Page 178 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, May 4, 2000- Page 10 FEATURES Profiles of two of Western Maryland's finest students Rouzer RA Hussein Samater SGA Matt Gribbin MAlT HURFf' normal, calm demeanor. This can be attributed finally president senior year. Assistant Commentary Editor to what Wiles calls his "ability to be both a Sometimes it is easy to overlook or take friend and an authoritarian." His impact on the campus due to his for granted the remarkable effort a Resident Hussein decided to be a Resident Assistant involvement with SGA has encouraged him to "go out and meet all those I rep- Assistant exerts on a normal day. Just take for severa! reasons. First, he needed ajob. This resent. I like the closeness." the case of Rouzer RA Hussein Samater. job was ideal because it made him "a part of Hussein, a sophomore political science ma- the college staff and it is also helpful in teach- The one thing he dislikes about SGA up with all the B.S." jor and graduate of Newport Prep in ing leadership and organizational skills," he is "putting hassle comes from uncoopera- The needless Kensington, MD can usually be seen sitting explained. who behind his desk working on paperwork, In addition, Hussein wants to "help students tive students and faculty members govern- for WMC's show little support strolling the hails, mingling with residents and be a role model." ing body. He sometimes he feels as if the or improving the dorm in any way possible. Before attending WMC, Hussein, a Soma- SGA isn't getting anything done. How- While balancing his Resident Assistant lian in nationality and Islamic in belief, lived job, which he calls "sometimes tedious" in Saudi Arabia and received his education ever, "in the long run, it does lead to the of the campus. We're getting betterment Hussein is also active in the Student Gov- through the British education system. the job done," he believes. ernment Association, Black Student Union, Hussein first visited the US in 1981 and Gribbin's best friend Anna Beth International Club, Multicultural Students then again in 1990. When he was here in 1990, Boyer has been impressed by him time Association, CAPBoard, and is a tour guide "it wasn't a huge culture shock. I already knew that he Does she think for prospective students. English and was exposed to American music and time again. have made the right deci- and the SGA Hussein does all of these activities in a and television. However, my father was not as Each Thursday, senior Matthew J. seemingly effortless manner. He is very prepared when he came to college." Gribbin enters Hill Hall 110 at 7 pm. With sions? Undoubtedly, yes. "He's ethical' prompt in returning phone calls, keeping the While visiting the United States, Hussein a backpack over top of his WMC wind- and very honest. He stands up for what floor updated, and filing work orders and in- traversed the eastern seaboard, from Massa- breaker and his laptop computer under his he believes in and does what he knows cident reports. He also has the task of remem- chusetts to Florida. Eventually, he would at- arms, this campus leader and SGA presi- is right even if it's not the easiest thing to do," she said. bering the 56 names on a floor. "People re- tend his senior year in high school at Newport dent prepared for the weekly Student Gov- "We've gone deeper and have become ally get mad if you forget their name. For Prep. ernment Assembly meeting that began at a much stronger SGA than any in the past the first few weeks of the semester, it was From there, he decided to attend college in 7:30 pm. and have built the structure to strengthen really difficult to remember all the names," the Washington DC/Maryland area. WMC fit There were usually many issues to deal the past," Gribbin commented when Hussein said. this requirement. with and the meetings ran as late as 10:30 asked about the number of accomplish- Michael Wiles, a freshman resident of In retrospect, he feels that he made a good pm. But this was not time wasted, nor did second floor ROUZer, feels that Hussein is choice. He is only disappointed that it is diffi- the 19 SGA members get bored of watch- ments this year. In a recommendation able to do his job well because he is "acces- cult to visit his favorite places such as Wash- ing their energetic and charismatic presi- sylvania State University'S letter to Penn- of College sible and approachable." ington DC and the Baltimore Inner Harbor dent present the issues. And once in a Medicine, Barbara S. Horncff, Associate Beth Rosko, director of housing adds, because, "it is only possible to make it offcam- while, he would make a suggestion to play "Hussein has a great rapport with his resi- pus if you have a car or money." his favorite game, "The Hookey Poky" as Dean of First-Year Program, emphati- dents without sacrificing his credibility as a While at WMC and Newport Prep, he has a way to break up the monotony. cally writes, "Without a doubt, he is an RA." found that while most Americans are very So what brought Matt Gribbin to West- excellent candidate, the leader of his In addition, Rosko feels that Hussein ful- friendly, there is a hint of American national- ern Maryland College, and what made him class, a champion in the classroom, a on the baseball fills the main duties of a Resident Assistant, ism and "an inability to understand other cul- stay? He came up as sort of ajoke and was team player to all who know field, and a gentleman Matt him. which is to "deal with acclimation issues, tures at times." That is why he feels invalu- ready to go down south to a "real college;" leads by example." develop appropriate interpersonal and social able to the WMC campus, for he can offer an- WMC was just a chance to have a practice Gribbin's next phase is medical skills" and the ability to "respect the rights other perspective. interview. He came in the fall when- the school. of others." He occasionally feels homesick, missing leaves were changing color. "I'm going to play doctor for the rest Evidence of this can be seen through the his family, religion and culture; there are not The recipe of a picturesque campus, of my life." In five years, "I'm going to manner in which he handled an April 3 inci- many mo~ques in Carroll County. Despite this, helpful Admissions staff, and friendly fac- be in family medicine or pediatrics be- dent on his floor. Apparently, a Rouzer resi- Hussein remains steadfast to his culture and ulty members made Gribbin consider the cause I love children, married to an ab- dent lit a paper bag on fire and left it in front faith, and tries to pray five times a day. Addi- possibility of making WMC his alma solutely incredible woman who fulfills of a second floor room. Hussein was quickly tionally, he does nor drink, smoke Or eat pork mater. Four years later, he has been to all all my dreams and possibly fills my first- on the scene, extinguishing the fire while at in order to remain dedicated. but three of his professors' houses for din- born's bedroom with baseball memora- the same time looking for answers. If you ask any of his residents, supervisors ner. Overall, he sums up his college years bilia. And a little dog running around the While he was all business during such a or friends, they will tell you that Hussein is by admitting, "It's been wonderful; no re- serious time, Hussein soon returned to his one of the most dedicated individualsatWMC. grets whatsoever." house," he said. practice in He will keep his medical Gribbin's smiling Marat/Sade WOWS audience sonality, and inspirational face, engaging per- "Maryland somewhere close to my par- views have been ents and WMC so I can come back, raise an integral pan of Western Maryland hell, see old friends, and play free golf." College's SGA for the last four years. Dur- Finally, he has the following message SIIAUNA DOMINGUEZ Duperrer (Don Todt), to the serious Marat and ing his first day here, he "finished unpack- for the Class of2003 officers: "Don't take Assi"/(ml Commentary Editor Sade (Jon Reynolds and Kelly Dunnavant re- ing and went door to door and introduced it all too seriously. Y.ou're here to work spectively), to the two scary Attendants (Jus- myself to everyone in DMC." Later he ran for the betterment of every student's life If you've taken Art History you are prcb- tin Adkins and Dav Kemp), to the wonderful for and was elected Class of 2000 presi- ably familiar with the 1793 painting Death singing and dancing from the rest of the mem- dent. Then he worked his way up the SGA here at WMC. However, you're also here to live your own life and enjoy yourself. of Maret by Jacques Louis David. But do you bers of the cast. hierarchy as treasurer during sophomore Keep that in mind when you're doing all know the story behind Marat's death? The play was very well performed and it year, vice president in his junior year, and this work!" Well if you were fortunate enough to see was obvious how much hard work went into '-;:====:::;::====::;;;~====:::;:=::;;;;;:;;;;;;:::;;;- the Western Maryland College production of each actor/actress's role. The Persecution and Assassination of leal/- It had to have been a difficult task to learn Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of and perfect the character of a mentally ill per- the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direc- son. The acting was very realistic and each tion of the Marquis de Sade (referred to as character was uniquely portrayed. Marat/Sade), then you have seen it per- The stage was impressive, giving the whole formed. theater the atmosphere of an insane asylum, The audience was thrown into the psy- right down to the jail cell-like bars and chains chotic atmosphere of the show the moment and drab colors. the doors to the lobby opened and some of The costuming was also very well done the inmates appeared to collect the tickets from the awful stained canvas outfits of the and hand out programs. patients to the exquisite suits of the Marquis Right away the audience met several of de Sade and Coulmier (Andrew McCord) to the characters face to face and gal a taste of the beautiful gowns of Coulmier's wife and what was to come. daughter (Faye Ingram and Roxann Ingram re- Once the play started there wasn't a qull spectively). moment. MaratlSade contains everything a Two thumbs up to the director, cast, and person could want in a play from the goofy crew of Marat/Sade! Pilar Vilaplana polices inmate Don Todt as Missy O'Brien sleeps during MaratlSade.
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