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/ FEATURES Thursday, December 10, 1998 - Page 13 H oroscopes As You Don't Like It Center Stage production is December: Doing It Santa Style BY KEVIN WORLEY Sagittarius (11123- 12121) Staf!Wriler When the cow shits, the crow will fly. A recent production of Shakespeare's As You Like It left Capricorn (12/22 - 1120) me with two things: a steadfast de- Two words: fornicate. sire for something more, and a sore butt. ,Aquarius (1/21 - 2119) The three-hour-long marathon captures very little of the viewers' You ever cough up bloody mucus? In a bus station in interest as it fumbles from scene to Grand Rapids? No? Oh. Well, me neither. scene. It begins in the court of Duke Frederick, whohas banished Pisces (2130 - 3/20) his seemingly adored brother, the former duke, to a neighboring for- The smell of fish delights you. est. Frederick's daughter, Celia, Aries (3/21 - 4119) happens to be best friends with Rosalind, the daughter of his ban- Underwear can be pricy. Budget accordingly. ished brother, and so Rosalind is al- lowed to continue on within the Taurns (4/20 - 5120) kingdom. Orlando enters strug- Playing Chubby Bunny will not get you chicks. gling with himself and his older brother, who treats him like a ser- vant and keeps Orlando from his Gemini (5/21 - 6120) rightful inheritance. It's a bad week to drink hydrogen peroxide. At least, To prove his worth, Orlando that's what the stars say. wrestles the Duke's best man and, of course, wins. Rosalind is pleased with his victory and finds Cancer (6/21-7/23) herself awestruck. An hour and a "Does my ass look big?" Shut the hell up, Cancer. half into the story and after some family troubles. the setting moves Leo (7/24 - 8123) to the Forest of Arden where the banished duke resides. No Leo, I don't think these horoscopes make any We continue for. the next hour sense. Or do they? with no real plot movement and some sorry attempts at humor. The Orlando (Stephen Barker Turner) supports Adam (George Bartenieff) in Virgo (8/24 - 9123) play finally unwinds in the last the Forest of Arden, Shakespeare's mythical setting for the play. twenty minutes as lovers from ev- each scene playing anything and You missed it, Virgo. On the Dennis Lucey Psyche- ery corner of the country come to- everything. These two provide the for a good night's entertainment delic Hillbilly Revival on WMCR gether in perfect harmony. only source of humor as the rest of and a well-spent $20, this will not be As You Like It. As it is with most of the cast drags on as if performing The play As You Like It is di- Libra (9/24 - 10/23) Shakespeare's plays, the second is a cumbersome task. rected by Irene Lewis and is being half of the play was better than the I don't claim to be an experi- performed now through December "We sail tonight for Singapore ... " Have you been first. Of course, that doesn't say enced theater critic by any stretch 20th at Center Stage in Baltimore. popping Tavist-D again, Libra? much at all. of the imagination. The play by For more information on tickets The play is saved by two mem- nature and by name is open to in- and performances visit Scorpio (10/24 - 11/22) bers of the cast: Touchstone, a fool terpretation. so my views may not or call 410- at the duke's court, and the Musi- reflect the popular opinion. But I 332-0033, You're a Scorpio. Get used to being last. cian who makes her way through think that if in fact you are looking Madrid provides students with a fun cultural experience BY KIMBERLY HALL It's almost impossible to be ing, perhaps come home for the 4 ContributingWrirer bored while living in Madrid. pm main meal, and then stay out When we're not traveling back and until around 10, when it's time for Hola de Espana! I'm spending forth from Paris, Lisbon, Munich, the cena, or third meal of the day. the semester at Saint Louis Univer- or even Rome on our vacations. los Weekdays, we usually find our- sity in Madrid. Spain's capital and estudiantes in Madrid can usually selves in Retire, or in the courtyard one of the busiest cities in Europe. be found in the clubs. parks, pla- at school. The sun seems to be Madrid, a relatively young city zas and bars that fill the city. shining 90 percent of the time in compared to some of the closest If we're not in Madrid, we are Madrid. and it's even possible to capitals, like Paris and Rome, was often in cities like Salamance, To- run around in shorts in November built in the center of Spain, mak- ledo, Malaga, or Sevilla, which is if you go south. ing it the perfect point to travel to an easy two hour and fifteen minute Of course, if you find yourself all parts of the country. ride due to the new AVE train. getting bored, there's always home- Its culture and nightlife bring On the weekends, we can work, but nobody here seems to be people from all over Europe each choose from trips to museums all looking for something to do. weekend and summer. over the city, like the Prado or I'll be herefor4 months. but I'll Spain is famous for its beaches, Reina Sofia museum, the crowded never be able to do everything that its beautiful weather, its culture, Rastro flea market, Retiro park, or I want to do here. Maybe you'll and of course, its dedication for "el running from bar to bar and club to have better luck if you give it a try. ocio'' and "Ia marcha'', which be- club until the sun comes up. Animate and come visit Spain! by Matthew Thomas gins sometime on Thursday night Madrilenos spend very little of Hasta la vista! and usually ends with a 7 am metro their time at home. They will usu- ride. ally leave the house in the mom-
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