Page 124 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 124
_.--------- ~ -------------- Thursday, April 12, 200 I - Page 4 NEWS Campus Safety encourages everyone to please buckle up Cn., MATI W AREIIIME society and the auto market, the seatbelt has killed; all because their parents did not make ing seatbelt and child safety seat informa- Department of Campus SafelY become an essential part of the automobile. sure they were wearing their seatbelts or tional checkpoints throughout the Slate. ContrihulingWriter The state government has even passed a were secured in a carlbooster seat. Additionally, they will also be conduct- law that says you must wear a searbelt when Another study done by NHTSA showed ing Child Safety Seat Days in the two-month You are driving down the road and in the you are in the front seat, whether you are the that child safety seats, when installed prop- period to educate parents on the safest way mini van traveling ahead you see a middle driver or the passenger of an automobile. erly, reduced the risk of a fatal injury by 71 % to secure children in vehicles. aged woman driving. Sitting behind her you Even though it is a law, some people do for infants up to one year old, and 54% for . This year the Department of Campus see three small children in the back roaming not wear this lifesaving device: (A driver toddlers up to q-years-old. Safety has joined the Maryland Highway about the interior of the van, unrestrained by can be pulled over for not wearing their During the months of April and May, the Safety Office and other Maryland law en- any seat belts or car seats. Suddenly, the van seatbelt, even if there is no other reason to Maryland Highway Safety Office is spon- forcement agencies in an effort to improve is struck from the ,_ ... .-._ he pulled over, such soring the Maryland Chief's Cballenge.. "the safety of those in our campus commu- side by a car travel- as speeding. The In this two-month time period the law- nity. ing from a side violation results in a use enforcement agencies of Maryland will Members of the department will he con- street. The next $25.00 fine, but does be conducting surveys to find out what ducting surveys documenting seatbelt usage thing that you see is not add points to seatbelt use rates are. The cLirrent use rate is and will he engaging in an informational something that you ~ driving 85%. campaign demonstrating the proper use of will never forget-- The Maryland Highway Safety Office is seatbelts and child safety seats. At times you see three small children ;;=~,.record.) looking to expand than number to 87%. The Department of Campus Safety hopes thrown from the adults who know Maryland drivers can help by buckling up you will join in what we call "working to- van. better, not wearing any time they drive or ride in a vehicle. Law gether for a safer campus" by remembering According to their seatbelts. The enforcement agencies will also be conduct- to buckle up! the National High- stale of Maryland way Traffic Safety had 1.2 adult Welcoming guest speaker Administration fatalities for every (NHTSA) there is a 100 million miles motor vehicle acci- traveled in 1999. Gene Cassidy to campus dent every three Last year's seconds. There is seatbeit survey an injury every six- showed that 85% of On Monday April 23, 2001 at 6:00 leaving him blind in both eyes. Since the teen seconds and people wore their pm the Department of Campus Safety, he has gone back to school and eame there is a fatality seatbelt, but 25% of the Department of Sociology, and the his degree in education. e~ery 13. ' . Matt Warehime attache~E:As~~~E;; t~Feci~17:~sse~;;:;Y people who wore College Activities Office will be spon- Cassidy has been reassigned to wor mmutes m the Uru- of PA Avenue to remind drivers to always buckle up. a. seatbelt only soring a lecture by Gene Cassidy ,where for the Baltimore City Police Departmen ted States. One of the ways that we as citi- did so part-time. he will discuss surviving traumatic in- as an academy instructor and also trav zens can help make these statistics lower is A study done by NHTSA showed that cidents. This will take place in the els around speaking on the topic at dif to start wearing our seat belts. wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of a fatal Decker Student Center's Forum. ferent schools and institutions, includin In the 1940s and '50s, seatbelts were not injury by 45%, and it also reduced the risk thought of as a necessary device in many of a serious injury by 50%. Cassidy was working for the Balti- the FBI Academy. automobiles. As a matter of fact, they were In the state of Maryland in 1999, there more City Police Department patrolling Cassidy is adynamic speaker who optional equipment for most car manufac- were 303 children under the age of II seri- a neighborhood in the western district, a valuable message for everyone facin turers. ously injured in motor vehicle accidents, and when he was involved in a shooting difficulties in his or her life. But. due to the many changes in today's seven children under the age of II were Ask the Question Marquis Q: Dear Question Marquis: I'm a two-timer: My boyfriend doesn't know that t've been cheating on him. Anyway, yesterday he told me hes hired a lawyer (0 help him legalzvchange his name to ... get this ... me name of the guy I'm cheaung on him with! l1JQ/'s very screwed up. - Christina in NY A: Um ... you don't. .. perhaps ... in thai case, .. no. You mustCHALLENGE ... yourself-to a duel. Yes. 'Q: Dear Question Marquis: Just/he other day, I was at the librury using the computer catalog thing, and this total stranger stops and he acts all concerned and offers 10 help me. But I didn't need any help! I'm sick of people t,.eating me like an idiot just because I'm beautifili. =Kara inIl.C, A: First of all, tbankyou forbcing beautiful. It takes courage. Now, 1 once overheard Descartes saying that it is not so much that mcn think beautiful women arc stupid, as that beautiful women make men stupid, and-then they just try to talk to them on their own level. But Rene MlIiwQwo.w1t M(J... llu(J~iuJ"'prudOlC~d tJi}vluwl_. "NI"t/~I ...... I'I.J"'M Would say anything to the girls at those singles salons, so who can say ifit is true. J know nothing of such things myself. Tn honesty,l have _wIl~",lItyrm.d~. n..,_"'t~fJw>'1W)',,,bw>
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