Page 102 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 102
Thursday, February IO,2000-Page to SPORTS The Sports View: Weighing in on crime andsports . .. ~ CHRIS ANASTASIA a zone blitz is to what is a star newly named head of basketball clally and in spirit .• viewers "where the NFL is afraid Asst.SpomEditor middle linebacker's role in a operations Michael Jordan, the Just a thought on-this whole to go," according to McMahon double-homicide. Bul1s ....Bullets ....err ...Wizards situation though. just me, or is at a recent press conference. You know, it seems like this I am not going to lie to you; I moved into a new direction for the Jordan riskinga lot on this club. The league is set for ten teams column is a full time job. I mean, am out of my league in the "Law 21st century. Jordan banks on his reputation, and a {en game season and a four- it comes into play in nearly ev- & Order" field. Do these questions Jordan started quickly by firing both personalty and financially, team playoff. While I think that ery phase of my life. I always end need to be asked? Certainly. Should head coach Gar Heard and hiring thus associating with such a dead- this rria·y [urn out like other pro up being asked for my opinion I answer these questions? Abso- former teammate and former Bul- end franchise like the Wizards footballleagues have in the past about the biggest sport stories of lutely not. let guard Darrell walker. seems like a real risk. (the USFL comes to mind), the the day just because I. write a In short, I feel really OUI of place Walker may be a good fit for What happens when all the fans XFLhas two positives on its side. pretty good (I hope) column in addressing .the police blotter, so I this club, at least in the interim, but that loved Jordan the basketball First, is the new league's will- the paper. ' will keep my comments on this is- a head coach should be the least of player find that they do not like ingness to work as filler between Now, I do not mean to com- sue to this; ali people are innocent Jordan's worries. The Wizards have Jordan the businessman? Slay the stop and start of the NFL sea- plain about the aCI of seeking my until proven guilty in this country, most of their payroll locked up in tuned. son as opposed to working opinion. In fact, I am greatly hon- that, and the fact that a certain players like Rod Strickland and It seems that Wrestling pro- againstit. ored that people would think of Ravens middle linebacker should Juwan Howard who show no want moter Vince McMahon has inten- Second, McMahon, who has me when they have a quandary be a little more careful about who 10 play here. tion to build a newjootball league shown that he can bring action- about the ever-changing world of he chooses for friends. In short, Jordan made a smart to supplement football fans after oriented programming 10 TV sports. Now that is out of the way, lets call in replacing Heard, who had the Super Bowl. successfully, will head this Whatl find disturbing are the talk about the new aim of this obviously lost his grip on this team. The new league, eXtreme Foot- league. This should get very in- very questions that abound today. columnist's venom (hey; the The real task will be gelling rid ball League (that's right, XFL) will terestmg very soon. Questions have turned from what Ravens deserve some time oft), the of Howard and Strickland, who be a "faster, more action packed Until next time, I will see you a star middle linebacker's role in Washington Wizards. Armed with have crippled this franchise finan- type of football" and will take in the cheap seats Men's basketball, 3-15, hit wintery skid Wrestling went crazy scores GREG LEDERER Recently, the Carroll County Unaffected by his first career The home crowd Staff Writer times released an article that start, Hill set a school record by and everybody was fired upped to It has been a tough and difficult changes possibly will ~ made very going 8 out of 8 from three point root the Green Terror basketball MIKE Y FSTRAMSKI season for the Western Maryland soon. territory and 27 pomrs carried the team to a victory. Sp(Jrt.~ Editor men's basketball team. Injuries and the loss of quality team in route the team to a 63-58 Of the shot, Paesani said, "Hit- "Right now, we're just playing players has hurt the team chances, win. He set a record for three point- ting the shot felt great, but what 49-0 over Lebanon Val1ey for our dignity," says freshman especially the loss of point guard ers made in one game. The previ- really felt good was when the team 56-0 over Gallaudet swing man Mike Paesani. "A win- Adrean Pope, who transferred to ous mark was 6 threes held by Eric came off the bench after the buzzer 45-7 over Johns Hopkins ning season is an impossible task Messiah. Watkinson, Pat Young, and Mike sounded 10 congratulate me. It felt 27-15 over Washington and Lee this year so I'm looking 10 the fu- Earlier in the year, Pope played Schmall. like we were playing for the team 25-18 over Ursinus ture and hoping for some good very well and was named to the The win snapped the terror's 10 and not for ourselves anymore. 54-4 over Swarthmore things next year." All-tourney team at the WMCTip- game losing streak in the Centen- Although York out scored the 60-0 over Howard With players leaving the team, off tournament. His quickness and nial Conference and their first con- team 12-4 in overtime and won the 37-11 over Delaware State and rumors swirling about the scoring ability have been missed ference win in 361 days. game, the contest was a glimpse er coach's future, the team continues over the last month of the season, Another exciting game was a good things to come for the men in With their recent win over Hop- to play hard in times of adversity. but other players have stepped up January 24 classic against York the future. kins, the learn has secured itself a The team has fallen to a 3-15, to fill the void. College. Down 48-41 at halftime, The loss of experienced players 1-7 record, but there have been A bright spot for the team has the team went on a late rally to will hurt next year, especially lead- share of the Centennial Conference Title, meaning they will be confer- many positive moments of late. been the development of freshman close the lead to 77-74 with 8 sec- ing scorer Brian Billman, but the cnce champs for three .straight In his II th year of coaching the guard Greg Hill who started slowly onds left. team has a good nucleus of experi- years. Western Maryland men's basket- after coming back from being a On the next possession, they ence and youthful exuberance re- ' Also, senior Charlie Conaway ball team, Nick Zoulias has had a wide receiver on the football team. worked the ball to Paesani in the turning next year. recently broke the school record for total of 83 wins and 175 losses He made a name for himself in a comer who hit a buzzer beating The learn should see more fre- career wins, in addition to the which has led to speculation that a January 19, conference game three point shot with only four sec- quent and positive moments over record for career pins, which he new coach will be hired soon against Gettysburg onds left in ovenime the next few years broke last semester Anonymous Aids FREE TAX HELP For whom: For students and Other Low to Low Moderate Income Taxpayers Testing When: Western Maryland College - Gold Room B Where: ' Tuesday Thursday Saturday Spring Semester 2000 7-9 pm 7-9 pm 12.3pm 11:30-12:30 February to February 12 February 15 February 17 February 19 Every Other Thursday February 22 February 24 February 26 February 29 March 2 March 4 February 10 & 24 March 7 March 9 (Spring Break) March 9 & 23 March 21 March 23 March 25 April 6 & 20 March 28 March 30 April 1 May 4 April 4 April 6 April S April II Location -- Smith House By appointment only Call Ext. 243 for an appointment Please call Serg Fayvusovich x8359 (on campus) or (410) 751-8359 (off campus) to schedule an appointment
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