Page 19 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 19
FEATU RES Thursday, September 30, 1999 - Page II Discover Baltimore's Erin and Jenn at the movies: accessible charms Stigmata and Stirof Echoes BY JENN Ross St. and Lombard St. The Comedy BY JENN Ross MTV music video. Smashing Senior writer Factory features top comedians for SeniorWriler Sense and audiences may wrong- frontman Got time on your hands? a $5.00 cover charge. Call (410) Two new additions to the box Pumpkins a major player Billy Corgan the fully confuse the two. was in Don't complain of boredom 752-4189. office line up attempt to wow view- What makes the two films simi- because, thanks to The Phoenix, soundtrack of the film, which may lar is the presence of a small, but ers wanting a pre-Halloween thrill. have been the best part of the wise, child. However, in Stir of now there's no excuse for not hav- If you are looking for a night We saw: Stigmata and Stir of Ech- movie. Echoes!he young player is periph- ing fun. on the town, check out the follow- oes. I was not entirely displeased eral, not at the core of the film. We suggest that you take the ing Baltimore hot spots: Stigmata, staring Patricia WMC shuttle to the Owings Mills with the film; I was just disap- He knows the answer to the Arquette and Gabriel Byrne, is the pointed. I thought that I was going movie's central riddle, but he lets Metro and have helpfully provided Herron's Sports Nest-e- 1629 story of a hairdresser (Arquette) to see spectacular, but I instead got his parents figure it out for them- a list of metro destinations and Thomas SI. (410) 522-6600 who becomes possessed with the something a little better than me- selves. things to do in "Charm City" (that's Sports and a big screen TV- "Stigmata." The movie was better diocre. The premise of the film is Stir of Echoes is more of a mind Baltimore, for all the non-Mary- need I say more? in its original form, The Exorcist. intriguing, but it gets lost in Holly- game than a playground for the gro- landers). We've all heard the story of an wood cheese. The Owings Mills Metro will Baja Beach Club- 55 Market other-worldly being taking over the tesque and gory. We are challenged drop off passengers at the follow- PI. (410) 727-0468 will of a young woman. Filmmak- Stigmata's grade: C reli- to open our minds and discover what evil can lurk behind the mask This is just your average ing destinations: Old Court, Drinking, dancing, and just ers usually try to add a new, excit- gious horror flick, of the familiar. Millford Mill, Reisterstown Plaza, plain fun. ing twist. Unfortunately, in the case This Rodgers Ave., W. Cold Spring, of Stigmata. the twist has been guessing film will keep audiences al- until the bitter end - Mondomon, Penn North, Upton, Club Midnight~ 506 S. poorly carried out. While the plot State Center, Lexington Market, Marlyn Ave. (410)391-3325 is intriguing, it becomes repetitive. Stir of Echoes is another thriller though it is that bitter end that dis- rupts the flow of the film. What was Charles Center, and Johns Hopkins. Features lots of hard-pumping Watching the film, I kept wait- that attempts to have audiences on once a clever suspenseful guessing All of the aforementioned drop- house and disco to make you sweat. ing for the "message" J had been the edge of their seats. off points are along bus routes, promised. Unfortunately, all I got Players of the "Kevin Bacon game ends as yet another shoot out at the O.K. Corral. which will take you where you Club Rumblefish- 7954 Bal- was a violent scene that was origi- Game" will have new links to the This film was well written and want togo. timoreAve. (410)768-4477 nally interesting but was continu- star in his latest film, co-staring carefully thought out. It managed Ladies' night is every Thursday ously beaten until it could barely Ileana Douglas. Bacon plays a to be scary without hacking up lots Activities: night. crawl to the end of the movie. young, average Chicago blue-col- of stupid people who should know Peak your c~1tural instincts by What kept my attention in place larworker whose life view changes seeing the play "Vampire Alice" Bohagers- 70 I S. Eden SI. of a story-line were the special ef- after undergoing hypnosis. better anyway. B+ at Goucher College's Mildred The- (410) 563-7220 fects and the music. From the open- One unfortunate thing about Stir of Echoes' grade: has done Finally, that a film ater, September 23 through Octo- Live bands jam nightly at the ing scene, it was clear that Stigmata this film is the timing. It happens its homework on what will really ber9. popular bar and grill pub. would work well as a two-hour to be featured just after The Sixth shake audiences up. For more information, log onto or call the Fells Point Cafe- 723 S. Goucher College box office at Broadway. (410) 327-8800 Wj\1C's shuttle is operating!!! (410) 337-6512. Wednesday's college night of- ''J " .."I.,.. ferslree pool; as weI! as food and The Fell's Point Fun Festival drink specials. No car? No problem. Campus Safety beginning at Owings Mills Mall promises live music, food, and fun You no longer need to spend 12:00 pm. There is no need for a reser- all weekend stuck in your dorm There will be a pick-Up every October 1-3. OK- here are the Phoenix's vation, and the shuttle operates room. The WMC shuttle runs hour until the last pick-up at 9:00 words of wisdom: be responsible, on a first come, first served ba- If your life is feeling dull, get a don't do anything illegal, have a every Saturday during the se- pm. sis. laugh at the Comedy Factory, lo- designated driver, and HAVE. mester, except for fall and The shuttle will drop-off and Take advantage of this ser- cated on the intersection of Light FUN!! Thanksgiving breaks. pick-up students at the following vice to you. You may never be According to Terry Page, in locations: Main Street in West- stuck in your dorm room again. College Activities, the shuttle' minster, Cranberry Mall, Owings For any questions, call x765. will pick students up in front of Mills Metro, and Some places to get freeware: Still, shareware is a good way Writers Freeware Connection - http:// to try out programs and see what Jennifer's Anime Toy Chest - http:/ So you want some new software!- you want. Iwww.otakuworld.co_m!toys - a for you computer, eh? Do you Mac and IBM freeware. collection offun programs relating Wanted! know where to go on the web 10 Places to get shareware: to Japanese animation and games. get it? Do you know which kind NoNags (Freeware Section) - http:! CNET - http:// These are cool even if you you have to pay for? Do you know Ibluelion.netlnonags!main.html_ a aren't a fan of either. Many of the what kind is illegal? No? Well, let great site that has shareware, too. programs are in Japanese, so Yes, we mean me help you, then. No Nags (Shareware Section) - they're like nothing you can get There are three main categories Only Freeware - http:// agsl elsewhere. you! of software: freeware, shareware, - this guy main.html If you are inter- and warez. has an attitude, but good freeware. PC Plus Online - http:// Freeware is almost totally free ZONet Software Library - http:// - PC ested in writing for (sometimes creators ask for a post- Freeware Publishing Site: http:// - contains Plus has full €opies of professional card or something in exchange for www.katho.belfreeware/ freeware too. programs on their website. The Phoenix, we are the use of the software). Freeware.htm - freeware is listed And these are offered legally You can use it as long as you here by the creators. Warez are copies of copyrighted because they pay for the right to of- interested in you. like, for whatever you like. You can software that are not meant to be fer them. There are some really nice even distribute it to others as long Shareware is software that is a distributed. things here, so take a look. Come to a meet- as you credit the original author. demo version. You are expected to In other words, WAREZ ARE ing Monday at 6 Freeware programs run the try it out for thirty days or so and, ILLEGAL!!! Because of this, I And now for: gamut from games to word proces- if you like the program, to then have included no links to any warez p.m., or call the of- sors to clocks' to anything you can purchase a full version. sites. WEIRD-ASS SITE OF THE IS- imagine. Some shareware is time-locked, Even if you manage to find a SUE fice at x8600. Many times the program is as meaning that you can only use it warez, they very often contain vi- Three Kids Kicking the crap out good as its expensive counterparts. for those thirty days and after that ruses and other programs that will of a chair for no particular reason - (of course, fea- Some companies release stripped- it becomes useless. allow someone to screw up your down versions of their programs as Most shareware does not come computer. http:// espresso. ham psh ire. ed ul tures writers are an freeware (Eudora Lite is a stripped- with the full capacity of the origi- It's best just to stay away from %7Ebat961chair/ especially welcome down version of Eudora, for ex- nal (game demos may only come them all together. ample). with,a ful,llevel. etc.). Some miscellaneous software Exactly what it sounds like ... sight) . .. ----- - -- - - - - ... - .. - - -siees--
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