Page 168 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday, May 10,2001- Page 16 FEATURES Senior reflects on experiencing four years on campus KATE ESPOSITO and it sometimes takes more than one night only skin deep after all. has changed my life. Features£dilOr to write a 15 page paper. It may take two I am reminded of another popular say- But what have I learned about life? Well here it is, my very last article for nights even. ing, "It's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't Hmmm let's see. I've learned that your the Phoenix. After spending countless hours Also, if you try 10 take ten ice cream bears want to live there." friends are your greatest asset and will stay in the cold, dark office, inhabited by who. out of the dining hall, someone may chase I remember my leiter fro~ my first room- with you far longer than any facts you memo- knows what, it is somewhat of arelief. How- you. mate, a Westminster native, 'telling me that I rized for a history class. ever, it also sadly signals the end of my ca- But somehow I've made it. Miraculously can cow-tip if I want, but that's pretty much I've learned that first impressions aren't ,reer at WMC. I have passed all of my classes. Since I have all there is to do here. always right, but you should trust your in- Four years is a long time, but it's also a become a pretty decent student, the powers I've also learned that Lawrence stmcrs. I've learned that there is a cure for a short lime," I remember some random per- that be have of course decided that I don't Grossberg has some interesting theories broken heart. It's called time. son telling me at freshman orientation. need to be in college anymore. I have gotten about communication, if only I knew what I've learned that no matter what your ef- Back then, in my day, we had 9:20 way too good at it. they meant. forts, you will not please everyone, but that classes, the campus TV station showed rnov- But they can't keep me from going to I know how the Egyptians built the pyra- shouldn't stop you from trying. les, and there were napkin dispensers on ev- grad school. mids and that Michelangelo thought Moses I've also learned that there is such a thing ery table at Glar. So inevitably, I've danced at my last for- had horns. I can write Chinese characters on as overstaying your welcome, and as much I came here as a naive 17 year old, and I mal, gotten flung at my last spring fling, and rice paper and canoe in a swimming pool. as I hate to say it, I am ready to move on. leave sagacious at21. (See? I even know big will soon see my last sunset as a WMC stu- Will any of this help me in the real world? To everyone who has touched my life words now.) dent. Probably not. But you never know when over these past four years, I would like to Do I feel old? Well, no. Every day I am I'll miss those endless talks in the quad obscure knowledge may come in handy. say thank you. Each of you has taught me told by someone that I still look like I'm 17. on warm nights, putting-my life in my hands _. Maybe one day I'll get on that Who Wants something that I will be able to hold on to People sec meat bars and ask, "How the heck trying to cross the street to Walmarl (before to be a Millionaire show and show Regis a for the rest of my life, making me a better did you get in?" getting a car), and smuggling assorted food thing or two. person in the process. But I do feel ages older than when I got and non-food items out of Glar. (Good ones Besides, I am now officially a "liberally I will not leave this place the same per- here, thinking college was like a big sum- to try: entire pizzas or cakes, chairs, tables, educated" person, which has always been my son that I was when I entered here back in mer camp. the salad bar) goal in life.' 1997. To quote the words of a timeless clas- I'm just glad that I made every possible So what have I learned from all of the Speaking of life, that's what college is sic, the theme song from the WB show, Fe- mistake my freshman and sophomore year, time I've spent at WMC? First of all, if you for in my opinion. It makes you see the world licity, "I have become a new version of me." so that I could get them over with. I realized are between (he ages o'f 10 and 35, you in an entirely new perspective. I don't need Alright, this article is becoming way too -------- that going to class is nor always optional, should not Jive in Westminster. Beauty is Loren Pope to tell me that four years here sappy. Yea 2001! Interested in journalism? Write for the Phoenix! Call x8600 for information ••• Classified LifeguardslPool Managers Summer Months, FTIPT Training Available 1-800-466-7665 Mexico/Caribbean $300 round trip plus tax, Europe $179 one way plus tax. Other world desti- nations cheap, Book tickets online www.airtech.comor212- 219-7000, If you can beat these prices start your own damn air- line! Fraternities - Sororities - Clubs - Student Groups Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with the easy Campus three hour fund- raising event. No sales required. Fund-raising dates are filling quickly; so call today! Contact at 888- 923-3238, or visit
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