Page 181 - Phoenix1999-2000
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FEATURES 4, 2000 - Page 13 summer OK to indulge for a little while. cos CO) §® ~ CO-Hm cd] ~ LISA VANAuKEN Wait til finals are over to start! StajfWriters Jfyou could change one thing Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20) Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) WMC, what would it be and why? Happy birthday to the mighty bulls! During a 70s moment, you and Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21) This is your day to sit back, relax, your friends are sitting around in a Feeling stressed out? Light a candle, contemplate the meaning of your circle urn ... "talking" when you put on some Enya and eat Tofu. existence, and not do a damn thing, and tomorrow when the shit hits the Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) fan, blame it on the Phoenix. Are you really going to study all weekend? Nah! Take some timeout Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) and go dance in the fields! Promise of sultry summer days in- "Room selection; If we.are spires you to dress up as Judy Gar- Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18) satisfied with our rooms, land and sing "Surf City" in the Here's your assignment, today in- allow us to keep them middle of Red Square. Be sure to corporate as many Freudian slips instead of putting us back throw a big smile at my window into your conversations as possible, because I'll be taking pictures. have a vision of James Earl Jones then tell your friends they have dirty into the lotto system. " in tye dye singing "It had to be minds for reading something sexual Kelvin Wilkes '00 Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) you ..." AAAHHH!!! into everything you say. This summer you will get in touch with your lost childhood; splash Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 23) Pisc-:s (Feb 19 - Mar 20) around, blow bubbles, play in the Ever want to pick up the phone and Studying for finals leaves you rest- sand, and don'tthinkyou'retoo old call someone you don't know? less; take a break, jump in a lake, to watch all the Muppet Movies! Why don't you? Say something and take up water polo. nice or funny to brighten their day. Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19) Grrrrr Lions! Usually ambitious, Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 21) The last weekend of school, what the lovely summer days will leave "Summer lovin' had me a blast, to do? Hey those weirdos in the field "Allow hard liquor in the you feeling a bit lackadaisical. It's Summer.lovin'·happened so fast. .." look like they're having fun! dorms." Common Ground on the Hill will Sergey Payvusovlch '00 celebrate its sixth season this July commumcarron, "I came to a point where I didn't like what Iwas seeing in the US- I couldn't have imagined we'd be so separate in 1968, we'd have so many unanswered questions in terms of racism." r "Change administrati::: So he returned to his alma mater because it is very slow, and pitched the proposal for Com- unreliable, and ineffective. ' mon Ground 10 President Cham- bers. Six years later, while still little Istvan Olejnyik '01 known to WMC students, Common Ground has attained national rec- "ognition for excellence, and has been compared to the Chautauqua and Lyceum movements. Former senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley has even cited Common Ground as an outstanding example of a pro- , , gram that engages the races and The brains behind Common Ground on the Hill, Walt Michael. lias brought promotes cultural dialogue. together anists from around the world 10 WMC [or the past six years The first week of Common Ground (July 2-7) will focus on tra- SARAH RAOICE alive ... It's wonderful to see these ditional arts, with classes' on topics make them nicer. And SraffWrilef people just jamming on their own ranging from "beginning mando- For two weeks this summer, the outside ... The primary focus is lin" to "poetry of the blues" to bigger closets!" spirit of the 60s wi!! be reborn on art-we artists get together and "Anishnawbe arts and spirituality." Martha Tudor '00 campus as Common Ground on the have a ball and find out there's a A few of the distinguished instruc- Hill gears up for its sixth year of lot more in common than we tors include: Dr. David-Carrasco, operation thought there was, beforehand. Professor of Religious Studies at Common Ground is an indepen- [Common Ground is) a real contri- Princeton University; C. Randall dent traditional arts organization bution to the world." Daniel-Sakim, an Apalachicola- affiliated with WMC that runs a Common Ground is the brain- Creek tribal king, folk musician, program every summer bringing re- child of Wah Michael, a WMC and traditional herbalist; Bill Keith, nowned artists, dancers, writers, graduate who has spent the last 28 one of the greatest banjo players of and musicians together to put on years traveling the US, Europe and all time. two weeks of workshops, classes, Canada as a folk musician.' The second week (July 9-14) is dances.end concerts. During his time here in the 60s, the first annual World Percussion "The tuition expenses and Its purpose is to seek racial and Michael was an active participant Gathering. Master teacher and Senior Week expenses. " cultural harmony through the arts, in the civil rights movement, do- drummer Glen Velez, and drummer Lolita Johnson '00 and to preserve traditional arts by ing community action work with and Kora player Fode Sissodo are exposing new generations to them. the Student Opportunities Service two of the featured instructors. "lit's) 500 people playing mu- in Appalachia and voter registration In between the sessions, Com- sic and doing aIT," says Professor in the Deep South-activities that mon Ground is sponsoring an Zepp, a member of Common sparked Michael's lifelong passion American Music and Arts Festival Ground's Advisory Board who has for civil rights. (July 8-9) at the Carroll County been involved with the program By [993, Michael was seriously Farm Museum. For more informa- since its inception." disturbed by what he saw as the tion, contact Walt Michael or visit "The whole campus just comes wave of racial separatism and ill-
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