Page 18 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 18
Thursday, September 30, 1999 - Page 10 FEATURES Political science department Freaky facts about vitamins experiences changes Vitamins may be the answer for nutrition- deprived college students, but you should know BY KRISTEN G. FRASER Commentary Editor five things before you pop a pill With a new school year beginning, springs eternal (NAPS)--Hope change is occurring all around WMC. The supplements. They offer the possibility with of provides close to 100 percent of the Daily political science department is no exception. better health with little to no effort-.a big Value for several nutrients should do the It has new professors, new classes, and cur- bonus in today's time-stressed world. trick. riculum changes. Vitamin and mineral supplements can be There is probably not a benefit in taking The department has hired two new fac- supercharged supplements that give you well ulty members for this academic year. Dr. an important tool for good health--particu- over 100percent of the Daily Value for listed larly if you fall into the category of having votker Franke serves as the last member of "extra nutritional needsv-such as dieters, nutrients. Excessive amounts of some vita- the gang of four full-time professors in the mins can also seriously harm your health. women, strict vegetarians, people with food department. Also, Ms. Jody Zepp joins the allergies, people who smoke, individuals 3. A USP .stamp of approval on a team as an adjunct professor. with chronic disorders, and the elderly. supplement is important. Franke joins WMC after teaching at other But before you decide to pop a pill or two, USP stands for U.S. Pharmacopeia. It is colleges such as the Maxwell School at Syra- or three, there are a few qualifiers you should an independent, nonprofit organization that cuse and the University of North Carolina. know about. tests how well supplements dissolve in the Previously, Franke obtained degrees from Prof Volker Franke brings international Syracuse, UNC, and in Germany, where he experience to WMC~ political science dept. 1. Supplements are of little help if you body. If a supplement does not dissolve well- -and there are many that don't-the nutrients resided until 1990. rent political science program offerings. make poor food choices. in the pill essentially pass right through you. His speciality is international relations. Currently, the department boasts over 100 No matter how many pills you take, they His past academic work has focused on such political science majors. can never replace the nutritional value of 4. Natural supplements usually have topics as military sociology, political psy. In the future, the department hopes to eating healthful foods. Foods such as whole little benefit over synthetic ones. chology, and peace and security issues. introduce other classes designed to benefit grains, fruits, and vegetables contain many Synthetic vitamins are usually identical Though WMC is the smallest school in both the political science majors and the cam- health-promoting benefits that pills cannot which he has taught, Franke is adjusting. "I pus as a whole, reports Department Chair in structure to natural vitamins and, there- fore, are utilized fiber and phytochemicals. like the fact that it's more intimate. I don't Smith. The next proposed class, entitled deliver, including are just starting to identify the same way. by your body in essentially Researchers have classes with 250 students." "Law and American Society," is currently many phytochemicals which are believed to Franke is supplemented in the department pending approval. The proposed professor have potent disease-fighting capabilities. However, one exception is vitamin E. Its by full time faculty Dr. Herb Smith, Dr. would be Mark Patino. natural form, called "d-tocopherol," is bet- by your body than the synthetic ter absorbed Charles Neal, and Dr. Christianna Nichols- The last major change this semester in- 2. Too much of a good thing can be form "d, l-alpha-tocopberol." Leahy. Leahy returns' to full time status this volves a previously established course. bad, semester after a three semester sabbatical. World Politics, offered as part of the inter- Many nutrients work together in the body. 5. Supplements are better absorbed Ms. Jody Zepp hold the distinction of national relations focus, has been changed. Consider the complementary relationship of taken with a meal. being the third adjunct poliucal science fac- The new title is "Theor-ies and Approaches vitamin D and calcium or vitamin C and iron when Eating stimulates the production of stom- ulty member to have been an undergraduate to International Relations." Balance is important. Too much of one vita- ach acid, which, in tum, helps dissolve the from WMC. Trevor Wysong and Jim This change is pending approval from the min can affect how another is absorbed or supplement you swallow. The nutrients pro- Kauffman were the previous faculty mem- college Curriculum Committee. The course used in the body. bers. is designed to "accurately reflect the new Unless told differently by your doctor, a vided from the meal will also enhance the Zepp, since graduating from WMC in activity of a multipolar international system. multivitamin and mineral supplement that absorption and use of nutrients in a supple- 1994, has been involved with attendance at Also, it covers the personal studies of our ment. a summer institute on the U.S. Supreme illustrious new professor, Dr. Volker Franke," Court. She also holds a graduate degree-in states Smith. Classified education from WMC. A graduate of the These class modifications and additions, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public as well as the introduction of new faculty Travel Affairs, she now instructs the class "Ameri- create many changes for the fall semester and can Political Thought." beyond. It is the goal of the department that SPRING BREAK 2000 with STS- Her class represents another change in the these changes offer variety for both the stu- Join America's #1 Student Tour Operator MAKE YOUR OWN HOURS department, the introduction of a new course. dents that major in political science and those to Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas, Cruises, Sell Kodak. Spring Break 2000 Trips This course was intended to broaden the cur- who express a general interest. and Florida. HIGHEST COMMISSION-LOWEST Now hiring on-campus reps. PRICES Poetry Corner Call I-BOO-648-4849 NO COST TO YOU or visit online @ Travel FREE including food, drink, and "Thou and !" nonstop partiesll l by ACT NOW! GET THE BEST SPRING Jelaluddin Rumi WORLD CLASS VACATIONS BREAK PRICES! South Padre Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, 1999 STUDENT TRAVEL PLANERS Joyful the moment when we sat in the bower, Thou and I; Acapulco, Florida & Mardigras. Reps "TOP PRODUCER" In two forms and with two faces=with one soul, Thou and I. needed ... 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