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Wanted: creeR IIinlcl Sports writers TIlffjJr and photogra- phers Call x8600 Volume XX, Number 6 Western Maryland College Thursday, December 9, 1999 Terror football makes "college'history, wins first ever home playoff game yet falls to He then fan the ball to the 19 goal and took a 16-3 lead into MIKE YESTRAMSKI Spor/sEdito, himself. halftime. He then hit Powell again for a The second half saw the Ter- The Terror'came back from 13 five yard gain. ror punt away their first posses- points down to score 17 unan- The progress was slopped sian without even getting one first swered points and defeat visiting there, and Junior kicker nailed a down only to have Catholic punt Catholic University 20-16 in the 32 yard field goal to put the Ter- right back. first round of the NCAA Division ror up 3-0. Deal returned the kick to the III playoffs. Catholic answered back on the Catholic 43. After Catholic returned the ensuing series, marching 75 yards Sermarini came out throwing, opening kickoff to their own 25 for the touchdown and the lead. tossing back-to-hack first down yard line, they had to burn one of The drive was kept alive for passes and marching the Terror to their time-outs before they even Catholic by a questionable third the six yard line, where Senna- ran an offensive play. down pass interference call. rini connected with Powell from "That gave us a great feeling," The Terror stalled on their. six yards out to bring the Terror said Defensive Coordinator Tho- next offensive possession and back into the game, 16-10. mas, "when we had them worried punted the ball away. Catholic Catholic and Western Mary- enough on the opening play to -began their next drive on the Ter- land traded punts again before force a time-out." ror 43. Sermarini broke a 50 yard run Catholic gathered a couple After a huge pass that brought into the end zone to give the Ter- first downs on the drive but were the Cardinals to the eight yard ror the lead. 17-16. eventually forced to punt to Mar- line, the next pass was knocked The Western Maryland de- vin Deal who returned the ball to down by Meiklejohn. fense was obviously pumped as the Terror 37 yard line. Immediately following that they forced Catholic to punt on The Terror and Catholic then play, Catholic scored from eight their next possession but only at- traded punts for a few series. Deal yards out on a bobbled pass play ter laying down two huge hits on did break: up a pass in the series, to go up 13-3. Notarfrancesco. one that was very close to being The Terror were forced to punt The Catholic punt went short, intercepted, as well as a few huge once again on their next posses- however, and was fumbled back tackles by Matt Meiklejohn and sian. After a huge second down to Catholic. Aaron Bartolain. sack, the Terror had Catholic in a The Catholic offense still Meiklejohn came up big late tough position, facing a third couldn't get much done and was in the first quarter with a fourth down and 35 to go on their own forced 'to punt once again, this KASENIALANTZKY Safety Marvin Deal (22) in action against Catholic at Bair Stadium. The down interception to give the Ter- 10 yard line. time into the end zone for a touch- Terror won the game by a score 0/20 to 16. ror possession around their own Catholic didn't back down and back. 30" yard line. handed off to senior running back Sermarini went to work irnme- The Terror then scored on an We haven't had that happen in a Senior quarterback Ron Ser- Andrew Notarfrancesco, ~dJately, gaming a first down on 18 yard screen pass but was called few years." Coach Thomas said marini hit a quick pass to Teran bulled 50 yards f20be.f.nst down two quarterback keeper runs, then back for holding. Sandrock hit his that he told his team. "We are Powell to bring the ball out to the __and_put-ea:thoTic" in field goal launching a bomb to Powell for a second field goal of the game af- going to do the same thing we did 45. range. Catholic kicked the field 50 yard gain. ter that, a 38 yard boot, to in- in the first half with one major crease the Terror lead to 20-16. difference. We are going to tackle Catholic and Western Mary- people." land then went back to trading Tommy Selecky was happy punts, including a late one that with his team's performance. "We was downed on the Catholic one played as a unit, together. That's yard line. Catholic, sensing their all we could have asked for." demise, went back' to ~ Sermarini was very proud of Notarfrancesco and his punishing his offensi ve line, saying, "They running. did an excellent job. They picked Then, with three minutes and up the blitz; they protected me. 22 seconds left in the game, They made that big run for me, Catholic went to the air only to between that and the downfield be intercepted by Deal. blocking, I had no choice but to After that, the Terror went to score." the ground game and ran out the The following week. how ....ever, clock, winning their first ever the Terror faced off, against the playoff game. Sennarini ran for team that bounced them from the 86 yards and threw for 17.9 in the playoffs last season and .saw the game. same result. Trinity defeated the After the game, Catholic Head Terror 20-16 in a come-from-be- Coach Tom Clark said, -"'Western hind win. Maryland is a good team. Bad A few positives about the teams don't make the playoffs. game were Sermarini's 256 yards They did exactly what we thought through the air and .63 yards on they would do, and we just the ground. couldn't stop them." Jason Wingeart also recorded western Maryland Head In a modern homage to trench war/are, the lines for Catholic and Western Maryland prepare to strike one his first career interception in the anothe{ during the Terrors 20 to 16 victory. Coach.Tim Keating said, "It was game. as well as matching unusual to be behind at halftime. Tommy Selecky with ten tackles.
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