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NEWS Thursday, April 12, 200 I - Page 3 Residence Life and Greek representatives try to compromise Campus Safety Blotter continued from page J largely in part to garbage removal advantages of the move. The Department of Campus 3/11/01 at 5:30 a.m. student gained kicked and damaged the boardin fees, the fines still exist over $300. "We feel like we are being pun- Safety reported the following access to the fire escape area in to his desk in ANW. cases which include: McDaniel Hall: 3/16/01 at 1:45 a.m. alcohol con "The Phi Delts were on thin ice ished, and we didn't do anything coming into this academic year due wrong," Campitelli said. 3/8/01 at 12:00 p.m. complainant 3112101 at 3:37 a.m. students yell- sumption in public area in Blanche to extreme damagesand behavior The Bachelors have also lost reported that someone had keyed ing lewd remarks out their window 3/16/ 1:45 a.m. room/nois issues last spring, they knew they housing for this coming school the passenger side of her vehicle and not complying with campus violation in Blanche. had to be careful," Rose said. year. Unlike the other groups from the passenger side front quar- safety in Rouzer Hall. 3125/01 at 1:20p.m. three suspec According to the Phi Delta though, this is their second con- ter panel to the back passenger 3112/0 I at 9:22 a.m. harassmenti rolled a golf cart on the golf course Theta president, Chris Kinda, their secutive year facing high physical door. This incident is logged as a prank in Whiteford Hall. 3125/01 at 6:20 p.m. two non-stu behavior has calmed down im- damages and behavior problems dents found in alumni hall were es mensely this year and it seems un- resulting in loss of housing. fair to lose housing over a garbage Last year, the Bachelors were issue. also not granted housing and ap- "To eliminate a group of people pealed the decision to Residence for mostly trash and not physical Life. damages seems ridiculous," agrees According to Amanda Rose, Phi Delta Theta member Dan after losing the appeal they ap- Belove. pealed again, this time to acting With the loss of housing, it is President Joan Coley. Coley heard going to be "a lot tougher to recruit their case and granted only seniors new members because they are not housing on the fourth floor of going to see us as a whole, but as Blanche. individuals. We are our strongest This year, they are following the as a whole," Kinda said. same path. After receiving word The Phi Dens have appealed the that they were not given housing, decision by Residence Life and met they have appealed and met with keeper trespassing when seen ex- door in Rouzer- no suspects. with Towle to argue their case. Residence Life. Decisions for the iting clubroom party. Stopped and 3/31101 at 7:30 p.m. student wa Decision is pending by Residence appeals case are pending. I.D. confirmed. barricaded in his room by thre Life. The last Greek organization to two unidenti- fled subjects enter other students in Blanche. Furthermore, when WMC and not receive a definite decision on 3/11/01 at 1:31 a.m. subject was the fourth floor of Rouzer Hall im- 411101 at 10:34 p.m. estrange Phi Delt alum Gunnar Burdt heard housing is Gamma Beta Chi, or the observed walking towards his ve- personating Carroll County Sher- boyfriend making threats to femal about the Phi Delts losing housing, more known as the Bates. hicle with an alcoholic beverage iff Deputies looking for a student. student in Whiteford. in his hand. He attempted to con- he said he will "no longer donate According to Liz Towle, the 3/15/0 I at 9:05 a.m. complainant 411/01 at 3:12 a.m. marijuana w any money to Western Maryland Bates have general problems in- ceal the beer and was stopped and reported damage to his desk in his being smoked in the room whil because of the school's attempt to cluding the struggle to find a new questioned Hall. about violations near room. He believes that it may be three students and one non-studen Rouzer control student life." hands-on advisor after their former one of his roommate's friends that were present in Blanche. Any donations he plans to make advisor, Keith Reitenbach, re- in the future will be directly toward signed. individual fraternities and sorori- "The Bates have general prob- ties, he said. lems including lack of community In the Omegas' case, the origi- service; they will decide their fate," nal housing assignment was the Towle said. third floor of McDaniel where there According to the Damien is no resident assistant. According Turton, president of Gamma Beta All WMC Students are invited to to Towle, Residence Life~believed Chi, they have already started do- that the Omegas' history ofbehav- ing some of the community service ior proved that they were respon- that they are lacking and have made INAUGURAL sible enough to live without con- plans to finish the requirements. If stant supervision. The Omegas all goes as planned, they should be appealed this decision though, ar- able to receive a floor in McDaniel. CELEBRATION guing to have their traditional floor With so many organizations los- back. ing or having their housing "We've lived on that floor for changed, the attitude of many Saturday. April 21. 2001 15 years, it is our home," argued Greeks is verging on hopelessness. Western Maryland College Alpha Nu Omega member Katie Kelly Ward, a member of Alpha Installation of WMC's Eighth President CarnpiteUi. Nu Omega, says that she has "no- Joan Develin Coley Residence Life heard the appeal ticed a huge difference in the whole case and reconsidered their deci- morale of the Greeks" as changes sion, but still not to the satisfaction like this keep happening. In fact, 2:30 p.m. INAUGURATION CEREMONY of 'the Omegas, as the final deci- many feel that the school is trying Gill Learning Center sion puts them on the fourth floor to eliminate Greek life on campus, See over 100 V
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