Page 127 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 127
COMMENTARY Thursday, March 9, 2000 - Page 7 Sharing opinions on a Pro: The new weighted grading plethora of subjects system should be implemented Eric Barry shares his and still taking classes and keep- views on sleep, classes and ing up (sort of). Mat~ Hurff approves of the It is definitely time that some in the long run. stress relievers. You didn't see me smoking any- progression is made on the new weighted grading system After all there is a great nu- thing but toothpicks. and calls for action. Moving off campus is a great One day I woke up with rock solid weighted grading system. Since merical difference from a 8- to a opportunity. For once you are truly abs because the whole night I was 1997, the administration has kept While many fear then GPA's 8+, but until the system is revised on your own. No RA's no RLC's, flexing them subconsciously. I was ~~:u:t.u~i~~ ~~~~~:tss~:~~~t~~~ dropping severely, I do not feel that :~e~ t~r: ~e:u~~~:~~? :sfOu!~a:~~~ no Campus Safety. so tense. Will it be implemented next se- the drop will be drastic. That's be- to be true when I spoke with high Sometimes I wish I had Cam- Relax, your freshman compost, pus Safety at my house. Anyhow. rion paper will be a synch. Don't mester? Now is the time to end cause people must consider the rise school friends over winter break. Many things change when one stress yourself. this confusion. :i~I~~S~::~:~~~~~~~:~~e:a:~~~ They feel that the systems at the moves off campus. All right go rent a porn, you'll This constant delay hasteen a8+willcauseaslightriseinGPA University of Delaware, Finally you are allowed to have thank me later. a normal message on your answer- Let me share some more wis- ~~~~::t~~'~~~~co:a~~~~,?~l;;:- from the 8's they once were ~:~~~~:f~~e:~l~~~;:~:~~j~~ ing machine. dom. Every semester I use to get sonally find this hard to believe; equ~vha~~:~~~~, I agree with the and fair. They also felt that they Having a cheesy message is stuck in classes I didn't like so I and if it is true, it is time 10 up- If the weighted benefited from the system. synonymous with living on cam- pondered what to do. gradetheadministrativecomput_ Upon arrival at Western pus. This is what I came up with. If :;: e::~~a\l: i:i~~:s7:I:r~0 i;:r~ system were intact ~:~~~~~;::!~7~~Is~~~~~t ~:: The burden of living "gay" is you need 4 classes, sign up for 6. lifted. If someone chooses to live Then during add/drop sign up for ;~~eo. computers for under for everyone, then it ~:i~~~~~:r~tt:~;~~:s~~:!~ like this, that is wonderful. How- 2 more classes. Now you have a The college is already in the would certainly be to the weighted grading system ever, living in the dorms is very total of8 classes. homoed. Then from here you can priori- ~:~~i~~ t~f ~tb~~i~~ ~~s!~~:~~fair. ~~on~~;:~e~he~a~~edi~~~s~:~ Sleeping is extremely personal. tize your wants. Do you want a And one is very vulnerable while class that is interesting, easy, diffi- modernize the grading software dard at our high school. College We concurred Maryland that if the asleep. All right go rerrt a trailer, cult, or has a small workload? Do too? Why use antiquated comput- Western Slater's article which staff in weighted system were intact for was Tammi you'll thank me later. you want a seasoned professor, a ers and software when the tech- printed in the February 24 edition everyone, then it would certainly Next topic- stress. Everyday I demanding class, a class with the hear people whining about stress. girl you are stalking, etc? What- nology and the means to upgrade of the Phoenix. The staff feels that be fair. Therefore, if the upper- ways "students in many will ben- are concerned classmen over the are easily accessible? People griping about papers and ever you want you can pick it. students While roommates and laundry and the Hopefully out of those eight against this many new policy which are efit as much, or even more from the new system, the weighted system should only apply to their future systems." graded whole nine-nine. classes you can find four that you I was working 15 hours a day like. would give GPA credit for plus This change in grading policy grades, or maybe it could be set and minus grades instead of has been implemented at other col- up so that their grades are exempt lumping them under one letter leges and has been viewed in a from the new system. grade, I feel that the implementa- positive light because it allows for It is said mat the two systems Quotes of the week tion would be positive in the long greater precision in grading and cannot work at once-I find that l;on: The curreni'"gra'cilngOsystem "The great pleasure in life is doing is adequate enough for students what people say you cannot do." Given the ongoing discussions Jessica Fitzgerald trating for those students who are about the possibility of weighted applauds the current considering graduate school. -Walter Bagehot grades, it is apparent that no one grading system. After four years of studying, can reach a consensus as to to have a students GPA fall over whether it is more beneficial or While one might argue that this a weighted grade system would detrimental to students to reward would mean that some students be highly unfair. "Sometimes I have believed as many "plus" grades and punish "mi- would get a GPA above a 4.0. If the weighted grade system nuses". lfthat is the case, let them have as six impossible things before students should receive more their higher GPA! is enacted here at WMC, the stu- While some would claim that would be hurt dent body more of the weighted If the point be helped. breakfast. " GPA points for pluses, and that grade system is to distinguish those than it would hard working students When this is the only fair way to distin- students who try a little harder, man end up being penalized for mi- guish in a GPA system between, it should not stop only at those who nuses on their report cards, then -Lewis Carroll say, an 89.5% and a 80%, receive A's and below. it will end up lowering the aver- It would be so frustrating for a student who fought for their grades to suddenly be penalized, even after all their hard work. Corrections This would be especially frustrating for those students who are considering graduate school. weighted grades would still hurt This aspect certainly isn't fair age GPA at our school, and, most more students then it helps. in me revised grading system. In the February 24, 2000 issue, the article on page one entitled "Van- Under the weighted grades likely, end up hurting us all. dalized pipe floods Blanche," incorrectly attributed quotes said by system, only certain pluses are system It is true that a weighted grade help to raise some would Susan Werley to Mindy Bucey. The article also stated that it "took even rewarded. some time for Joseph Bentz to arrive on the scene to tum off the While a student who received students' GPAs. it is also true that The Phoenix welcomes any However, water," however, it did not mean to imply that it took an extensive a B+ would receive more points many students' GPAs will fall if the feedback regarding the new amount of time for Bentz to arrive. The Phoenix apologizes for any than usual, a student who receives weighted grade system in enacted. weighted grading system. harm this may have caused. an A+ is not affected. We must stop and consider if it To have your letter to the This hardly seems fair. is worth helping a few students In addition, the article entitled "Physical Plant to fix campus water editor published, place text Why is anA+ any less deserv- when so many who struggled with leaks" incorrectly stated that roofers were scheduled to fix Decker ing of a reward? a subject and managed to pull off a article on a disk and include leaks during the week of March 21. However, the problems were A+ students worked very hard a hard copy with your name, scheduled to be fixed on February 21. B- will lose GPA points. to achieve those grades. and if It would be so frustrating for a extension, and year of students who work hard to receive student who fought for their grades The Phoenix regrets the errors. graduation in the green box a B+ are going to be given addi- to suddenly be penalized, even af- at the information desk in tional points, the same should ter all their hard work. hold true for A+ students. This would be e~peci~ly frus- Decker College Center.
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