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Wanted: cmeR IJittJcI Teffllr . Sports writers and photogra- phers Call x8600 Volume XXI, Number I Western Maryland College Thursday, February 10, 2000 Women's basketball flattens F&M, grinds Galluadet DANG",!)!) them do that, and we were going to of her season. The six-foot forward "To this stage, this season, I the bench with six points, a re- Slaj/Writer step it up ourselves," said WMC has led the team in either scoring think that's one of the most dis- bound, an assist (which came on the forward Jill Ibex. or rebounding in all but one of the heartening losses as a coach that bucket that put the Terror ahead), Hit the ground running. Thai's A pair of freshmen led the Terror's games this year. I've felt, because I believe that we and even a steal. exactly what freshmen are being charge for WMC. Guard Jen "My goal for every game is to had plenty of opportunities to take "She's kind of like the pit bull called on to do for Western Piccolomini scored a career high 17 play aggressive, and do whatever I that game and turn it into a win, and that comes off the bench. When she Maryland's (8-9,.4-4) women's points, and center Kris Brust can to help the team win," [bex we just couldn't quite do it," Mar- comes off the bench she is fierce basketball team. No adjustment notched two career highs, scoring humbly said. tin said. in that she wants the ball, she wants period, no comfortable playing 14 points, and pulling down eight "She's played behind two of our Just two days earlier, January to shoot, she wants to make things time in blowouts, they're needed rebounds, matching a previous top three leading scorers in the his- 27, in Washington DC, they seemed happen, and she is a competitor," now. And, oh yeah, after last best. . tory of the women's program in her only to have a slim opportunity, but Martin said season's success, they're expected Piccolomini has been a leader career, and she did well, but she they look full advantage of it. Trail- "We kind of didn't really know to win. on the court all season for the Ter- was in a supporting cast role, and ing 73-59 to a Gallaudet (7-9) team what to do, and she came in and After losing some of their most ror, and. the conference is starting now all of a sudden this year, as a that had spanked them 107-62 at sparked the team and everyone was talented players following last sea- to take notice. junior, she's been asked to become home last year, and with only 4: 13 like 'Alright, we can do this," Ibex son, Western Maryland women's "Jen came out at the beginning a leader on the court through her remaining in the game, the Terror added. basketball coach Becky Martin of the year and made a name for play, and I think she has felt the put on a run that left heads spin- With the strides that the team is knew the key to this season would herself early on in the stars, and pressure at times," Martin com- ning, and a bewildered Gallaudet making, Marlin believes that the be how quickly her young learn already as a freshman coaches are mented." with an 81-74 loss. team can still extend their season developed into a cohesive unit. coming in aware of her, and hav- But I think she's handled it "We started to fight back and we past the February 19 match up with In fact, four freshmen: Jen ing to contain her," Martin said. well," she added. made inroads with the score, and Washington College. Piccolomini, Stephanie Martin believes that there are Ibex's performance may have the next thing you know the light "As of today we're still very McPherson, Sindi Stem, and Kris big things in Brust's future as well. been enough to gamer the Terror a bulb came on with the players of much in the hunt for a conference Brust have all seen substantial play- "Krts is coming into her own win had itnot been for Muhlenberg 'we can take this game, we can do playoff berth. It's not out of the ing time this year. offensively, and she's going to be guard Lindsay SI. Lawrence's 20 it,' and they buckled down and you question, but we need to be at a "At the very beginning of this a key factor," she said. points. eight assists, and clutch, free saw the intensity and the confi- point. in our season when we're season I had made comments that In their January 29 match up throw shooting. The sophomore hit dence in their eyes, and they just peaking and we're doing every- this was going to be a rebuilding against the then conference-leading five of six free throws in the clos- wouldn't give in," Martin said. thing right," she said. ~ year, and we were going to take it Muhlenberg Mules (I 1-6, 6-1), the ing minutes to ice the game for Brooke Brenneman helped If their performance in recent on the chin early, but the faster we Terror's youth squad showed a little Muhlenberg. spark the 22-1 charge, coming off games holds, they're not far away. matured, the more likely we were of everything. to have an opportunity to get into Exciting play, and the ability to post season play," she said. compete with the conference's best, That maturing process has hit and at the same time the mistakes full stride in recent weeks, and it that come with inexperience. In the needed to. Prior to their January 22 end, WMC was left with a 61-58 tilt at Johns Hopkins, the Terror crushing defeat. were dealt an unexpected setback "The inexperience kind of shot when senior starting guard Megan us in the foot. We are capable, when Linch suffered a concussion in a we are playing well, of playing with sledding accident and was lost for any team in the conference," Mar- the season. tin commented. Not only did they lose a starter, "When you get into pressure but they lost Linch's experience, a games, and when you play better - commodity they can hardly afford teams you learn, and you need to to spare. learn, that you can't make certain "Certainly any time you go turnovers. and our decision mak- from having an integral part of a ing process out there during that program that's there one day, and game hurt us, "she said. not able to continue the next, it has For the Terror, one inspiring an affect on the program," Martin performance did come out of that said. game, however; Forward Jill Ibex While the Terror could have al- was sick, and said that she felt "hor- lowed such a loss to break them, rible". This did not unnerve Mar- they have instead seemed to in- tin. crease the speed of their progres- "I joked with her a little bit be- sion. fore the game and told her that I A good measuring Slick for that always felt as a former athlete that development came on February 2, when I didn't feel well, I actually when the Diplomats of Franklin had better games because I didn't and Marshall (9-9, 5-3) came to take any guff off of anyone. town. Ibex responded by pouring in 25 Earlier in the season the Terror points, tying a career high let a halftime lead against the Dip- "I felt horrible so Ijust went out lomats turn true a 16 point loss. there and concentrated. I think it Once again the Terror took a lead helped because I was more focused into the locker room, this time, on what I wanted 10 do, and how I however, they were determined not was going to do it," she said. to let it slip away. While this may have been a "This time we made up our banner game for Ibex, it is not far The Green Terror Womens Basketball Team. in a classic show of hustle and determination. minds that we weren't going to let from being consistent with the rest
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