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-------~-----~------------11111 SPORTS Thursday, November 4, 1999 - Page 13 .-- The Sports View: A debate to remember, series to forget Normally, I would start my World Series, but don't worry too C.~RIS ANASTASIA team, they seem to column with a review of the much, pitchers and catchers report AssrSports Eduor the At! Century a message to the base- more comfortable and be able to build some confidence. be sending World Series, but unless you Jive in only three and a half months. goals. ball elite that they should except A confident Banks could in or around New York (or are' One interesting thing did come Also, leaving Steve Carlton off Rose as well. mean a season with an actual running for a U.S. Senate seat out of the World Series this year. this team seems like a big mistake It seems that the Ravens have working offense for the Ravens from there), you really did not The Major League Baseball All considering he is arguably the best made yet another change at quar- this year. care what happened. Century Team was named via fan left-handed pitcher of all lime. terback with Tony Banks replacing Needless to say, The Yankees ballots and announced during the In the end though, that is the the ineffective Stony Case. One last note before I go. Remember in week one when won the Series in a four game series. reason for these type of lists: 10 This may not be as bad a deci- the Redskins lost to the Cowboys sweep. showing definitively that Some interesting selections cause debate and to get people to sion as some Ravens fans may in overtime after having a huge they are the best team money can were made, including Roger take a closer look at the rich his- buy. Clemens over Greg Maddox and tory of Major League Baseball. think. lead evaporate? Although this was their third Ken Griffey, Jr. over Barry Bonds Speaking of the All Century Banks has a high-caliber arm, The New York Giants do, as Series win in the last four years, or Ricky Henderson. team, one name on the list that had one thing Case seriously lacks, and the Redskins destroyed the Giants in New York by a wide margin coach should be able to execute I have a feeling that the more Although Clemens and Griffey to surprise people was Pete Rose. Brian Billick's offense more effec- the next week. Well, last week, lasting memories of this season are very good players and are cer- Rose, the all time leader in hits is tively than Case or Scott Mitchell the Redskins again lost to the will be the incredible season had tain Hat! of Famers, Maddox has serving his lifetime ban from base- could ever hope to do. Cowboys. by Boston pitcher Pedro been as dominating, if not more so, ball for gambling and thus can not Banks's downfall may in fact Maybe someone should warn Martinez and the career records in the 90's, and Henderson is the be elected into the Baseball Hall of lay in Billick's play book. this week's unlucky opponents, for home-runs and hits set by all time leader in stolen bases. Fame. The Ravens' coach must sim- the Chicago Bears, that the Mark Magwire and Tony To say that Barry Bonds does Fans of the game have seem to plify the reads in this offense so that Redskins may have a chip on their Gwynn. not belong on this team and Griffey forgiven Rose for his past trans- Banks, who is known to react inef- collective shoulders after that In all, a very unmemorable does defeats all of Bond's career gressions and by selecting him to fectively against pressure, will feel loss, too. Women's soccer upsets F&M, hammers AMY Bl'lTlNGER Ten minutes later, senior Beth The second half goals that got SlaffWriler Blasi was able to steal the ball from the Terror back in the game were one of her three defenders to get a by Melissa Merson and Blasi. The Green Terror women's soc- shot off from the 18 yard line that On Homecoming Saturday, in cer team was defeated 1-0 on Sat- went just wide. the cold and wind, the Terror lost a urday in Gettysburg, Pa., to the Blasi, who had been scoreless tough game to Johns Hopkins 3-0. eventual Centennial Conference in the last two games, was again Then, the following Wednesday Champions. scoreless because of constant triple in Haverford, Pa., the Terror re- The Terror (11-5, 8-2) lost the teams. as soon as she got the ball. gained their winning ways by de- game and the Centennial Confer- Senior sweeper, Meaghan feating Haverford 4-3. ence Title by one goal that was Giorno. who played her last college In that game, Marci Short got scored with ten minutes left in the soccer game, explained that she had the Terror up in the second minute first half. no tears because "it was a great of play. That was followed by two On a Bullet comerkick, a Get- game and the best season ever." Haverford goals. tysburg player jumped in front of The Terror were in their first- Then, with four minutes left in Terror goalie, Becca Lyter, and ever title conference game. In the the half, sophomore Thea Bayly, headed the ball just over her out- duration of the season, several tied it up again offofan assist from stretched hands. That goal turned records were broken. freshman Lauren Harrison. out to be all of the scoring for the These include consecutive Shortly into the second half, game, but there was a lot more ac- wins (10) and consecutive shutouts Castor got the Terror back into the tion. (6), as well as personal records by lead off of an assist from sopho- The Terror came out tough in goalie Lyter with over 400 score- more Kara Moran. the second half, showing that they less minutes and with Blasi tying Two minutes later, junior Tara were not giving up. the schools' scoring record with 18 Calton scored to give the Terror Defender Tracey Castor goats. their fourth goal. Haverford was stripped the ball from several Bul- In action that lead to the Con- unable to overcome the deficit, let attacks to prevent them from ference Championship 'game, the only scoring once more in the getting any shots off, while her ac- Terror defeated Franklin and Mar- game. Lyter finished the game with curate dribbling helped set up Ter- shall by a second overtime period three saves. ror attacks on the other end of the goal by senior Marci Short. The Gettysburg loss marked the field. In the game, F&M got out to a last soccer game for several se- With 26 minutes left in the 2-0 first half lead. But the Terror niors: Beth Blasi, Marci Short, game, freshman Melissa Merson stepped it up in the second half and Meaghan Giorno, and defender 'BRADWIDENER had a great shot that hit the pole of maintained their pace to pullout the Elaina Herndon. They will all be Tracey Castor prepares to score the go ahead goal again.rt Haverford last the goal. overtime win. missed. week. Wanted: A few good writers, artists, photographers The Phoenix is always in search of new staff members. Contact Megan Martin at extension 8600 .for details. Positions available starting next semester as well.
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