Page 93 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 93
Phoeni Thursday, February 10, 2000 Head of Writing Center dismissed Are WMC residents safe from dorm fires? FRANCFSCA SAYLOR News Sduor Some may not have noticed, but of Blanche Ward Hall during reno- there have been a lot of changes LISA DUE VAN AUKEN vaoons so badly that students had Sm/fWriler occurring in the Hill Hall Writing California-Berkley. California to stay at the Comfort 11muntil the Center. With the dismissal in Janu- University. University ofWiscon- floor was repaired. ary of the Writing Center's admin- sin. University of Pennsylvania. Most recently, a micro-fridge istrator, Mark Honeycutt, rumors All colleges that suffered fatal fires caught fire in Whiteford Hall and have been flying about the details within the last ten years. caused some minor damage to a behind it and what is in store for Fires on college campuses are student's room about three years the center. not as uncommon as some would ago, but no one was hurt, said Philip Many people have their own like to believe. And after last Sayre, dean of Student Affairs. opinion about what happened, but month's fire at Boland Hall, a "We've had some fires at resi- not all are as comfortable talking freshman dorm at Seton Hall Un i- dence halls here ... none that burned about it as Honeycutt is. While he versity, some are fretting over the buildings down, or killed anybody, feels he has nothing to lose by safety of dormitory living, and not but fires do happen," said Sayre. speaking his mind, several English without reason. According to published reports, professors feel the issue is a confi- Like many other colleges, many students at Seton Hall did not dential one. In fact, the English WMC has seen it's share of fire. take the fire alarm seriously when department has been given strict in- About ten years ago, Rouzer Hall it sounded. Allegedly, the dorm had structions nOI to discuss the topic was plagued by garbage-can fires been plagued by a number of false because it is a personnel issue. set by vandals so consistently, that alarms, so students became apa- Yet, that has not kept Honeycutt from revealing what he saw as in- Campus Safety was forced to thetic about responding to the in- tighten security to protect students. tertuptions. justices committed by the English Mark Honeycutt appears in a photo for a 1999 interview for Also, about ten years ago in Au- Students at WMC have also department. First of all, Honeycutt rico when he was hired, which in- copy of the job description. gust, a fire started in a storage been know to be lethargic when fire claims he was not given a job de- eluded his teaching English Com- Honeycutt says everyone closet that charred the first floor continued-on page 3 scription when he was hired, other position 101. However, Dr. Erin seemedthriliedthatheheldaM.A. than a verbal one made between Smith says his job description did -ir. Rhetoric-the·science of-writing Coley balances dual roles himself and the chair of the depart- not include teaching, and it was when hired. He said Panek told him KRISTEN G. FRASER ment, Dr. LeRoy Panek. Panek says added as an extra task. The Phoe- he could do what he wanted with SMffWriler perience for me," she says. Some duties of these Honeycutt was given ajob descrip- nix was unable to obtain an actual continued Of! page 3 Acting President/Provost and besting alumni events, include parent Ethernet set for freshmen dorms Dean of the Faculty Joan Develin groups, and the Board of Trustees. Coley is having a busy semester. However, Coley will be receiv- As acting president and Provost of ing help from other staff. Dr. MICHAEl. STOKF-S Iation of fiber optic cable in all of "Additionally, students- want to be WMC, she is faced with juggling Michael Rosenthal, an outside con- SwffWnler the residence halls, except for the able to communicate with friends two different agendas. For the most suftant. will be working in the Pro- On the last day of January term Garden Apartments, which was and family through the Web," he part, the transition has been vost office to handle part of the both Rouzer and Whiteford Halls completed last semester. said. smooth. workload. took one step closer to using Matthews said that the third part Matthews said that another ad- President Bob Chambers is on The majority of the work will be Ethernet, the very fast, widely used of the process, the setup and admin- vantage of Ethernet is that the net- sabbatical for the Spring 2000 se- shared between the three vice presi- system that accesses the Internet. istration of the equipment, is ex- work connection is always on, so mester, and the Provost position is dents of the college, the Academic The completion of internal wir- pected to be completed by March students will only have to wait for the equivalent of a vice president, Affairs Deans and Directors, and ing in the dorms was the second I, at which time Ethernet will be certain programs to load, instead of so, it makes her the candidate 10 the support staff that works in both part of the three-part process of in- accessible. having to wait just to access the substitute. This has created a few offices. stalling Ethernet, according to The freshman dorms were cho- Internet. changes. Sayre .comments, "The other Christine Matthews, director of sen as the first residence halls on And because there is a "port per Dean of Student Affairs Philip vice presidents and I met with her Information Services. campus to be equipped with pillow" (one connection per student Sayre explains, "If any person was earlier, and assured her that we The first phase was the instal Ethernet because of a $75,000 grant in each room), students in the same chosen to take on the duty while could lighten her load." the college received from Bell At- room will no longer have to share Bob Chambers [is gone]. it clearly For the most part, it seems that Inside lantic. Dr. LeRoy Panek, the initiator just one Internet process will also was and is Dean Coley." experi- the semester should run smoothly. connection, and She has had previous the downloading "[The has been surpris- transition] quickened been diffi- It hasn't [ii·I"',,i§,ib';: " of the grant, said, "We received the be Ethernet. by the use of ence covering other dean positions and ingly seamless. from morning to the such as Dean of Admissions the writ- grant in order to further cult changing ing program for first year. students. Another advantage of using Dean of the Graduate Program. afternoon," says Coley. Cathy Orzolek-Kronner and the With faster Internet access, fresh- Ethernet is that those students in the Coley is essentially splitting Student Government Assembly Social Work Club urge students to men will be able to access tools rest of the dorms who will continue her previous job position. president Matt Gribbin says, "I feel understand the consequences of such as the writing center from their to use the data phones to access the During the morning, she works that based on the fact that I have eating disorders. room." Internet, will have faster access in the Academic Affairs office, IMii'i4 :. The installation of Ethernet has because there will be less people continuing her duties as the Pro- known and worked with Dean Co- we are ley for the past four years, many advantages, according to using them vost. In the afternoon, she physi- in a good position to go forward and Nykole Tyson reviews "Welcome Ethan Seidel, the vice president of However, according to cally moves to the President's of- serve [he student body better, what- to the Movies" WMC's first dance Administration and Finance. Matthews, not all of the computer- fice to complete her presidential ever her official job position may production. "There is a consensus that im- owning students wiJ1 be able to obligations .. be." proved access to the Web is a high Ethernet. "One of the big changes is that "I plan to hand the college back ®ffi¥ II ~;~:~\h~~~~~Y[t~: ~:li,ri~i~i~~ "Some of the older computers I'm not teaching a course. Also, the to Bob Chambers in the same shape will not be able to use Ethernet, nor real change is adding the presiden- or better than when he left it. The Check out the Scoreboard for the assignments or posting syllabi, and will the small percentage of Macs tial responsibilities, like hosting college is doing fine now. I'm en- latest stats on your favorite Green critiquing student papers using this that exist on campus," she said. lectures and events at. the joying it, it'i really a learning ex- Terror athletes. communication," said Seidel. continued on page 2 President's House. It's a new ex- perience," Coley promises.
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