Page 172 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 172
I mffilr DMen S/IIJIIS heads into backstretch with confidence SlujJWriler The WMC men's lax team re- MARCUS H~;tTON bounded from adisappointing con- Slaf!Wriler ference finish to win two games, 737 rTIlles IS the distance that including the ECAC champion- separates Western Maryland Col- ship. lege and Illinois's Millikin Univer- The ECAC championship sity, where the 2001 Division III game, which is usually an oppor- Track Championships will be held. tunity for teams that were on the With several strong performances bubble for making NCAA postsea- in the final few weeks of the sea- son play to have another game, was son, the Western Maryland Track contested here at Scott S. Bair Sta- team is closer to sending several of dium between The Terror and The its members to Illinois. Franklin and Marshall Diplomats. As of Mayl, the Terror had five Samantha Abrams on page 17. The Terror won the game on the provisional qualifiers-and are hop- Soft{' ball's stellar season ends on strength of the 18 saves made by ing to add more in the season's fi- . Junior Goalkeeper and ECAC nat meets. on losing note IOnplayoff:s MVP Brian Nottingham. Of the At the Terror Track Classic MVP award Nottingham said, ''It's~ April 28, the men and worn," both the-first thing I've ever won, ....Pm took second place. / happy." On the women's side, Jamie -j-f-C".=-A,",IG"J"'O="N"SO"N'--- mound through 9 innings of with second extra-inning heartbreaker. Nottingham wasn't the only Falcone met the provisional qual i- < Assistant SpOrl.l Editor the score ned at 2-2. The tie-break Ursinus' Jody Smith hit a leadoff person excited an proud of his per-. fier in the 100 (12.22) and 200 / Two losses. After a regular-sea- rule came into effect in the 10th triple in the top of the ninth and formance. ' (24.99) meter dashes (with time(of / ~on in which Western Maryland inning, as each team began the scored on Denise Cook's sacrifice Junior Attacker Tom Brown 12.22 and 24.99, respectively.) College rolled up a school-record frame with a runner on 2nd base. fly for the game-winner. WMC tied said, "He played excellent. He April Brown became a provistcnat 28 victories and a 15-1 league Gettysburg's Mandy Wilson roped the game at 3-3 in the bottom of saved us today." qualifier in the lOO-meterdash .,\I,ith mark, the Green Terror softball a two- run double to right field to the seventh on Selena Smart's sac- Head Coach Keith Reitenbach her time of 12.41, Thea Bayly ~on team was bounced from the inau- begin a four-run inning for the Bul- rifice fly. Pitchers Denise Bozenski said, "Brian was tremendous. He's the 400-meter hurdles with a time' gural Centennial Conference lets. of Ursin us and Kim Camponelli of been a huge part of our success." of 66.6, and Melissa Merson won Championships last Saturday with WMC rallied to plate three in WMC both went a complete game Also contributing to the game the liD-meter hurdles with a time two consecutive losses. bottom half of the lOth, but left two with no walks. was Brown with four goals, Junior of 15.7. Additionally, the 4xlOO No. I-seeded WMC dropped runners in scoring position as the These losses should not over- Attack Joe Ellis with three goals meter relay team earned a provi- extra-inning games to No.4-seeded final out was recorded. shadow the enormous amount of and an assist, and Senior Attacker sional qualifier with a time of Gettysburg (6-5 in 10 innings) and This loss meant that WMC had success that the Terror enjoyed this Brett Sweeney with two goals and 48.74, and the 4x400 meter relay No.2-seeded Ursinus (4-3 in 9 in- to win its next game to stay alive year, as they finished with a 28-6 two assists. team finished first with a time of nings). in the tournament. Unfortunately, . overall record. But for a team that The team was excited about 4: 13.3. In game one, Gettysburg's Sa- things didn't go according to plan, had ultimately hoped toeam a berth playing one more game before the On the men's side, Ryan rah Stokes and Western as the top-seeded Terror was elimi- into the NCAA tournament, it was season ended when they [earned Melhorn (10:25.6) and Jimmy natcd from the tournament after ._";.:;,r~;,; about the opportunity to play in the Thayer (10:36.2) finished second ECAC. Sophomore attacker Joe and third in the 3000 meter steeple- Ellis said, "It's always great to play chase, Ifeanyi Ani won the triple another game." jump with a leap of 45'2 114" and Head Coach Keith Reitenbach the long jump with a leap of also liked the idea of an extra game. 21' 10", the 4x400 meter relay team Of the extra game, Reitenbach said, (Christian Hamilton, Teron Powell, "We were thrilled. we just love the Calvin Woodward, and Tyler game, wejust love to play. It's not Wright) finished second with a time about winning and losing. It was of3:27.8, and David Hose finished an excellent opportunity to im- second in the shot put with a throw prove and practice." of46'10 1/4" The game followed a 27-7 vic- The Terror Track Classic tory against York College the pre- marked the end of a hectic week vious Wednesday. The individual for the Terror, who just one day standout of the game was Tom earlier had competed in the Penn Brown who tied a school record by :::... Relays in Philadelphia. scoring II goals in the game. The At the Penn Relays on Thursday, game against York was a makeup the women's 4x400-meter relay game from a rainour earlier in the team's time of 3:58.22 set a new season. Continued on pg 18 Track, continued on pg J9
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