Page 182 - Phoenix1999-2000
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'"" Thursday, May 4, 2000 - Page 14 FEATURES Interview with maintenance Macbeth takes Center Stage worker S. Glenn Martin JON BEARR his incredible skill in swordplay. Pippa (The Days and Nights of Molly Tyson: How did you get into this line of As a member Swf!Writer press, 1 en- Pearthree Village of the Damned) plays Lady of the student Dodd, work? joy many privileges. Before the show we Macbeth and entreats us to an over-ambitious were invited for a dinner buffet with the di- character that is crushed by her heavy guilt. Martin: Ineeded ajob and so I applied and rector, dramaturg, and all three witches. Af- Roland Bull, who has performed with Sir have been here ever since. ter the meal, a long question-and-answer Alec Guinness, Sir Laurence Olivier, and period ensued. William Shatner, credibly shoulders the roles Tyson: What do you see yourself doing five The pre-show meal left me too exhausted of Duncan and Siward. His vast experiences years from now? to really pay attention to the first act with shows through in his eloquent acting style. the whole setting up of the plot. 1 could see Other notable cast members are Craig Martin: in the next five years Iexpect to be the actors' lips move, but 1 could not focus Mathers and Julyana Soelista. Mathers here doing floors. 1 have been here for 13 on the words they were saying. Luckily, it is makes a successful return to Center Stage, years; so, 1 just figure I might as well stay. Shakespeare, so I know the story anyway. playing Ross, the porter, arid a messenger. The benefits are good and I figure that the During the intermission Itook a short cat- Last year he appeared in the critically ac- pay will get better. Ialso like the people- stu- nap that rejuvenated me and let me ad- claimed run of Travels with my Aunt. You dents and a lot of the staff. equately critique the second act. Macbeth may recognize him as Drew Rifkin on Spin (Ritchie Coster) and his wife (Pippa City or Fenwick on As the World Turns. Tyson: What are some of your hobbies and Pearthree) have aspirations of ruling Scot- Soelista, a one-time Tony Award nominee, how do you spend your leisure time? land, so they plan and accomplish an assas- powerfully assumes the roles of a witch, Stanley Glenn Martin, known as Glenn sination to ensure their rise to the throne. son, and a simple gentle- young on campus is a floor care attendant/house Martin: In my spare time I like to charter They have trouble dealing with the murder Macduff's It is quite remarkable to see an ac- woman. keeper for Rouzer, Whiteford and the [ower fish on the weekends in the months' of April and so begin a rapid descent into psychosis. tor perform such a wide variety of charac- level of Decker Center. Martin, 32 has through December. It is a six-man charter The strange behavior of the king makes ters so admirably. She was a pleasure to worked at WMC since 1987. Recently he sat where we troll around looking for Blue Mar- the underlying power structure question the watch. with Nykole Tyson for an interview. lin, Dolphin, Wahoo, and Striped Bass. Ihave king and rebel against him. In one of The show is quite good because the play Tyson: How would you describe your inter- been charter fishing since 1985. Shakespeare's darkest works, humor and is quite good. This performance is a good action with students? In my leisure 1 like 10 watch professional tragedy alternately take control of the stage. general rendition of.the play. II is an incred- wres(ling a~d listen to heavy metal, classic The spectrum ranges from a porter's (Craig ible step forward in comparison toThe Hos- Martin: It is good. I don't have any prob- rock and the blues. Some of my favorite blues Mathers) lighthearted monologue as he tage. If you have never seen Macbeth, I ad- lems with students, unless they tick me off artists include Tracey Chapman and local drinks up a brew he mistakenly regurgitated vise you to take the Center Stage perfor- when they write with magic markers on the bands such as Kelly Bell and Chris James to the violent lynching of Macduff's family mance in, but if you have already seen it, floor after we have waxed it. Or when they Band. who was left behind during his exile. you are not missing anything revolutionary. rip the stall doors off after new ones have The solid cast of twelve performs quite If you do decide to see it, hurry. The show been installed. Those are the things that tick Tyson: What are the pros/cons of your job? admirably. A buff Ritchie Coster (The Tho- closes the second week of May. Ticket prices me off. but everything else is fine. mas Crown Affair, New York Undercover) vary show to show. Call (4!0) 332-'0033 for Martin: The proof being a custodial worker assumes the role of Macbeth, showing off tickets. TYson: Do students make your job harder or is when we do our job and it looks good; it ~sier?Why? feels good. The con of the job is when you l J .' , are doing a job and more work is thrown on Martin: The students sometimes make my you while you are doing something else. An job harder and sometimes easier. Sometimes example of this is when someone is out sick; the dorms are a complete mess with trash all you have to pick up his or her job. The solu- over the place and other times it is clean. tion to this problem is to hire more help. Tuesday through Friday the buildings are mostly clean, but they are messy on Mon- Tyson: Do you consider WMC to be a good day and Tuesdays from weekend parties. employer? How could they be better? Tyson: Do you have any concerns with your Martin: The benefits are great, but the job? housekeeping department is well under paid. WMC could be a better employer by improv- Martin: I have never had any problems with ing the pay and the residential dorms such my job except for the roof on the lower level as Rouzer and Whiteford. They have been of Decker. For iO years it seems like every working on modernizing buildings; however, lime it rains the roof just leaks a lot. I con- the walls still need painting. stantly report it and they [physical plant] al- The-rooms have been somewhat im- ways try to fix it, but the roof leaks even proved, but they could still be a little better more. Things like this make my job harder than how they are presently. WMC did a because the other maintenance workers and great job of implementing drop ceilings, but I have to get buckets and put them on the the walls could have been painted over with RICI-lARD ANDERSON stairwells and by the game room, which are a brighter color; the color they use now Joy Ehrlich ptays a witch during the performance at Pearlstone Theater Se;;:;ral studelitsUZsharetheir upcomin summer plans NYKOtE TYSON ing to be working at a golf center and will where he might travel to Somalia agdo an fun in the sun? Jamila Connor will be gomg Staff Writer also be doing an internship for United Way internship with a relief organization. While home to the island of SI. Thomas in the Car- Relax, Relax, is what most WMC stu- in the Medical field." She is hoping to gain in Saudi Arabia he plans to spend some time ibbean for summer employment. "I will have dents are yearning top do for the summer. experience and find out what she is really with family, play catch up with old friends, two jobs," she said. "One will be with the Tests, papers, and oral presentations are the interested in. and get back into his religion by visiting government and the other ata hotel as a night demands of most WMC students before ex- Sophomore Rajit Chaudhuri has the same Makkah Medina, the Holy City of Islam. clerk." She will be also be going to the is- ams. Most are looking forward to packing idea. He will probably be doing an intern- Some WMC students will be. taking land of Anguilla for a week in August to par- up bags and shipping out as far away from ship at a designing firm in Baltimore to gain courses at other colleges that are considered ticipate in their carnival. Westminster as possible. more experience in his future profession of a killer here. Sophomore Angie Chapman Additionally, senior Lloyd Salang said, But when you exit the premises of cam- graphic design. , will take statistics at a community college in "I am going back home to Malaysia where 1 pus you may begin to wonder what others Also with career opportunities in mind, Baltimore and will also be focusing on a fe- will chill with my brother, play ball and catch are doing during the summer. . sophomore Jennifer Yi said, "I am doing a male group she is a part of in which she will a tan, and that is allI expect to do." Some students will be making "dough," research project in Virginia. lt deals with the be going on showcases in various states. Also traveling a long way home for the traveling, doing internships, taking summer Maryland curriculum committee and I will All work and no variety is not the motto summer is senior Sushama Rajapakse. She classes, and others will be, yes, relaxing. be doing research about school curriculum of sophomore Joan Faulkner. She will take will be going back .to Sri Lanka for part of Although many students see the summer as a whole and the status of immigrant farm Spanish classes in Spain for a month because the summer and traveling to. various coun- as a relief from the academic obligations of workers." she is thinking about minoring in Spanish. tries in Southeast Asia including Malaysia, college, others see it as an opportunity to Others will be gaining experience and Wanting to study abroad at some point, Singapore and Bangkok, Thailand. She will further explore their scholarly interests. relaxing abroad. Sophomore Hussein Faulkner seized the opportunity this summer. be retumjng to Maryland in early.August to Freshman Kat~ Facciponte said, "I am go- Samater plans to head home to Saudi Arabia Meanwhile, who will be able to having go ~o graduate school,
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