Page 134 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 134
Thursday, March 9, 2000 - Page 14 SPORTS The SportsView: Age, not Yankees, is the O'sbiggest foe CURlS ANASTASIA truly call it that) the oldest infield DeShields has done little to earn Madura will probably wilt in continue to improve at this level. SpOrts Editor in the league. a starting spot since arriving in Triple-A while journeyman Pat The state of this team and This would not be so bad if Charm City. His inability to stay off Rapp toils in mediocrity. how well they do this season is Now, I know it is still techni- these veterans were still at the top the disabled list crippled the al- Obviously the front office must very much in the hands of the . cally winter, but you could have of their games, but sadly, this is not ready weak running game and left realize that these youngsters have Angelos family and new man- fooled me. It is sunny and mod- the case. First Baseman Will Clark a large hole in the lead-off spot. the talent to play well at the major ager Mike Hargrove. If erately warm out, and the air is is coming off of yet another injury- Hairston filled in admirably for league level, but they are still re- Hargrove, who is known in base- just a little crisper than normal. riddled season is still occupying a the injured DeShields both in at the signed to letting these talented ball circles as a veterans' man- Of course, there is another rea- starting position despite the late plate and in the field in his 50 players sit the bench or stay in the ager who favors experience over son that spring seems to be here. season charge of Calvin Pickering games last season, making no er- minors. raw talent, does tire of Clark and Yep, you guessed it, spring train- in Clark's stead last September. rors at the crucial middle-infield The Orioles are at a crossroads. DeShields, how quickly if at all ing is here once again. The same situation exists at sec- position. They must decide if they want to will he turn to Pickering and For Orioles fans, spring train- ond base, where Jerry Hairston, Jr. The problems with young play- stick with the veterans, whom the Hairston? This, more than any ing means a visit to the retire- played very well last season but ers breaking into the starting line- team has many millions tied up in, bottom-of-the-ninth strategy, ment villa yet again. This year, will still be backing up injury- up are not unique to the infield. or if they will start these young will be the biggest decision of the the O's will boast (if you can prone Delino DeShields. Top pitching prospect Calvin prospects and hope that they can Sometimes winning is not everything: Chris Clemmens and the swim team show the true meaning of sports SHAUNA DOMINGUEZ record from last year's champion- As for his future, Clemmens Assi. Features Editor ships with the 200 Medley Relay said he would love to keep swim- team. ming, whether through coaching or At the 2000 Centennial Confer- In the same order they raced in, teaching lessons, because "swim- ence Swimming Championships the relay team consisted of ming is a big part of who I am." held at Franklin and Marshall Col- Clemmens, Scott Hoover, Luke Although Clem mens doesn't lege, junior Chris Clemmens broke Page, and Aaron Corbett. want to give up swimming alto- two records and won a silver medal The record time they hold is g~ther, he also thinks that he won't in the 100 backstroke. 142.80. be competing anymore after col- The two records Clem mens The sociology major said that lege. broke were not conference records, this season was "my personal best Clemmens made reference to but that doesn't make them less season in my swimming career, not the Carroll County Times reporter meaningful. only because I trained harder, but who. in an interview about last sea- Clemmens broke his previous because Ihad more dedication th~T\ son) asked him how they felt about school records of 56.79 in the 100 ever." going to meets knowing they would backstroke and 203.28 in the 200 Not only was it a productive lose. backstroke. season for Clemmens, but likewise Clem mens' reply was simply, His record-breaking times art" for the entire team. "if heart and soul won swim meets, 55.85 and 200.64, respectively. Clemmens said 'there was a big Western Maryland, without a doubt. Training for two and a half improvement over last season. would be undefeated .." hours every day from mid-October Part of this is due 10 their dedi- "The team really sticks together, until the championships, which cation to swimming and to the and when one of the swimmers is were held February 18th through team. victorious, the whole team feels the 20th, really paid off for Clemmens As Clem mens put it, "When pride and gratification that is due:' this year. I'm in the pool during a race, ev- he added. Besides holding two personal eryone else on the team is in the After al!, CJemmens said, records, Clemmens also holds a pool with me." "we're all family." Junior Chris Clemmens broke IWOschool records ar the Centennial Men's B-ball coach Zoulias retires Conference Championships this season --~G~RE-G'LCCECC"E=R"'ER--- c teenth head coach in 1990-91. The athletic department has be- WMC Soccer club SlajJWriler In his II seasons, Zoutlas had gun the search and interviewing 84 wins and 180 losses and the process for a new coach while as- The Western Maryland College team never enjoyed a winning sea- sistant coach Kevin Selby takes membership rises Men's basketball team will have a son under his control. over as interim coach and will be new coach next year. The team's best season was in in charge of recruiting in the mean- The Western Maryland Col- soccer league for the spring se- On Tuesday, February 29, the the 1994-1995 season when the time. lege Soccer Club was officially mester on Monday nights from school reported the resignation of Green Terror went 11-14,7-6 and A former high school guard at recognized by the College Ac- 9:30 to 11:00 pm at the old gym. men's basketball coach Nick made the playoffs, the only post Northern Garrett High in rural tivities office prior to the Spring At the upcoming meeting, Zoulias. season berth since 1980. western Maryland, Selby gained 1999 semester. planned discussion includes or- The news wasn't very surpris- The team lost that year in the experience as an assistant coach last In the last year, membership ganizing planned trips to DC ing because there had been rumors semifinals of the conference tour- fall instructing the Division III Col- has steadily increased to the cur- United, Baltimore Blast, or US for weeks that changes were com- nament to Muhlenberg. lege Select team which was a all rent number of 21 students. National Team matches, commu- ing soon. Over the last two seasons, the star team that competed in Europe. There are also more students nity service activities, fund rais- Zoulias started his basketball men's identical 4-20 records were Selby earned his bachelor's de- who wi!! be attending the up- ers, and further publicizing the coaching career at Mount Anthony among the worst in school history. gree from Frostburg State Univer- coming meeting in order to join. club on campus. Union High in Vermont as an as- Compounded with absence and sity, and a masters from WMC. The membership is open to If interested, students should sistant coach from 1969-1974. injuries of key players, heavy criti- However, many supporters want any students who enjoy watch- contact one of the following: He served as acting head coach cism has fallen on the program and to bring in a whole new coaching ing or playing the game. The club in 1983-1984, and succeeded Alex much of it on the coach. staff so many of the assistant has also organized teams to play Ober when he retired from coach- While many of the players had coaches jobs are up in the air. at the Carroll Iridoor Sports Cen- Jack Craig 4lO-857-3847 ing the team in 1990. confrontations with the coach such Presently, Selby works as an ter for the past three semesters. Clint McKay x82 IO A Keene State, VT alum, as former point guard Adrean Pope, academic advisor in the college's Also, with the help from Erik Higginbottom x8453 Zoulias began his coaching career some players stood by him. Academic Skills Center. Keith Reitenbach, the club has Ryan Flynn x8342 at Western Maryland College as the "He's a great guy and coach and "He is the new guy right now developed an intramural indoor team's assistant coach starting in I wish him well," said freshman and we are behind him 100%," 1977, and became the team's four- swingman Adam Hynes. added Hynes of Coach Selby. Courtesy of College Soccer Club
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