Page 48 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 48
, -~ Thursday, October 26. 2000 - Page 12 FEATURES We are the champions in spirit, fun, parades, and football "The floats were absolutely astounding," said Amanda Cline, 2000 Homecoming Queen. "We were just groovin' in ' style!" said Brooke Vizzi, Poms Captain. 2000 Homecoming Court - King: Kelly Norris '01 Queen: Amanda Cline '01 The Green Terror Spirit Award was '02: Terrae Whiting & Steve Zamagias given to Shawn Carroll '03. The Kinetic '03: Tiffany Putro & Ben Neely Sculpture Award was given to the fam- '04: Becky Allen & Chris Patterson ily of Matt Jackson. Rich Tillman '00 won the BOdy Art Award and Phi Sigma Sigma was awarded the James Brant Winners of the Parade Float contest: Memorial Cup Award. The Alumnus of 1st Place: Black Student Union the Year was M. Lee Rice of the class of 2nd Place: Class of 200 I 1948 and Brandy K. Mulhern received 3rd place: Phi Mu the Young Alumna Award. Photo Captions I. GreenTerro~football players return to the (right) rides with co-captain Tara Webb in field afterhalfume at the Homecominggame the parade. against ~ickinson, Saturday October 14. 6. WMC students showin off their wild side 2. The wmn.ersof the n~at c.ontes~,the ~Iack during the pre-game paragde. Student Union Sh?w pride m t~elr hentage. 7. The Class of2001 110atadvances toward ;~rS~:~i~;:~~~I 03 accepts his Green Ter- SCOIIBair Stadium during the parade. They 4. Homecomin~ King and Queen Kell ;o~ 2~d pla~~in the Parade F.lontcontest. Norris (right) and Amanda Cline procee~ f~r t ~Igh-sp:nted .cr.o.wdwas m attendance through the tunnel of poms during the half- do and somes festlVltles.There was a lot to time show to accept their titles. ing down the ~~~~entswere even seen roil- S. Poms Dance Team captain Brooke Vizzi . Compiled by Shauna Dominguez, Features Edit~r
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