about lives of ring to the fact that all six students Whether the trend stops at mari- her and her roommates. were handcuffed together, was the juana use, or there are sales and fourth of its type to occur in Rouzer even harder substances in active this year, though certainly the larg- use at WMC, the Phoenix will con- Michael Jenkinson highlights est so far. tinue its coverage for the next is- David Sedorchak, cornerback/or the Terror, prepares 10 tackle a the the football team's Success and 4 contest at WMC, capturing player in the November Swarthmore Sources speaking on the condi- the possibility of a home play- Centennial C"n/erence title for the fourth successive year in a row. off arne.
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