Page 55 - Phoenix1999-2000
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SPORTS Thursday, November 4, 1999 - Page 15 TIle Dmen TlIffjJTSconJIJtJanJ ~tatisticsas of Oct. 17, 1999 Football Tommy Selecky-45-17-0 M's Soccer Thea Bayly-5-I-ll Offense Haroun Hebron-17 -4-0 Name-G-A-TP Tara Calton-2-3-7 Name-TD-FG-XP-PTS Jason Winegart-26-12-0 Vinny Pedalino-4-3-11 Jessie Stickles-0-4-4 Ron Sermarini-6-0-0-36 Josh Galemore-30-8-0 Ryan Tetteris-6-3-15 Holly Pearson-I-I-3 Teron Powell-I 1-0-0-66 Derrick Gwynn-38-13-1 Darren Wolf-6-1-13 Field Hockey Brent Sandrock-0-7-29-50 Marvin Deal-I 7-7-7 Ryan Bowles-4-2-10 Name-G-A-TP Ryan Smith-3-0-1-20 Matt Meiklejohn-25-2-3 W's Soccer Sarah Fogler-3-1-7 Joe Kendorski -4-0-0- 24 Nick Alevrogiannis-8- 3-0 Name-G-A-TP Shauna Oplinger-2-2-6 Matt Jackson-3-0-0-18 Anthony Burgos-I 9-7-2 Tracey Castor-5-4-14 Stephanie Peery-4-2-10 Defense Kirk Simpson-I1-3-0 Name- Tackles-Solo-Int Beth Blasi-18-3-39 Melissa Reynolds-3-0-6 Aaron Bartolain-32-6-0 . Kicking Melissa Merson-6-4-16 Kerry Wilson-4-3-11 FG-LG-XP B. Sandrock-(7-13)-30-(29-34) Marci Short-6-5-17 Anna Woods-5-I-ll Volleyball flips F&M to become conference champs CHRIS ANASTASIA tournament bid due (0 their amount of out Asst. Sports Ediwr of conference wins. Senior Captain Heather Tolkach spoke for the team when she said The Green Terror women's volleyball they were "happy about being the conference team guaranteed themselves a share of the champs, but [the team was] a little disap- Centennial Conference title with a 3- J vic- pointed in not getting the NCAA bid." Drum- tory over Roberts Wesleyan (15-6, 15-7, goole had eight kills and Wall had 15 digs in 16·18.15-11 ). the win over Johns Hopkins. Western Maryland (21-9, 9-1) was led Drumgoole, Brianne Bray, and Wall com- by Freshman Kate Wall's 20 kills and 20 bined for 31 kills earlier in the week in a 3- digs. Sophomore Jessica Rouse contributed 0(15-5. 15-4. 15-8) over Swarthmore. At six aces and 52 assists to the victory. Jun- that same tri-rnatch, the Terror defeated ior Honesty Orumgoole had 21 kills and Ursinus 3-0 (15-5,15-4, 15-8). 19 digs in a 3-1 loss to Moravian that Prior to that. Drumgoole had 31 kills and earned the Terror a third place finish at the 17 digs as Western Maryland knocked off Halloween Classic at Elizabethtown Col- 20th ranked Franklin and Marshall 3-1 ( 15- lege (15-11,12-15,15-13,16_14). 8.15·10.5-15.15-9). Earlier in the week, the Terror beat "With the win against F&M, it was obvi- Johns Hopkins 3-0 (15-7.15-11,15-11) ous that we had the confidence and talent to and earned a share of the conference title be recognized as a strong force in the con- when Franklin and MarshaJl upset Gettys- ference," Drumgoole said after the game. burg 3-2. Rouse added S3 assists in the victory. When The Terror finished in a three-way tie asked her thoughts about her team's season, with Gettysburg and Franklin and Marshall Rouse stated, "Being m-conference cham- for the Centennial Conference Title but 'pions was a big accomplishment I was Gettylburg will be awarded the NCAA happy with our strong finish."
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