Page 97 - Phoenix1999-2000
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COMMENTARY Thursday, February 10, 2000 - Page 5 GOP Presidential decision 2000 Report from Rouzer This year the Republican Party David Lee analyzes the cial Security, Education, and For- Michael Wiles gives his has one thing in mind ... victory. views of the Republican eign policy could fix major prob- second report Oil the the Ethernet has begun in Rouzer Halls. Now, as and Whiteford After suffering through eight years nominees. lems with America today. Forbes conditions in Rouzer any reader of the Carroll County of scandals, bad tax plans and a is a social conservative who has Times can tell you, I am as big a horrible foreign policy, the Repub- John McCain is the man in the been thrown aside by Bush and For someone who plays by the supporter of this move as any- lican Party has a good chance to center. McCain is a former prisoner McCain rules (most of the time), I seem body. finally retake the White House. of war in Vietnam, and current U. Forbes is running third in nearly to be accumulating an interesting I do not, however, support the This November our nation will S. Senator from Arizona. He's com- every poll in the nation. This is his collection of Campus Safety en- elect a new commander in chief, ing off a strong victory in New third time running for the office; he counters. locking of the trash rooms in or- der to do this. J understand that there are now four Republicans still Hampshire, beating Bush by 18 won two primaries in 1996 against Last Saturday night, around the Ethernet control panel for going for the office. Four Repub- percentage points. Bob Dole and Pat Buchanan. I:30 am, I awoke to the sound of each floor had to be placed some- licans looking to end the reign of His views are quite controver- Forbes has few problems, but Campus Safety knocking on my where, but by locking the trash terror brought on by the Clinton/ sial, one minute, he will be pro- the media picks at them like a scab. door. I did not know what it was, rooms, students are literally in- Gore era. The party of the elephant choice, then the next day pro-life. Forbes is not the most eloquent but something told me it was vited 10 [eave their trash in the is looking to win big come Novem- He reminds me of a certain man speaker, he does not get his strong them before Ieven answered the halls, not to mention the bath- ber because so much lies in the who has been manipulating the message across like Bush and door-which is why Idid not ac- rooms. wings. press and the people for the past McCain. He is also an outsider who tually get out of bed . So, who are these candidates, eight years. has never held public office. But, And; that is another problem I quickly and who will be our nominee come He has "Clinton-esqce" quali- is it so bad to get away from "poli- learning th~~ went back to sleep, in itself. Despite supposed exter- twice last se- attempts mination ~as, in fact, Cam- November? Only four republican ties, but has his good points. He is tics as usual"? pus Safety at my door the next candidates are still in the race for for advancing our military, and Governor George 'w. Bush Jr. day from my neighbor, who was mester, the bathrooms are still with roaches. infested our nomination. The race started keeping a minimum foreign policy. the poster child for "politics as wimess to their visit Now, I am no expert, but I do with fourteen Republicans vying His tax plan is one of the weakest usual". In the end, I guess it was all . for our nomination. Well, money of the four remaining. He will not His father is former president my own fault: I should have not think encouraging students to leave their trash in the bathrooms and/or lack of support have cleared push for a new tax code, but will George H. W. Bush, and his brother known better than to try to sleep the field. increase the 15 percent bracket for Jeb, is Governor of Florida. Gov. in Rouzer on a Saturday night, is a viable option for getting rid We are now left with the estab- middle class folks. This may help Bush has been the Republican and will surely never make any of pests. In fact, it would seem lishments' choice, the centrist, and the poor, but will not give much establishment's pick for over a year such attempt again. that the roaches quite find the increase but, in garbage inviting, two conservatives. help to the middle and upper- now. He is seen as the only man This story, I am sure, comes once again, I am no expert. But, can any of these men beat classes. who can beat AI Gore. His views as a surprise to nobody. We all the so- Al Gore? I believe they stand a McCain's liberal stance on most are moderate and he calls himself know that Rouzer is not exactly lutions As I have said before, problems to Rouzer's good shot to end the Clinton/Gore issues has him-attracting indepen- a compassionate conservau ve. conducive to silence and order, have got to lie somewhere. I fig- era. dents and Reagan democrats. But, He is pro-life, and is a strong nor does anyone expect it to be. ured we would have found it by Alan Keyes, former talk show McCain has shoved aside the right defender of the second amendment. However, Ibelieve Ido speak for host and ambassador under the wing in favor of popularity. Bush has been ridiculed by the lib- most of my fellow residents when now, being February and all, but I guess we will have to wait a bit Reagan era, is a social conserva- McCain needs to get key wins in eral media for as long as he has Isay that it is expected that Rou- longer. tive. He stands up fer-an unborn South Carolina, Michigan and New been in the race. He is a likable zer maintains some standard of In the meantime, I will pacify child's rights, and strongly takes all York ifhe wants to beat "w." person to counter Gore. sanitation. myself with the notion that Iwill his views based on the constitution Steve Forbes is a multimillion- Bush is not the greatest debater, Now, I understand that many soon be able to enjoy the advan- and the Bible. He supports making aire magazine publisher from New or the quickest thinker. He is an elo- residents make the journey to- a national sales tax; a system Keyes Jersey. He is paying for his cam- quent speaker, when his campaign ward cleanliness an uphill battle, tages of the Ethemet.i.Jn March believes is what the founding fa- paign out of his own money. prepares his speeches. But, in live but an obstacle has recently been Until then, Iguess I will have to thers wanted for our country. His views are very idealistic and debates he is not the most influen- placed in our collective way by contend with the garbage and dis- The liberal media has given him could reform this country and its tial order that has come to define this minimal coverage this year, only people. Forbes is most famous for This is his first national elec- Information Services. Services. In place, and hope (hat the situation Yes, Information asking questions about race. Keyes his 15 percent flat tax for everyone. tion, and has made a few mistakes. the ongoing struggle to catch docs not further escalate. is an excellent debater and outwits It is fair and eliminates loop- His big weakness is Foreign POlicy. WMC up with the rest of the I do have one question, all of his opponents. But, with his holes for large corporations and the He has been ridiculed for not know- world, the process of installing though: Do the roaches have to lack of coverage, and lack of funds, rich. Forbes plans to eliminate the ing current leaders of foreign coun- pay "Common Damage"? the media wrote him off before he Internal Revenue Service and the tries and hasn't really experienced entered the race. tax code as it is today. foreign policy before. After placing 4th in the first People will only have to fill out He does have a great staff, with caucus and primary, Keyes hopes a form the size of a post card and great advisors, and more money Correction seem to be fading. But, took for simply mail it in. lt is a tax cut for raised than any other candidate, but Ambassador Keyes in thefuture, all and could save families thou- Bush is not a visionary. perhaps when Amenca ",."WOCjOP> sands of dollars. Forbes is strictly So, this November, when you 'The photo of World Aids Day attributed to Karen pro-life, and will only appoint pro- cast your vote, vote Republican. Pizzalato in the December 9, 1999 issue of the Phoenix they can accept an life justices. Because, anyone is better than AI was actually taken by Katrina Threat. can President. His revolutionary ideas on So- Gore. trapped in a sea of questions and controversy face a political and media meet- Matt Hurff describes the then he ought to make his decision security guard, who wants his son strom. trauma suffered by young on what's best for his boy .. .! think back, and could certainly stabilize Now in America, young Elian Elian Gonzalez. it's a mistake for the INS to send his son's tumultuous young life. is subject to debate and political the boy back to Cuba." Juan clearly loves his son a agendas from such groups as Cu- in place over Cuba. This particu- Should Elian be returned to a great deal, as he is taking a stand ban refugees, parental rights lar group feels that Brian's moth- country economically sapped and and not cutting his hair until Elian groups, presidential candidates and er's dying wish should go an- technologically stranded in the returns, a task they usually do to- the Immigration and Naturalization swered, allowing her son to grow 1950's where people still drive and gether. Department, not to mention Castro up in America with boundless op- constantly maintain old American Juan claims that Elian was "kid- and his communist supporters a portunity. cars, or should he remain in the napped" by his ex-wife Elisabet. In They had succumbed mere 150 miles south of Miami. Is it fair to place a young boy in United Slates, where he can access "kid- if a child dration and fatigue from treading Most children his age are busy such a situation, especially when he a great number of opportunities and America, in such a parental was dispute, napped" water endlessly when their J7,:f~ot. playing child games, riding bikes, does not really know what is going education? For me, the answer is he would be returned to his other boat capsized due to awkward pas- and trading baseball cards, not em- on? clear. parent. senger movement and panic when broiled in an international contro- The political candidates for Send Elian home. He has cer- Therefore, I feel Elian should weather conditions off of Florida versy. President also generally feel in fa- tainly been through a great deal in be returned to Cuba. Then, once he had worsened. For the Cuban-Americans, vor of keeping Elian in the United his short life. The last thing he is older, he could then remember His mother's last action was to Elian has literally been a poster boy States as George W. Bush said in needs is to remain in this country his time spent in America, and con- tether six-year-old Elian to an in- for Cuban refugees. That is be- the January 17 issue ofT/me Maga- as a political tool for Cuban-Amen- template whether he would like to ner tube so that he could survive cause a billboard of his likeness zine, "The Cuban boy's father cans and politicians alike. return, or maybe fight to make a and make it to America. hangs over 1-95 in Miami in pro- ought to come to America. He Instead, he should be sent home change in the communist system in There, alone, Elian was left to test of the communist system still ought to get a taste of freedom, and to his Sf-year-old father Juan, a Cuba.
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