Page 180 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, May 4, 2000- Page 12 FEATURES Reflections on WMC: Seven seniors share their memories RAINI WRIGHT Megan Milesky (Business/Econ., future on campus has increased, and there is a lot sad to be leaving friends, but it's time to SlaffWriler entrepreneur) of new construction and renovation. I really move on." Is there life after WMC? It's only a mat- "Since I've been here the food has like the closeness between people here and ter of days before the senior class says changed for the better. There's a better se- the peaceful atmosphere. I dislike the lim- Raphael Taylor (Music, Gospel Choir & goodbye to a life they have known for sev- lection and constant variety. I really enjoyed ited range of majors offered here and the cost Football)' I eral years, and begins to answer this ques- my experience here, and J feel that r have of tuition - it's realty expensive! In regards ''The music department has greatly ex- tion. learned a lot. I have to say though, that r did to leaving, r have mixed feelings. I am glad panded since I've been here. There are many And what will they miss - dorm life, trips meet a few people who were small-minded to be leaving the work, but r will miss the more students involved now. And the rela- to Wal-Mart, overnight visits to the computer and spoke ignorantly which I cannot toler- friends that will still be here." tionship befween the Gospel Choir and the lab? Or what do they regret - leaving behind ate. And YES, I am looking forward to gradu- administration has become better: Since f am friends, eating the food, missed opportuni- ation. I am really looking forward to the next Kelvin Wilkes (Sociology, non-traditional seriously involved with music, I'm upset that ties? stage of my life. I feel like my time here is student) the college doesn't have a performing arts In the spirit of graduation, various seniors up." "Since I've been here, the buildings and center. were asked to reflect on their experiences the computer labs have improved. There's a I have enjoyed the opportunities to do here at WMC. They had to limit these expe- Jon Reynolds (Communication, theater lot of new construction. Ilike the people here, internships and collaborating with professors riences to three questions: What has performer) but I dislike the lack of variety in the on cam- outside of the classroom. I am happy that changed? What are your likes and dislikes "The student body has grown a lot over pus events. Yes, I am ready to move on, be- my time as an undergraduate student is over, about WMC? What are-your feelings about the past few years; when I came here the call;se everything has run it's course." but I will be back-for graduate school." leaving? Here's what they had to say: school definitely felt smaller. I really enjoy the accessibility of the teachers, because I Laura Conner (Theater, transfer student) As you can sed, the variety of experiences Katrina Threat (Communication, screen feel like I can be friends with them. [don't "I transferred to WMC, so I have only and perspectives of these seniors varies. writing & directing) like feeling trapped on campus though, some- been here three years. In those years how- However, one thing thHtn} BEST SUMMER Top-notch YOU'LL F.VER Maine HAVE! for boys seeks eve fia:ed on tIk {att IiMizon wiltfind tIk 'tigIit wad." summer camp to instruct either counselors - Dag Hammarskjold basketball, tennis, lacrosse, baseban, hoekey,golf,hiking,ropeseourse, "~ fj4Wt file, ~ (IDU cUt and etWtfIOIW (IDU meet ~ 011in MJI1W tUaff. Smne archery, arts & crafts. homing. water- swimming, siding, photography, I 6it of ~ (IDU eapeaence Jtarp willi etWtfIOIW (IDU'oe Ibwwtt, and tUJ/Aing- id f&Jt" video, music. Junc23--August 16 - Harriet Doerr HighestcampsaluriespluSIWvel. room,board.laundryscrvicc. Earth Day in DC: a calf to' coiisclousness beautifullnke-Irontsetting. facilities, credit. internship Great Weseek fun, dynamic, working models who enjoy responsible role- with KATE ESPOSITO native Iowa. tal building. These were dedicated to en- children. CaJJ410-337-9697or Features Editor Other well-known stars included The In- vironmental, animal rights, and human This year April 22 was more than just digo Girls, blues singer Keb Mo, and singer, rights organizations. Escape to the Shenandoah the day before Easter. It was Earth Day, Maya, who seemed less inspired; she sang Visitors left these areas with a barrage Mountains of West Virginia. more than just a day.for hippies, it was a her hit "Angel of Mine" then quickly left. of fliers and bumper stickers, along with TIMBER RIDGE CAMPS, day of concern, reflection, and hope. Clean The main event for the parent generation was exposure to new ideas (such as golf tees coed. seeking energetic, fun-loving this energy now was the focus of this year's cel- a collaboration between David Crosby, made out of corn, carpet and pencils made coming staff 10 work with children from Wash summer. 90 miles ebration on the mall in Washington DC. James Taylor, and Carole King. Taylor also from recycled cardboard, and new c1~an DC. Top salaries.jrnvelallowance Old and young, liberal and conservative, gave an excellent rendition of Janis Joplin's and efficient forms of energy), and a tfinterested, came together to honor their "mother". "You don't know what you've got 'til it's chance to make their voice heard through call 1-800-258-2267 or Although the main draw was said to be gone". petitions and postcards. email even! sponsor Leonardo Dicaprio, those Westminsterites may have enjoyed the Even the weather seemed to respect the Need mone ? over the age of 15 also remember dynamic performance by country singer Clint Black event; the gray sky refused to rain. In the speakers ranging from US Congressmen, who wrote a song for the event with such end, the only drawback seemed to be time Eamupto$500.00plusaweekfor to organization leaders (such as the presi- insightful lyrics as "Earth Day, a rebirth day" as the event was cut off by the park ser- yourorgamza\]onasststtngvanous dents of The National Organization for which seemed a bit more appropriate for Mr. vice due to time constraints, with several promotions on your campus. We've Women and The Children's Defense Fund), Roger's Neighborhood then communicating speakers and musical acts left to go. helped thousands of groups raise the to TV and film celebrities. Usually sarcas- a serious message. Third Eye Blind per- Overall the day was at most inspiring moneyth~/nccd.CaI!800-592-2121. eXI.725 tic film stars such as Tom Arnold proved formed the two hit songs from their new al- and at least entertaining 10 all present. It to be more than just talking heads. Arnold, bum while admitting that they were "com- also increased awareness to the fact that Travel after cracking jokes about predecessor Bill pletely off topic". anyone can have a voice. It let anyone Nye the Science Guy made a passionate , Equally as important as the performers working for social change realize that they Mexico/Caribbean or Central America argument against factory farming in his were the five tents located south of the capi- are not alone. $229r.1. Europe$1690.w. Other Prize winning poet Henry Taylor speaks world TERRORISTS Book GET YOU cheap. THERE ONLY wide destinations CHEAPER! on nne tickets www.atrtech.cnm or versify in Washington DC. short poems and long ones, showing the di- (212)219.7000 He has several published collections of versity of his style of writing. poetry, the first of which was published in Taylor is an interesting speaker and there Pregnant? The 14th annual B. Christopher Bothe 1966. The Flying Change, Taylor's third po- wasn't adull moment during the lecture. The PREGNANT? Memorial Lecture was held Monday April etry collection, won the Pulitzer Prize in poetry Taylor read was full of brilliant im- FREE CONFIDENTIAL PREGNANCY TESTING 10,2000 in McDaniel Lounge. Poetry in 1986. agery and very colorful language. His po- & CARING COUNSELING HELP Bothe's family and friends established a Although it is the most well known prize etry was also easy to understand because he 8005215530 CONTINUE EDUCATION At-iD CAREER, fund for an annual event where one writer Taylor has won, the Pulitzer isn't the only was able to convey the point of his poems THE NUTURING NETWORK 800-866-4666 visits western Maryland College and gives honor on his list of achievements. Taylor has without usint overly bookish language. a lecture or reading. The writer also spends won several awards, including the Golden Melanie Weinzirl, who attended the lec- the day of the lecture at the college meeting Crane Award of the Washington Chapter of ture for a crass. said, "He was entertaining Correction students. the American Literary Translators Associa- and a good story teller. His poems were very The article in last issue on Professor Linda This year the reading was by esteemed tion in 1989. vivid." Eshleman incorrectly stated that there is a poet Henry Taylor. Taylor is Co-director of At the lecture, Taylor spent about an hour Taylor W.1S a great choice for the Bothe computer science major available at WMC, the MFA Program in Creative Writing as well giving the audience a taste of his poetry, from Lecture and he will be a hard act to follow At this time, there is only a minor avail- as a Literature Professor at American Uni- the very comical to the serious. He read both for next year's speaker. able.
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