Page 170 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 170
Thursday, May 10, 200 I - Page 18 SPORTS _I Women's A salary cap is neccessary in Major Tennis says League Baseball goodbye to Matt Hurff shows that the grate and the large market teams will have complain, but clearly MLB players will still surprises in baseball this year full reign again. find a way to. departing could happen every year I'm sure that like most baseball fans, you Nevertheless, an agreement needs to be so that the Twins, Phillies made The Chicago Cubs are leading the NL enjoy surprises in the game, this season has will be able to pay for the players and Cubs they have provided plenty definitely thus far. That is if that is yourself seniors may asking but in actuality, that why I would recommend that baseball re- brought up through their system. a misprint or something, is quite true. solvetheimpendinglabordisputeandimple- If such an agreement is made, who ment the salary cap, so that the smaller mar- knows, in a few years we might see the Cubs The Cubs along with the Twins and GREG LEDERER ket teams can keep their Doug finally win their first World Series since Phillies have been very successful in the Assistant Sports Ediror Mientkiewicz's 1908. Probably not, you might say ... but did It has been a long season for the Western month of April, beating out their high-pay- To see-the benefit of such an agreement,' you expect the Twins to be in first place in Maryland College Women's tennis team as roll opponents such as the Indians, the one not need look further than the NFL. r 2_OO_I_'_---.===-= -, they closed their season with a 4-9 record Braves, the Mets and St. Louis. All of these The NFL has a salary cap, and I must Lax from pg 20 teams have been successful by using young overall. The 2001 squad didn't play to the say that the past few football seasons have The Friday before that York victory we: talent and solid pitching. level of the great teams in the program's past, been quite interesting, as teams that have not a disappointing 19-15 loss to the Washing but they still competed to the end and never They have shown that it is possible to been competitive in the past such as New ton College Sharemen in the first round 0 gave up their strong effort. compile a strong group of players esing a Orleahs, St. Louis and Philadelphia have the Conference Tournament. farm system, the way baseball teams would On August 21, the team played a road been able to put together solid teams 10 de- The loss, which took place at Gettysbun build pennant winners before free agency. match against undefeated conference foe, feat the old guard of Dallas, San Francisco because they were the ho ..tofthe tournament So you may ask, what is the point? Swarthmore College. and Pittsburgh. eliminated the Terror's chances of reachin Unfortunately for Green Terror fans, the Well, the whole problem is that with free I would like to see the same sort of vari- the NCAA playoffs. opposition dominated the contest from start agency, and no salary cap the many talented ety in baseball. Football has proven that it The team now looks forward to next sea to finish as they shutout WMC 9-0'- Senior players such as Doug Mientkiewicz, Julian is possible and most importantly entertain- son. With only three Seniors graduating frol number one player Alethea Desrosiers lost Tavarez, or Pat Burrell that the Twins, Cubs ing. this year's team, there's reason to expect bi her first singles match of the season by a and Phillies have brought will be soon lured By the end of this season, there is a things from next season's Green Terre score of 6-0, 6-1 and the team lost all of their away by the Yankees, Braves or Mets. So in chance that there wi!! once again be a strike Men's Lax. Reitenbach said, "I'm very ex matches on the day. Freshman Christine essence, the small market learns have about over the salary cap issue. cited about the upcoming season. We ha Mayne got her first match experience of the a one-year window to place a pennant win- In my opinion, if you are making over 1- five freshman playing significant time thi season, but lost to the more experienced op- ning team on the field before it will disinte- million dollars a year, you have no room to year:' position. The next day, the Green Terror looked to Terror Track . get back on the winning track as they went The wrestling corner: Top on the road again to face tough conference t d G opponent Muhlenberg. stride by an em ro ff WWFF·· h Desrosiers regained her winning at the number taking a 6-3, 5-7, 6-2 victory be the only win and Falcone nus ers one.poshicn, would on the day for WMC as they fell again 8-1. Mlchael Ienkinson discusses the Diamond Dallas Page's Diamond Cutrer, The doubles team of Becca Lyter and MARCUS HEI.TON importance on a strong "finisher" a similar move to Steve Austin's Stone Cold Desrosiers fought hard in their match, but in SllJ.ffWriler Stunner, is probably the next best. His move the end they lost 8-6. The Western Maryland Track and Field for todays pro wrestlers can seemingly "come out of nowhere" and With the senior foursome of Desrosier, team has had a successful outdoor season, Any pro wrestling star knows that to be a iooks really painful. Lyter, Jamie Maxcy, and Jamie Connelly all and two of the members playing an integral popular and believable in-ring performer you It involves Page grabbing his opponent's graduating this year, the team will see many part in that success are seniors: sprinter Jamie need a wide repertoire of moves. However, head behind his shoulder, leaping into the changes in the years to come. Falcone and decathelete Jeff Groff. even more important then a wide variety of air, and pulling the head down into the Despite losing a lot of experience from A product of Glen Burnie High School moves is having that one killer-finishing ground face first. Stone Cold's variation has this year's team, hopefully, the Green Ter- in Glen Burnie, MD, Falcone is no stranger move that lets everyone know the match is the opponents jaw come down hard on Stone ror can lean on freshman Christine Mayne, to the success she has had this season. She over. A good finisher is key to being a su- Cold's shoulder. Both of these moves arc Katie Kalbaugh, and Jill King to lead a very was named the 2000 Centennial Conference perstar. Different wrestlers use different extremely popular with fans, can come at any young team to future success. "It is going to Outstanding Performer, and she holds Cen- moves to finish their matches. Some of these time, and look flat out "cool". be important for us to step up next year, and tennial Conference records in the 100 and moves are better then others. What makes a Chris Jericho's Walls of Jericho submis- hopefully the incoming freshman class can 200 meters. "finisher" better then others? sion hold, Taker's Last Ride, and The Rock's help us too," says Mayne. This Spring, Falcone will be competing First of all, a finisher has to look excit- Rock Bottom are other exciting, effective in what will be her fourth Division III Na- ing and realistic. Realistically a punch to finishers. tional Championships on May 24-26th at the face by a muscular 280-pound man is Some WWF stars are using weak finish- Millikin University in Decatur, l1linois. Ac- enough to knock anyone out, but it doesn't ers at this point. Former Ie champ Jeff cording to Coach Doug Renner, "She's the look as spectacular compared to glamorous Hardy's finisher, the swanton bomb, looks . best female sprinter in school history. She's other moves. On the other hand, if the move exciting. Unfortunately it looks like it rewritten all the record books, and she's go- involves very lillie contact, then it doesn't wouldn't hurt my grandmother. Hardy jumps ing to her fourth National Championships succeed as a great move because it doesn't off the top turnbuckle, does a 3/4 flip in the (three outdoors and one indoors). It's been look like it would actually hurt. Secondly, air, and has his head land on his opponent's rewarding for me to see how her hard work the move cannot really hurt people. If some- chest. has paid off." thing looks great, but is sending people to Big deal. It has little impact when it hits, While Falcone has earned her success as the hospital, then it's no good. This is the and actually makes Jeff look like he's in more a sprinter, Groff has gained his by doing just reason the WWF stars have ceased doing pain then his opponent. about everything. A product of Hempfield piledrivers. This move has caused several Test is an extremely talented and excit- High School in Mountville, PA, Groff set a injuries, and is not worth the risk. So a great ing young wrestler. I expect big things from conference record with 5,914 points earlier move like the Undertaker's Tombstone has his future. But his finisher is terrible. Right this season, which is a testament to both his been replaced with the safer, but still good now it is a kick to the face. athleticism and his determination. "If you Last Ride. He cannot move to the next level with look at the top ten of the Centennial Confer- With these factors in mind, the best fin- such a bland move. At one point, he used a ence, there are probably seven events he's isher in the business today is Triple H's Pedi- pumphandle slam and an elbow off the top in the top ten in," Coach Renner said. "He's gree .. The moves involves Triple H putting ropes, but both were discarded for one rea- pretty versatile." Groff's teammates agree. a wrestlers head between his knees, jump- son or another. Both were better then a kick "Jeff does whatever the coaches ask him to ing in the air, and driving the head into the to the face. do," said junior sprinter Christian Hamilton. mat, face first. Scott Steiner's Steiner Recliner, Chris Terror Sprinter Jamie Falcone (above) "It's always good to have a guy like him on It looks like it would hurt a lot. Espe- Benoit's Crippler Crossface, and Rhyno's holds Centennial Conference record your side." cially with the monster Helmsley pulling it Gore are other moves that just don't look the 100 and 200 meters. This Spring, she The Green TerrorTrack program has been off. It meets the other criteria too because I very devastating to me. Hopefully these stars will be attending her fourth national tremendously impacted by both ofthese ath- have never heard an injury report involving wilileam from the best, and develop some- championship event. letes, and they will both be missed. damage suffered by a pedigree. thing new. •.•••• _. _ •• ,_1 ",,",I'J \
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