Page 171 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 171
- ~- ~--~--------------....... Baseball finishes strong for a 16-14 overall record GREG LEDERER sity. The game was tightly played Assistant SPOrlS Editor throughout as both pitching staffs It has been an up and down sea- dominated the offenses. WMC got son for the Western Maryland Col- a strong performance from senior lege Baseball team as they have pitcher Dan Elbaz as he only al- played well at times, but haven't lowed 2 runs in six inning of work consistently put together a streak and the game was lied a12-2 at the of wins. The team finished the sea- end of regulation. In the bottom of son strong to pull above .500 with the l Oth inning, Catholic hit a long a 16-14 overall record. Even two run home run to take a 4-2. It though many seniors are graduat- was a bitter loss for the Green Ter- ing this year, the team has a strong ror who pitched well throughout nucleus for a championship season and had come so close to taking the in their future. game. Seibert had three hits on the In a recent game, the Green Ter- night and Jack Griffith added two ror hosted conference foe to lead the Green Terror attack on Haverford for a Saturday double- the night. Sophomore pitcher Jus- header. In the first game, the op- tin Raynor took the loss. position jumped on WMC early Coming off a slim loss, the team scoring four runs in the second and looked to pick up a victory against David Skocrlas, a freshman fram Germantown, Md,jires a strike against the opposing team. fourth inning to take an 8-1 lead. another non-conference opponent, The Green Terror picked up five Messiah. The WMC offense had a runs in the seventh inning, but still great day as they pounded out 10 ~~ thel;~:~I~h:t:;~ea;;~;i:~t~; ~~u:i~I:~~ dS~:~i~~:~~~o:~~~~ sCh~~f~~~~;~i:~~~~"r;~{ ;~ce took a 10-6 home loss. Senior out- hits and took a 4-3 lead going into the 13th inning when the opposi- eight innings. in the Centennial/Mid-Atlantic fielder Jeremy Merrell had a great the eighth inning. In the bottom of tionmad~twohugeerrorstoa][ow Riding a three game winning Division. Oil Friday. the women's day with two triples and a RBI to the eighth, Messiah broke open a WMC to take a slim 2-1 win. streak, the Green Terror finished 4x200-meter relay team set anew lead the offensive attack. In game close game with a three runs of WMC senior pitcher Drew off their season with a bang against school record with a time 1:42.78, two, both teams were matched up WMC sophomore pitcher Jeff Hershner pitched well in relief and Villa lulie. In a makeup game be- eclipsing the previous record by in a pitcher's duel as neither team Starcher and held on for a 6-4 win. picked up the win. In the second cause of weather conditions, the more than five seconds. could put a run on the board until The Green Terror played wen game, the offenses broke loose as team put an offensive hammering On April 21 at the Widener In- the seven inning. In the top of the throughout, but left a crucial eight both teams had big games at the on the opposition, scoring a mas- vitational in Chester, PA, the Ter- seventh, Haverford finally got to men on base. WMC senior first plate. The game went back and sive 17 runs on the day. Senior rorhadfourprovisionaiqualifiers. WMC starter Brent Kahuda, as basemen Kacy Jenkins had three design~ted Paul Oake~}~~d hitter when WMC they put up four runs on the board hits, including a double and sopho- f~rth UJltil the eighth run to take a Q::> -to'th·'hlts lind ~"'RBI~l.!iird semo~ 111 Jil(; Kr~~s b,rokc t~e sch~i ~e~ord J a crucial the and earned IiqulthfierbeH\lijj picked-up Down to their last three outs, the more Todd Huber had three hit as 8 lead and received a strong inning Jenkins had a three run homer in 10,000 meters with a time of Green Terror responded by scoring well topace the WMC offense. The of relief from Raynor to post a 9-8 the last game of their careers. 37:55.4. five runs to take a come fro~ team also received a strong pitch- win. Griffith had three hits on the Huber picked up two hits on the Jayne Karalow finished second hind 5-4 win. Sophomore second ing performance from freshman night and scored two runs at the game, stole a base, and scored in the 5000 meters with a time of basemen JackGriffith had a huge David Skoczlas, who allowed only 19.36.00, Jamie Faicone two run triple to start the rally and three runs over seven inning, but plate to lead the Green Terror the on three runs to help the attack on the llssa Mersonflnishedfirsrand and Me- the The win allowed sec- opposition. The win improved the night. freshman outfielder Chris Seibert the team couldn't hold the lead for team's conference record to 9-9. team to finish the season with a and in the 200 meters with respec- capped it off with a RBI· single to him. Coming off a strong perfor- four game winning streak and 16- tive times of 25.09. and 26.24. win it in their last at bat. The vic- WMC put together a strong day rnance, the Green Terror kept it 14 record overall. Falcone's lime earned her provi- tory raised the Green Terror's when they returned for conference going against Lebanon Valley on It was a bumpy season for the slonal qualifier status. record to 12-12 overall on the sea- play against Urslnus on April 28th. April 30th. WMC swung the bats Green Terror, butthe team finished The women's 4x 100 team Using strong pitching and hot hit- well and used strong pitching to the season strong and fans should earned a provisional qualifier sta- Trying to put together a late sea- ting, the Green Terror took a home take a 6-1 win. Huber had a big expect a lot in the future. "We 'I1n- (Us with a time of 48.34, which son surge, the Green Terror played sweep of the bears. Game one was day at the plate going 2 for 3 with ished up really strong," said was just two-hundredths of a sec- a road game against non-con fer- a pitcher's duel as both teams found an RBI and Griffith had two hits as Griffith. Although the team is los- ond short of earning them an au- ence opponent, Catholic Univer- runs hard to come by and at the end III well to lead the offense attack and ing many key seniors, the late sea- tomatic bid to the Division son play of underclassmen like Championships. Huber, Griffth, Skoczfaz, and On the men's side, IfeanyiAni set Starcher gives the program confi- a new school and Centennial Con- dence that the future of the pro- terence record in the triple jump gram looks very bright. "We are with his leap of 47-'4 112", and going to miss the seniors, but we David Hose finished third in the have a strong core of guys return- shot put with a throw of 46'6 31 ing for next season," adds Griffith. 4." have will Terror a few The Phoenix more chances to gain more quali- fiers before the end of the season. Sports There will be a LaM Chance meet on May 12 (at a site yet to be an- nounced), where athletes who Trivia: have come dose to qualifying will to do so. get a "last chance" Note: The progress of the track Which current team at the Centennial Conference Championships on May 4-6 could Montreal Expos not make this edition because 0 press deadlines. player has Also, for clarification, provi- recovered from sional qualifiers are not guaran- teed spots at the national champi, lupus? onships. This terrujust means that Meeting at the mound: Western Maryland College finished out its regular season with double-header wins they meet the requirements 10 race at- in the event. To automatically against Ursinus, 2-1, 9-8. While also winning games against Lebanon Valley, 6-1 and Villa Julie College, 17-6, to compile a 16-14 overall record. Answer: Tim Raines tend the championships, the ran- ner must be an automaticqua1ifier. ..
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