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\~, " , \ \ Thursday, February 10,2000 - Page 4 COMMENTARY , Valentine's day gives a r- I Scheduled Activities for National Eating Disorders Awareness and I Prevention Week I whole new meaning to love February 12-J9 I Monday, Feb. 14th - Lecture in the Forum, 8 p m I Kate Esposito elaborates on the word is defined as: delight in; admire; greatly From Corsets to Body Piercing: A Historical Look at Female Adolescence by Joan I true definition of Valentine's Day cherish. Jacobs Brumberg I for students. Love has no limitations. In other words, it is also available to the currently uncoupled. Tuesday, Feb, 15th - Eating Disorder Screens, 11 am - 2 prn, location TBA Well, it's almost that time again. The in- Send a valentine to your mother, your best , After completing self-reports, those with eating disorder concerns may speak with formation desk and it's unfortunate attendant friend, your roommate. professional therapists .. are soon to be buried in flowers, balloons, How about the lady who empties your and cheesy stuffed animals. garbage every day without complaint, or the Thursday, Feb, 17th - Panel Discussion, The Forum, 7 pm The panel will include a nutritionist, body-image specialist, psychotherapist, and Send a valentine to your mother, your best friend, your recovering bulimic, all with expertise in eating disorders. roommate. Friday, Feb. 18th - Fearless Friday Today is your day to take off from dieting. Campus mail will be overflowing with post office workers who have to distribute little cards featuring everything from hearts all this fluff? During this week, information will be available on tables outside the cafeteria and in and flowers to Pooh to "The Rock". Yes, I am not an enemy of romance. Trust me. Decker Center. This year's motto is: "Don't fight your genes, just change your Valentine's Day is again upon us; the day I love the' flowers and chocolate thing just jeans." for couples to bask in their bliss and for single as much as anyone else. But to quote Ralph people to resent them. Waldo Emerson, "A friend is the hope of the In my opinion, this hol1day needs a heart." The "Great Jeans Giveaway" also runs throughout the week. This event urges change of perspective. It should not be about, In other words, when the road to true love students to think about the 'fit vs. fashion' dilemma and the pressures of our 'thin is "Shoot, I have to buy my girlfriend dinner" is rocky, your friends are always there to pave in' culture. Event organizers suspect that most students have jeans in their closet that or "hmm. .that guy that eats pudding with it. Most people only fall in love a few times, they are struggling to squeeze into. Students are encouraged to. 'stop fighting your his feet can't be all bad-at least I'll have a or possibly once-but you can never have too genes, and simply change your jeans.' A box will be available in Decker, in which date." many friends. anyone can donate his or her jeans that do not fit. At the end of the week, the jeans I The main focus of this day doesn't have So, this Valentine's Day, let everyone who will be donated to a residential setting for adolescents. After all, every Body deserves I to be a significant or insignificant other. touches your life know how much you care to be comfortable. I There is a universal theme here: love. This about them. I'm sure they will appreciate it. L j Eating disorders: Carrie's struggle Phoenix changes Ienifer Sirkis announces the new Last year, Carrie's sorority sisters would Cathy Orzolek-Kronner and the Although there have been numerous theo- Phoenix staff for the Spring 2000 have described her as outgoing, energetic, Social Work Club discuss the retical contributions, the recovery rate of semester witty, and always ready to lend a helping dangers of eating disorders. those afflicted by an eating disorder re- hand. mains discouragingly low. Severe medi- With the departure of many editors on This year, however, Carrie's sorority sis- counseling center. Carrie is currently in the cal conditions and even death are common staff at the end of last semester, this year ters would describe her as preoccupied and difficult process ofdetennining if bulimia is consequences of both anorexia and bu- brings many new faces on the staff of the distant. Carrie's suffers from an eating dis- her friend or enemy. limia. These disorders must be taken seri- Phoenix. order. "Right now," the counselor said, "bulimia ously and halted as soon as possible. In the news section, Staci George and February 12-19 is National Eating Dis- looks like your friend because you can lose Eating disorders are complicated and Francesca Saylor have been made co-editors. orders Awareness week nationwide, and we one or two pounds, but, in fact it will or can not easy to identify as Western society pro- Kate Esposito is the new features section will tell you Carrie's story of her battle with rob you of a healthy heart, bones, teeth, and motes dieting, rigorous exercise, and the editor along with her assistant Shauna bulimia. - may take your life." quest for ideal beauty. Conversations Dominguez. Carrie didn't know she had an eating Carrie has agreed to "think" about around fat-free products, low-calorie reci- Have an opinion? Well, Ed Schulthesis. disorder and she didn't think her obsession whether she is just "determined" or "ob- pes, cosmetic surgery and the newest ex- commentary editor, and Matt Hurff, assis- with food and weight had anything more sessed" with food and weight. But Carrie is ercise video are commonplace today. In tant commentary editor, are the men to talk to do with then the desire to fit into stylish nOI alone. Eating disorders have hit epidemic this familiar context it is difficult to deter- to. clothes. proportions in the 1990's, and predictions for mine when body-image concerns have as- Also, as you may have- noticed, Mike For Carrie her problem began during sumed an obsessional nature. Yestramski and Chris Anastasia have decided high school just before the junior prom. She Eating disorders are You may want take a minute to con- to return as the sports and assistant sports wanted to fit into "that" sexy dress and she complicated and not easy sider the following questions: editor, respectively. was a little put-off when her boyfriend said Do I avoid eating when I am hungry Finally, Matthew Thomas has taken on "she had a big butt." to identify as Western because 1 do not want to gain weight? the responsibilities of managing editor. Now, Carrie wasn't the type to take Do I find myself often thinking about Laura Kelley and myself have taken on those comments lightly and like any self- society promotes dieting, food? the positions of co-editors-in-chief. We just assured teenager she told her boyfriend rigorous exercise, and the Do I exercise even when I don't really couldn't resist the temptation of spending where he could go. want to because I feel I must bum off calo- long nights in the office in desert-like con- She wasn't really hurt as much as she quest for ideal beauty. ries? ditions and failing computers to lead the was mad. Her best friend suggested she get Do I sometimes go on eating binges that Phoenix into the new millennium. In these back at him by going to the prom in a the 21 st century suggest that numbers will I feel I may be unable to stop? positions, we have several goals. "knock -out -don' I-you- wish-you -had-me continue to rise. Do I feel guilty after eating? Laura and I will constantly strive to put dress." Recent research from Eating Disorders Do I find myself continually thinking out a paper that is three things: accurate, fair, Well, we all have these fantasies, and Awareness and Prevention, Inc. (EDAP) about weight? and professional. we've all tried dieting, but Carrie was what indicates that approximately 91 % of college If you answered yes to anyof these In addition, the Phoenix is now a mem- she called "determined." She began running women are on diets at any given time while questions, you may want to take the time ber of u-wire, a national collegiate media in addition to' daily field hockey practice. 15-20% of college women currently engage to learn more about eating disorders. You wire. When implemented, the Phoenix will In addition, late one night after eating in eating disorder behavior. 'may also have concerns about a friend or have the capabilities of publishing stories pizza her best friend introduced her to vom- These statistics' are startling and warrant family member and wonder what to do. from colleges around the country, and staff- iting or purging. recognition, and it is also important to real- We will try to provide you with some ers will have the opportunity to get thoir sto- "It's hard at first, but then your body ize that eating disorders are not specific to useful information and experiences during ries published in other college papers. We gets use to it, and you can eat as much as the female gender. Increasing concerns about National Eating Disorders Awareness and are also looking into adding color to some you want and not worry about calories," her body image are reported by males. Current Prevention Week, February 12-19. Preven- of our pages, and hope to have this in place friend said. statistics from the Menniger Clinic suggests tion is the key to successful outcomes. We for the next issue. Carrie lost weight and made it to the that I to 3 percent of American males suffer urge you to become more aware of your- The Phoenix is always eager to increase prom, but the dieting never stopped. Her from anorexia nervosa. There are no present self as well as the messages you send oth- the size of our staff. If you are interested in determination became obsessive, and by her statistics regarding bulimia in males, how- working for us, come to our next meeting, junior year in college she focused com- ever, speculations from EDAP infer that Mondays at 6:30 pm in the DMC basement. pletely on food and weight. more and more males are experimenting with See related adfor information about Finally, the Phoenix is your paper. If you Carrie fainted twice that year in college the binge-purge cycle. campus events promoting National know of an event that is happening that, in at field hockey practice. After the second The origin of eating disorders continues Eating Disorders Awareness and your opinion, deserves coverage, let us know time, the coach suggested she go to the to puzzle mental health professionals today. Prevention Week. and we'll do our best to cover it.
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