Page 187 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 187
SPORTS Thursday; May 4, 2000 - Page 19 Men's lacrosse team has successful season despite recent loss DAN GADO the game to lead the Terror, and added the other two. in a game, and was just one goal 51affWriler Ellis added two more. The Terror, however, could not shy of the team record of II. Ellis. In the nine games prior to Exactly three days earlier, Ellis pull out the close one at home in WMC's record for goals in a game April IS, Ellis had scored a total of GeUysburg'sApri1IS win over put on a show against Dickinson, an April 19 showdown withatough is II. He also added four assists. 21 goals. In the five games since Washington College ended Western scoring eight goals, as the Terror Widener (8-4) team. The Pioneers Both his goals and total points then, he has. scored 26. up their sea- The Terror wrap Maryland's hopes for a Centennial cruised past the Red Devils (1-12,. used two late first quarter goals just against Haverford are Terror fresh- son Saturday at Washington Col- Conference championship, but it 0-6) 17-8. The win marked the 26th 27 seconds apart to go ahead 4-2, man records. lege (10-3, 4-1). has not prevented them from hav- consecutive time that the Terror and never looked back. For his effort against Haverford, ing one of the most successful sea- have defeated Dickinson. Joey Ellis once again led the A win would give Western Ellis was named Centennial Con- Maryland a 12 win season for the sons in team history. Ellis contributed three goals to charge for WMC with three goals. ference Player of the Week on April first time since 1974, and tie their The Green Terror's upset vic- a S-O Terror run to end the first Western Maryland, however, could 15. tory of St. Mary's (9-S) Saturday quarter, putting the Terror on top not keep pace with Widener's se- team record for victories in a sea- This game started a trend for gave them a three game win streak, 5-2. Ellis also scored back to back nior Tom Robson, who either and upped their record to 11-3 (4- third quarter goals in just 13 sec- scored or assisted in seven of I). The team had only won II or onds to put Western Maryland Widener's first nine goals. Robson, more games twice previously, in ahead 12-4. in fact, was the main reason a 6-3 1974 (12) and 1997 (II). TheeightgoalsgaveEllis4Son Terror halftime deficit turned into · Midfielder Dave Riley ('01) the season, placing him just four a 9-3 margin in the third quarter. and Joe Ellis ('03) capped the vic- behind conference leader, and He scored the first two himself, and tory, providing a ,3~0 run in the fi- teammate, Tom Brown. assisted the third. nal five minutes.ofthegame to give It was Brett Sweeney COL) who Sweeney and Riley each added the.Terror the 9-S win. led the charge in an April 22 two goals for the Terror. Riley scored the first of these merchup at home against Franklin These most recent games have two goals, and Ellis added the and Marshall (4-9, 2-2). Sweeney actually been a cool down for Ellis, games' final goal with just over two poured in five goals and dished out who exploded at Haverford (3-7,0- minutes to play. another two assists, as the Terror 3) on April IS for a Terror season Goalie Brian Nottingham C02) just did hold on to beat the Dips high 10 goals. Haverford had no held the S1. Mary's attack in check 13-12. answer for the freshman, who led with 23 saves in the game en route WestemMarylandtrailedF&M Western Maryland to a 26-16 to holding the Terror's opposition 7-S at the half, but fought back to shoot-out win. to single digits in scoring for the take a 10-8 lead early in the fourth The Terror got out to a 7-0 lead third time this season. quarter when Sweeney added to the in the first quarter and ended the The game also marked the first lead with back to back goals Just. period ahead 11-2,justone goal shy time this season thaL,WMQ won seven=seconds apart to push of ihe team's single quarter record. despite scoring in the single digits. WMC's lead to four. Western Maryland opened their Tom Brown added a goal to the F&M would not fade away, lead up to 16-S at halftime, and h'htle you're dOing yow: thing, we're dl)ing ours. effort, his SOth of the season. He however, as they mounted a come- never looked back. MatchL"19 you to quat jobs with hunonot:ls- of top is only three goals shy of tying back and pulled to within one with Sweeney and Riley added four ~oyers _- 241-1. wesrern-Marytand's'elbnme single 't"just'45 seconds-to pl".!l.y."Iiood '300JITOgoats Ilpi-ec'ettB.WMC's attack, and season record. His last effort to The Terror defense held, how- Tom Brown pitched in another t.og on 15"wW\1J~fabd(fea:'corlm1ta1't1m'''(lf' vrl '('I1J1;> "rn ne break this record will be Saturday ever, and got the victory. three. for a chance to wtn 5500 today! at Washington College. Riley and Ellis each added three Ellis became just the second goals in goals to the attack, and Brown Terror to ever score double digits Got Stuff? ws've.qot space 01; e~~!nsterag~ ) :r the Summer, Just • Open 7 Days a Week, • Fenced and Lighted Gam - 9pm ' Property • Major Credit Cards .. • Video Surveillance Accepted Every Unit Individually • Super Clean Alarmed • Computerized Gate • Boxes/Locks/Packin 9 Entry Supplies Sold On Site *$99 i:Ilr off.... 1200 Baltimore Blvd. (Rt 140) Just Below State Police Barracks
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