Page 169 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 169
SPORTS Interest in Soccer and lack of Intermural support sparks Quad Cup Soccer League MICHAEL JENKINSON SUif/Wrifer six. pionship game. Mrs. Wolf is Hot's Without an intramural soccer The league is all about fun, but Andy Messmore said that the game league, WMC students who have a there are some rules. Remember, against It's the Water was "like desire to play organized soccer, yet there are no paid officials, so ei- Caps hockey: Always intense." don't have the skills and/or time to ther Nelly himself or another un- The final will be held on Thursday play for the varsity team, didn't biased person has to keep track and May 10th at 4:45 in, you guessed have any options until recently. call all of these rules. The primary it, in the Quad. That is until the Quad Cup league rule is that the ball has to cross the There are plans to keep playing was created. goal on the ground and not in the Quad Cup next year. Neely has Quad Cup is a league that al- air. decided to step down and let oth- lows all kinds of students. to play Also, some rough play is al- ers take over the organization. organized soccer, while keeping a lowed, just not too much. Neely Who will be in charge next year is low key pick-up game feel. said, "It gets rough sometimes. undecided, but there are some ideas Sophomore Hen Neely founded Which is cool." Teams play with beingkick'ed the league. He said, "My friends four players on the field, and the the league. One the con- and I used to play soccer in the other two players are subs. cept of selecting a few general quad. The regular season began in late managers and letting them draft It started to become more orga- march, and had each team playing their own teams from'a pool of nized last fall when I started to take 4 games. When the regular season players who want to participate. down phone numbers and call finished the playoff tournament Nothing has been decided on for people." began in the last few weeks of next year, except the fact that they The idea caught on, and more April. want to play. and more people became interested The team called Sexy B*tches To help keep things organized in the idea of playing relaxed for- FCdefeated both Team 4 and Spida and to help advertised, Neely set mat soccer. So Neely decided to United to advance to the finals. up a web-site for the league. It's a put together a tournament this Feb- Mrs. Wolfe is Hot also advanced very in-depth page with photos, ruary. When he started asking to the finals. They had to defeat stats, and other news. It can be around, he was hoping to get five The Elton John Fan Club and It's found at Founder of Quad Cup Soccer, Ben Neely prepares for a game. teams of five. He got six teams of the Water to make it to the cham- quadcup. The Sideline View Phoenix profile: Who is going to be the NL b~[] in the first week of May, and Michael needs to take his title Samantha-Abrams Comeback £ the Year_?_ he certainly didn't go unnoticed. of "The Greatest Basketball Player This is going to be one of the Deion went 3 for 3 with a homerun of ail-time" and be satisfied with - -tou~st awards to m~e a decision and a couple of runs scored. Leave it. He needs to give somebody else leads by example on when October rolls around.zrhe., Deion for a.huge entrance, but a chance to have the spotlight in the decision is going to be between the decision here will-depend on NBA. Just because he looks like a JEFF GREVER youth, experience, and flare. two things. fool in the Wizards front office, Sfa[fWrifer The youngest guy up for this Whether or not he can keep does not mean he has to come back Even though the Western Mary- first game at pitcher, and then start award is Chicago Cubs pitcher playing up to this level that he to prove he can still play basket- land Softball team did not win the the second game at third base. She Kerry Wood. Wood has comeback jumped into in his first week, and ball and win a championship. We Conference title this season, there even made one appearance in left from surgery on his pitching arm .ulrimately it will depend on where already know what you can do on is one story this spring that cannot field for the Green Terror. to make a big splash in one of the his loyalties lie. Ifhe wants to win the court Michael. If you want to be overlooked. She also excels as a defensive league's best pitching rotations. the respect of the voters, he must prove something else, show us Freshman superstar Samantha player having made only one error Wood has a 3.97 ERA and 53 what your recruiting skills are like Abrams, a product of North East in 34 games and boasting a .989 strikeouts in only 6 games pitched. and put together a winning team High School in Cecil County, has fielding percentage. During his rookie season, Wood from the front office. blown everybody "away with her Abrams is up for the Centennial tied for the Major League record A championship team in Wash- Performance this season. Conference Player of the Year. hut for 20 strikeouts in one game. It ington without a return by Michael As a freshman, Abrams led the she will have it tough because, looks like he may be back to his Jordan, now that would be impres- team in 17 categories, including "Nobody wants to give this award original form. sive. games played, batting average, at toa freshman." When it comes to experience in Now what about Cal Ripken? bats, runs, hits, homeruns, walks, The voting for the award took the game, you can't find too many All of you critics. of Mr. Ripken stolen bases, and stolen base per- place this past Monday, and guys with more experience than leffGrever need to sit down, take a, deep cemage. But hitting .405 in 116 at Abrams was the "best choice for Tim Raines. Raines has come back breath, and get a clue. Sure Ripken bats and scoring 32 runs was just the award," according to Dix. from lupus to play in the majors stay Joyal to his baseball teammates isn't "as good as he used to be," part of her overall production. Abrams, who could have eas- full-time for the first time since when football season rolls around, and sure he is "washed up," but that Abrams also happens to be the ily gone to a Divislon-l level pro- 1995. As a fan favorite on a young especially if the Reds are involved isn't the point. You need to under- learn's number one pitcher. She gram, decided to come to Western team, Raines serves as a role model in a playoff race. stand that the reason he is continu- had a record of 18-5 with an ERA Maryland to play for Coach Dix for all of the younger guys on the Speaking of Comebacks, Who ing to play baseball is for rebuild- of 1.04 and 130 strikeouts. She because, "I realized that I wasn't roster. Shouldn't? ing purposes. hurled 23 complete games (every going to play softball after college, His work ethic and approach to Michael Jordan and Charles You need to have a role model game she started), 10 of which and f wanted to play sooner than the game is one to be mimicked and Barkley. That's right, two of the for the young guys. Someone who were shutouts. Coach George Dix Division I may have allowed me admired. Raines was rumored to greatest NBA players of all-time can show them how much hard claims, "Sam is the best all-around to." Abrams enjoys playing here be the starting left fielder for the are starting to make "the come- work and dedication it takes to be player I have seen in the 13 years at WMC, and she recognizes that, Expos in the beginning of the sea- back" seem like a routine. Well, successful at the major league that I have been here." She is a "WMC has a very strong program son, but he is currently on the 15- this routine is getting a little redun- level. Someone who can show quiet leader on {he field, who leads for the Division-III level." day disabled Jist with a strained dant and very annoying. them "the ropes." And who better by example, and is expected to Dix stated that she will be one shoulder. Charles should give up because than a future Hall-of-Farner to "lead this team for the next three of the team captains next season, As long as he comes back from he is never going to win a ring, and teach your young players how to years." She also led the Centen- which should give her the oppor- this injury shortly, "Rock" should all he ever does is look desperate blossom into superstars. nial Conference in many catego- tunity to harness her leadership be in contention for this award and pathetic every time he tries to ries, and she was selected to the ability and put it to use as a repre- So, yes Cal has been "washed based on his leadership perfor- win a championship with a new up" for several years now, but he All-Centennial Conference First- sentative of the team. mance alone. team. He couldn't win in Philadel- is certainly not a waste of time. Just Team for this season. Dix said that he hopes to be able Then finally you have the loud- phia, Phoenix, or Houston, so what ask the young guys that are play- Abrams' versatility is what to rely on Abrams' leadership for est return to baseball in Deion makes him think he is going to win ing all around him in the Orioles makes her 'so outstanding. In the next three years to take them l._ Sanders. Deion came back to base- it now in Washington? lineup. double headers, she would start the far into the playoffs.
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