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P. 56
Wanted: cmeR IJiJeCI Sports writers TeffjJr and photogra- phers Call x8600 Volume XX, Number 4 Cross country runs away with school's first ever league title MIKE YESTRAMSKI Sophomore Jayne Karolow fin- Sports Editor ished I lthfollowcd by her team- The Terror women's cross coun- mates Holly Thompson and Diana try learn won the school's first ever Pool, who finished 12th and 13th, Centennial Conference crown this respectively. past Saturday. The biggest finish might have It was the first time a Western been freshman Blair Heinke's 15th Maryland cross country team, male place finish. Heinke passed or female, has won any kind of Dickinson's Elizabeth Allen at the league crown. last second for the team victory.' This accomplishment includes When asked about her contri- the many years Western Maryland bution, Heinke replied, "I was try- spent in the Mason-Dixon Confer- ing to keep up with my teammates, ence. who all ran great. This was a com- The team vaulted (rom second plete team effort. Everyone con- to last place last season and into tributed." championship status this season by Karolow felt the win was "ex- defeating defending champion tremely exciting. We shocked ev- The women's cross country takes a victory lap with their league trophy after a season of hug~ success. Dickinson by one point, 53-54. eryone with this win. This is really seniors on this team, so we should tational. Only 5 Division I1 schools, closest rival. Sophomore Jill Krebs finished great that we wiU finally get some come back even stronger next sea- all nationally ranked, beat the Ter- Krebs finished in second place second in the race. 3.35 seconds attention now because most of the son." ror. out of 235 runners in the race. behind Joko Agunloye of Swarth- school didn't even know we had a The week before, the team fin- The Terror beat alliS Division Krebs has three gold medals and cross country team. We have no ished sixth at the Gettysburg Invi- ITI teams, including Messiah, their three silver medals on the year. Football wallops Widener, 57-20, flattens F&M, 19-0 MIKE JENKINSON self. Sophomore defensive line- fensive line.lohn Rydzewski, Scott A week before the domination Burgos shut down his side of the Staff Writer man, Josh "Ox" Galemore, re- Shelton, A.J. Barchetto, Terry Otto, of widener came a Homecoming field yet again as his dominance of corded two sacks, one that was and Dan Harman are the starters up match-up with conference foe the comer position continued. In the past two undefeated sea- inches away from being a safety. front. Barchetto, Harman, and Otto, Franklin and Marshall. Although Lastly, Deal set a new Division sons, the Green Terror have played Co-captain Aaron Bartolain three seniors. have all been start- the offensive output wasn't as III record for career punt return only average teams, outside the applied pressure to the quarterback ing for at least three years, and Otto strong as it is in most weeks, the yards. Special teams coach Paul conference, during the regular sea- throughout the game and made has started all four years. New of- Terror was able to win the game Mccord acknowledges Deal's in- son. A rap against the Terror in those several tackles all over the field. fensive line coach Andy Brown has 19-0. credible talent as a kick returner. undefeated seasons is that they had Senior Marvin Deal added yet an- changed many aspects of the block- A highlight of the game in- However, he is also quick to an easier schedule then most of the other interception to his conference ing schemes for the o-Iine, result- cluded another touchdown for point out that Deal wouldn't be able playoff caliber teams. record. ing in greater protection for Senna- to get a yard without the strong play Head football coach, Tim Keat- The special teams unit for the of the ing, decided to change that this sea- Green Terror had an outstanding son. He sought a difficult team on game as well. the out-of-conference schedule. There were two punt blocks on Enter Widener. Few teams any- two consecutive punts by Widener. where in Division In football have leff Garza contributed one of the as proud a tradition as Widener. blocks. Scott Armstrong, Jason This late season game was Wiles, Rory Maher, and Mike scheduled to make a point 10 teams Wood made their typical contribu- across the country - the point that tions to just about every special Western Maryland football is to be teams play. Place kicker Brent San- taken seriously. drock scored 15 points, by far, a The point was made. The Green new career high. Terror played a dominant game on Despite great defense and spe- all sides of the ball. cial teams, the most exiting part of This was evident in the 57-20 the game was the dominant play destruction of the Widener Pioneers of the offense. The offense scored on Saturday, October 30. The de- seven touchdowns. Ron Sennarini, feat was the worst for Widener in Teron Powell, Jamie Harris, and over 65 years. Ryan Smithall found the end-zone The Green Terror defense en- once for the Terror. Joe Kendorski, tered the game giving up less then finally recovered from a preseason six points a game, included in that muscle-strain, added three touch- were four shutouts. downs for the Terror. The fact that Widener was able The men running into the end- to score two touchdowns on the zone weren't the only reason for Terror defense didn't mean the de- the high offensive output. A bulk fense wasn't it's normal dominant , of .belongs .with the of-. Punter Kevin Culbertson in rare action against Widener.
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