Page 52 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 52
Thursday, November 4, 1999 - Page 12 FEATURES Ani Difranco: rockin' like Dar Williams: and a mutha in Pa. talkative, still all good SAR.AH RADICE LISA DALE VAN AUKEN Although Williams can be incredibly Features Editor News Editor the audience The journey of a pumpkin: She stood alone at the altar of a mas- funny, (like when she taunted "I'm the only a song, saying by introducing Scene One: Two women standing behind sive stone cathedral. A single spotlight on song really knows this myself and my friend Julie in the line wait- her shining blond hair was the only source one who so ... he-hal}, what she tended to ramble means, ing to enter the Gettysburg College student of light in the ghostly room. on while the audience was impatiently union. The 'security guards are being bitchy, While the hushed, even reverent, mur- craving her next song. strictly enforcing the no-purse, no-recording murs of the audience rose up to the shad- True, her anecdotes were almost always devices, no-food or drink rules. ows in the vaulted ceiling, she began to amusing, such as when she described her These two women are on a mission: to strum her guitar, bringing a new kind of most sacred revelation while sitting in a present Ani with a lovely little jack-c-lan- warmth to the rainy October night. posture of Buddhist mediation: "I need to tern, glowing with a small candle inside, and It was the perfect atmosphere for Dar see a therapist." they are full of sheer joy at being at an Ani Williams, a folk singer from New York But sometimes, of found myself seeing concert. State. how many' words I could make if I rear- Scene Two: Julie and I are at the door, In Montclair, NJ, 30 minutes outside of and the security guard is telling the women New York City, Williams' concert was pre- ranged Not the letters in her name. game since challenging a very that they probably won't be able to get the sented at "Outpost in the Burbs.v an orga- there's only three, but it passed the time pumpkin into the concert. We joke about it nization for "folk who care," which meets between songs. being a bomb, and wish the little guy good in a stunning American Gothic cathedral. Unfortunately, to compound the matter, luck. Williams' angelic voice complemented Williams' strings were out of tune too many Scene Three: Ani appears on stage, bends her surroundings perfectly, filling the ar- times to count due to the humid NJ weather. into the crowd, and pulls up the happy jack- tistic religious architecture with an art of So to fill the amount of time that she o-lantem. She laughs in pure delight and her own. spent tuning, and retuning, and retuning her launches into one of her spoken word solilo- The joyful girl caught in a rare moment of Ranging from a piercing, passionate guitar, she chattered about everything and stillness. She gave an emotionally-charged quies. It's a wonderful, intensely human performance at Gettysbarg College. OCI. 29 wail to a barely audible whisper, Williams' nothing. moment, pure Ani. soothing vocalizations complemented her And while her easy, conversational It's a wonderful show. Jason, Julie, and ter about dead flies, to moving, charged emotionally charged lyrics. Dave were back as her accompanists, and a musings on the uselessness of the drug war, She presented her music, popular among manner was perfect for the inti mate setting, it was obvious when she had to stop mid- warm, familial vibe radiated from the three- and ending with a powerful one-two punch folks who dig chicks with guitars and in- song to retune that she was becoming frus- some. of "My Country 'tis of Thee" and a song that, telligence, without any accompaniment, ex- trated with her performance. Ani herself was' a blaze of light, pound- aaah, [can't quite remember the title to. cept her single acoustic guitar. Overall, it was the atmosphere that ing through classics like "Untouchable The audience was in ecstasy, the applause Of course, all of the "old-Dar" favor- made Williams' concert a success. In a holy Face," and "The Diner," mixed with some so loud and sustained that Ani came back ites were there, including "The Christians building, Williams' made it clear that' she love songs. for a moving encore, marred only by one and the Pagans," "When I Was a Boy," "If was putting herself on the line when she She played with characteristic passion, moron yelling, "Marry me, ani!" Ass. I Wrote You," and my personal favorite, sung her honest, soul-searching songs. raw emotion, and intensity, sometimes claw- Other than that, and a little bit of obnox- "Iowa." It is music that makes you question ing at her guitar as ifit were a weapon, some- ious crowd pushing. the vibe was welcom- Williams picturesquely illustrated as- yourself and everything around you. limes curling with infinite tenderness over ing and warm, and J left feeling like $30 was pects of life in America, ranging from the If you want mad, energy-driven, politi- the instrument as she moved into slower, cheap for the ride Ani took us on. intimacies of unconventional, modern ro- cal, chicks-with-guitars-rock, you may more morose songs. Hamel! on Trial opened for Ani, a weird- mances, and the forgiving spirit of fami- want to head off to see Sleeter-Kinney, or There were several gorgeous and haunt- ass cross between a lone Barenaked Lady and lies, to the politics of free-form radio and Ani Difranco, but if you want a relaxing, ing love songs, shot through with anguish Tori Amos. the warped physical self-image of Ameri- meditative journey through the complexi- and err underlying fierce will to survive. He couldn't sing worth a damn, but he ties of human relationships, the backwoods Ani paused a few times to talk with the played incredible guitar, so loud and fast thai of America, and the human spirit, go see audience-sliding from playfully funny ban- it resonated in my breastbone. lli . It's worth it. Okay, last week I gave you websires Great site with a, synopsis of the Japanese Wow! Lots of stuff here! Mad libs, sounds, Walky's Transformer's Pit stop about the cartoons of our childhood. But episodes, up to 90, and the movies. Great even a purity test! http://memhers.xoom.comIWalkylTians- what about those of us who still love car- hand-drawn art, too. formers/ toons? Well, if you fall into that category, Animaniacs Information Page Gotta love a fan with a sense of humor and this week's column is for you. Team Rocket Palace http://wwwjuzzy.comltooninfolanimaniacsl the ability to draw well. http://meltingpot.jortunecity.comlarmenial default. asp Pokemon--Ah, the biggest current fad 28!rocket.html Cultural references that are mentioned in the Miscellaneous among kids is a wonderful and brilliant To protect the world from devastation! To show. The Tick Apartment of Niceness marketing phenomenon. It's also a damn unite all peoples within our nation! http://thetick .. virtue lave.netl cool cartoon! Transformers-Maybe I should have in- Animaniacs--The wild, wacky, urn, what- eluded this last time, but there is a current SPOON!! Cleft of Dimension's Pokemon Shrine ever-they-are's are still going strong on the Transformers TV series on Fox. Nonetheless, /mp:l!cod.dragonjire.netlpokemoll Cartoon Network and on the WB! Here are I'm including all the incarnations in this list- Hasn't been updated in a while. Has in- some sites for you guys to catch 'em when- ing. formation on the Japanese series and the ever you want! American one, games too. The Transformer's Online Encyclopedia Weird-Ass Site of the Day http://www.geocifies.comIAtea5/IStationl Famous Mugshots Shou Tsurugi's Pokemon Site Animaniacs Invade Sigh-Burr-Space 6563Itf-ency.html luto.r/ h tip houl Info about only the "official" series. pokemanhtml Dell12381! Real or not? I dunno, but they're funny. ASAP Free Haircuts CONFIDENTIAL AIDS TESTING ASAP stands jOt Aids SU{JPort, Awareness, and Prevention. Fall Semester 1999 Theresa at "Hair After" 12:00 - 2:00 Upcoming events include: Presentation: Assistant on 211 East Main Street Resident House Discussion: TBA 11/16 Coffee will give a free haircut to Every Other Thursday World AIDS Day: Display of AIDS Quilt the first 20 STUDENTS November 18 1211 December 2 who answer this ad. TheASAPhomecomingjloat. l-r: Yana ASAP meetings are every Tues. at 9 pm in to attend. Call DMC 403. All are welcome Call her at 410-848-6234. Location - Smith Stacey Myers, Dan Mueller, Vesnovsky, House 'i;:;:;::=;:::;::;:;:::;:;::~;:;:;::;:;:::;:;:~=,}~:;:C~a:II=E::x~t.::24-;:3:;:f:;:or=&]n~a::p:PO_in..:'m--,en..:,--,~~~~~~~:"!._~~:~~_~~~~.~~e:..,.~ ...':_..,::..._.:_._. ~ ...._.._ Stacey Myers at extension 8225.
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