Page 185 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 185
COMMENTARY ---------------------- .. Saying farewell to a great leader You may have seen the recent Tammi Slater discusses This dedicated and hard work- off the mark by Mark Parisi reports or overheard the reactions life at WMC after Robert ing man has brought much inspira- to the Dr. Robert Chambers' resig- Chambers's resignation. tion and change to WMC and its nation as President of Western community and he will be sorely /lJ.l.. RIGJ.\r: ••WHICi-\oNeo~YoU HAt:, Maryland College. to come to an end. 'However, he is missed by all those he touched. Chambers, who has been on going out with a bang as the Col- His time served at WMC is the ~(!NSt.t!P/N& ONtIr{ N£'w Wl$? sabbatical leave since late Decem- lege recently completed the $40 second longest tenure of any other ber [999, felt that now was his time million Defining Moment Cam- WMC president, and he is one of to resign. paign. the longest sitting presidents of any Chambers who took sabbatical This incredible and highly irn liberal ans college in Maryland. This dedicated and hard working man has brought much inspiration and change to WMC and its community and he will be sorely missed by all those he touched. leave in hopes of having time to pressive fundraising success is only It is for all these reasons and reflect on what he has accom- one of the many things Chambers many more that WMC students, plished over his 15 years at WMC, has made possible at WMC. faculty, administration, and the found that despite his love for his Among his many accomplish- WMC community regret to see job and the college, now was his ments are the creation of the first Chambers go, although his great time to depart-what has been a life- American College in Budapest, leadership, vision, contributions, time experience for him. What he Hungary, and the renovation of ev- and accomplishments will remain says to have been, "a wonderful ery major academic building on with them forever and for this they career with WMC," he fell needed campus. are forever grateful. A Hero of the '80s: Corey Haim Being that this is my final ar- Eric Barry says farewell J guess we will all get 10 see for ticle for the Phoenix, I want to with a tribute to actor ourselves. make it special. J am dedicating it Corey Haim. Actually we will probably have isn't More parking to the one and only, Corey Haim. to wait until it goes to video or the No he is not dead. He just deserves success with teen flicks soon had USA channel. Corey Huim some text. him type cast, and eventually out exactly good box office fodder in He solely exemplifies the es- of work. the new millennium: he does needed for students sence of the 80s. He was-the sfarof In the late 90s, Haim got fed up To make some cash many cheazy 80s movies. Charlie with the lack of role offers so he signings at conventions and what Brad Widner calls [or schools wrestling at the tourna-' Sheen, Jim Varney, Winona Ryder, started producing his own films, not. He also steers clear of the other rnent. How are we supposed to Nicole Eggert, Gary Busey, and which eventually led to his declar- Corey (Feldman) to avoid the changes in the WMC many others all have worked with ir.!.&.. ~ankruptcy in the state of Cali- parking system. handle this number of students Ifi'fIn. -, forma. stign;,~~~s~aim IS like"'phu! ~ tiMe alollgJwjtj)t!MiJihmi!ies? In recenr'iTiootM,ifhe does earn money Yes, WMC ~eing from Toronto didn't My sources close to the-star, say Reubens (Pee Wee Herman). They campus has made itself open for by holding this event here, but hinder Haim's career at all. He had he is a little on the chubby side. don't have any hip credibility in the major weekend events such as the why not used this money to im- the California look and the Ne- However, with the expected release year 2000, but seeing them in a film Maryland State Wrestling Tour- prove the parking facilities so that braska charm. Ho. ever, instant of "Groove Society" approaching, is as good as it gets. nament, several admitted student WMC students do not have to days, and most recently, Western park off campus the next time an- Maryland A call £"0~-r-c:-h-a-n-ge-of;;-t:-e-e-n-a-p-athy College Reunion other such event rolls around? weekend Maybe instead we should This has caused a major prob- A year has come and gone and Edward K. Schultheis my generation. make more spectators of this so the sun sets on my first year in, examines the trend of teen I constantly hear how there lem for current WMC students; event find parking elsewhere. college,,;, ,L apathy in today's society. should be more writers for the pa-, there is not any parking left. I'm sure.any commuter would SO much has happened, and I per, and how there arc many other :1 During the Maryland State agree with me til'M the parking have witnessed so much during this himself. stories that aren't covered. W~stling Tournament, I had to situation is inadequate. More past year. Even though McCain evenru- But, when you ask those people We pay around $30 dollars per year to Of course, the most obvious ally lost the Republican Primary to to write about it, they can't. news is that the long-time Western Bush, he still gave the supposedly They have enough time to com- park on campus, a rather modest amount Maryland College president, Rob- unbeatable Bush a run for his plain, but to try to make a differ- ert Chambers, resigned. money. ence, that's a bit too much. compared to other colleges, nevertheless, Although I never personally Not only has WMC lived This was McCain's message. we should be guaranteed a parking spot knew him, I still feel a sense of loss through these national events we He consciously made an effort of having never got the chance to also endured a variety of local to draw in the younger generation, when we pay this money. meet him and to know him as some events. he tried to change the apathy that maneuver my way through a of the older students did. The point being is that while I had been building up for years. maze of buses, cars and people. parking spaces would certainly There have been several na- have only been here a year, I have Even though they flocked to help their situation when battling tional and international events dur- still witnessed many events, both him, and voted more so for him In the end, J had to park off cam- for a spot just so they can make it pus. ing the past year which have also on campus and off. than any other candidate, it wasn't to class on time. caused controversy and sparked I have tried to write positive enough to halt his defeat. This disturbs the lives of cur- We pay around $30 dollars per political revolutions. commentaries, but have at the same Our generation, the generation rent WMC students immensely. year to park on campus, a rather The most obvious example of time written negative editorials that is just coming into power, is Many students said that they modest amount compared to this is the Elian Gonzalez case, whenever I felt they were needed. capable of so much. would not move their cars in fear other colleges, nevertheless, we that they not be able to would where a 6 year-old boy's future If I can do it, and so can other Until we get out of our rut of park on campus for the remain- should be guaranteed a parking hangs in the balance thanks to the writers for the Phoenix, why can't constant complaining with no sup- der of the weekend. Is that fair? spot when we pay this money. politics of today. the rest of the student body? port, things will never change. I agree that admitted students Furthermore, in the winter, the The other most unexpected turn This is the age of apathy it Our generation will always be snow removal crew should do a of events was John McCain. seems, and judging by how many apathetic, and people will always day and Reunion Weekend are better job so that we do not have McCain, who is a Vietnam War vet- young people voted in the prima- be complaining about the Pub or necessary events, but there must to back our cars out of a giant eran, was never really expected to ries this year, it seems that they SGA or supposedly racist months, be something we can do about the snowbank the plow so thought- parking. make an impact on front-runner could care less. but it takes action to bring about fully placed behind our cars. I feel George W. Bush. Then they wonder why no one change. As for the Maryland State like I'm in Antarctica, not Mary- However, after McCain's upset listens to them when they complain Our generation needs someone Wrestling Tournament, I do not land. Thankfully winter is behind of Bush in the New Hampshire pri- about the system. to step up to the plate and make think it is possible to accommo- maries, he was finally taken seri- It's this kind of apathetic atti- change happen. date such an event here at WMC. Will any of this happen? WMC is a small college, pos- ously - both by critics and by. Bush tude that makes me wonder about Are you that person? sibly half the size of many high Probably not, but it's always nice to dream.
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