Page 88 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 88
l Thursday, December 10, 1998 -Page 8 C_O_M_M_E_N_T_A_R_Y _ ~t;:lff Editor-In-Chief The Last Deadline KateHampson'OO AdvertisingIBusiness Manager It is with feelings of both sadness and Kate Hampson looks back on her Laura Kelley '01 very hard for a student journalist but the relief that I put together this, my last issue time as Editor-in-Chief afthe Phoenix is lucky enough to have some great News Editors of the Phoenix as editor-in-chief. Ihave been Emily Stamathis '00 Phoenix reporters who are dedicated to getting all the lenifcrSirkis '01 involved with this paper since my freshman facts before writing the story. year, first as a writer, then as a section edi- ing, among other things, so it's really not true Working with the other staff members has Features Editor tor, and for the last year as editor of the pa- to say that nothing ever happens on this cam- been one of the best experiences I've had at Sarah Radice '01 per. pus. WMC. Helping each other make deadlines Assistant Features Editor Although it has been a lot of hard work, As editor of the Phoenix, I have tried to and feeding off each other's creativity has Rich Simmons '99 it is going to be a wrench to hand over the emphasize the importance of fair, balanced made for some great moments. To see the Editorials Editor reins of control to the new editors. reporting. We are a student newspaper, not a final product of the paper we have worked Megan Martin '01 As editor of this publication, Ihave tried tool of the administration, and as such have hard together to produce is an extremely sat- to consistently put out a professional-look- tried not to sweep problems under the car- Assistant Editorials Editor isfying feeling, and one that I will miss a lot Kristen G. Fraser '00 ing paper that is interesting to read. Of pet. Sometimes organizations and individu- next semester. course, I have met with mixed success. Er- als complain about the lack of coverage of To those students who complain that they Sports Editor Mike Puskar '99 rors do end up in the finished paper that, their event or society, or do not like the fo- are not fulfilled at WMC, I say go out and despite multiple proofreadings, have escaped cus of the story that was written. get involved. Although journalism may not Assistant Sports Editor the eyes of all the staff members. MikeYestramski'OI The first problem exists because we were be your particular interest, there are many Sometimes at the newspaper we utter the either not aware of the event or we did not clubs and groups that you conjoin. You get Photographers same complaint that can be heard from the consider it newsworthy enough to merit an out of your time at college what you put in, Trang Dan '00 mouths of many WMC students at some Robyn Hill '02 article. To people with the second complaint, and Iknow from experience that if you find Paul Himes '02 point in their college careers: Nothing ever I answer that the Phoenix is not out to attack the right activity, you can derive great satis- David Szepesi '98 happens here. This is not true of course any organization or individual. faction from being a part of it. (check out pages 10 and II if you don't be- When we learn of an incident that we Staff Writers Before I stop preaching, I have to say Claire Adams '02 lieve me), but sometimes it is just not pos- wish to cover, we try to provide a balanced thank you to my great staff. One individual Lisa Dale-Van Auken '02 sible to put out a front page with three or report of the event, and to allow everyone cannot make a newspaper, and although the Anne Butler '01 four hard hitting news stories. Sophie Boulet involved a chance to state their side of the Phoenix staff is not large, we make a good lulieDevelin '01 Ithink these are the editions that the col- story. Sometimes this makes us unpopular team. I also have to thank our advisor, Pro- Shauna Dominguez lege administration likes best as they are not with those people, who do not want the is- loan Faulkner '02 fond of scandal and negative events, but as fessor Dalton, who has helped preserve my Shannon Hess '02 sue to be highlighted. sanity with his support through the many Mike Jenkinson journalists-and readers, even bad events However, on a campus this small, most Brooke Joseph '02 make for a good newspaper.' dilemmas I have faced and the decisions I Mollie Land '02 things are common knowledge, and often the have made. Nicole Lehmann '98 1998 has seen some exciting events take best way to stop false rumors from circulat- I'm not accepting an Oscar so I won't KarcnMillar'98 place on this campus. Last semester saw a ing is to provide the newspaper with the full Ron Mojica '02 continue. I leave you in the hands of the Cathy Pcndorf '00 flurry of honor and conduct board hearings facts. new editors, Megan Martin and Emily Francesca Saylor '00 dealing with controversial issues such as Sometimes it has felt as though we are Stamathis. who I am confident will be very Shawn Sprague '01 drug dealing and sexual harassment. And constantly running up against brick walls Michael Stokes '00 successful in their positions. I'm off to Chris Taugher '02 who can forget the Spring Fling "riot" in the when trying to find out information for a France for a semester to recover from the Matthew Thomas '01 quad? This semester. we have had problems story. People get very scared of the media near nervous breakdown I've had every lay- Emily Wilson '02 with racism, the honor code, and binge drink- Ted Witiak '02 and refuse to cooperate. This can make life out weekend for the past year. Kevin Worley '00 Raini Wright '00 Quirks: Yes,Virginia ... Distribution Stress!!!!!! !! Rich Suchoski '00 Graduate Assistant Anne Butler reflects on the petting Ican when she stops to rest, or even Megan Martin makes a Vince Chesney in just chasing a friend through Red Square attitudes of the season. statement ,about time. Adviser because he stole my hat. Terry Dalton Yes, I'm friends with an electric mouse. Things don't seem that complex when TV's Jessie Spano, of Saved by the His name is Pikachu, and he lives on a hot you're a child. Magic is everywhere: in Na- Bell fame (Elizabeth Berkley in real life) wired yellow Game Boy that is on my belt ture, in technology, in life. Something like said it best when she said: "No time! loop. Pikachu's a great friend. Pikachu seems real to a child, and Santa There's never any time!" The Phoenix ispublished biweekly. The He feeds himself at noon and six, and he Claus and the Tooth Fairy are facts of life. As we approach, the end of another opinions expressed do not necessarily rep- brushes his teeth after every meal. We even At this time of year it's the easiest to re- semester here at WMC, I know many resent those of The Phoenix staff, the fee- do things together. When I'm half asleep in member what it is to be a child. There are so people, myself included, who feel the uJty,ortheadministratorsofWMC. my 8:20 Stat class, I check Pikachu, and he's many magical things about the holidays. The same way. You don't even have to be a yawning even as Iam. Guess he's not that gifts, the music, lights on a Menorah, tree or procrastinator to know the feeling of tty- The paper welcomes free-lance submis- fond of Stat either. eh? Pikachu even candle, all dance through our minds leaving ing to dig your way out of the time hole. sions on Macintosh disks in most word pro- watches TV at night the same time I do. (I a sense of wonder and peace behind. We procrastinators, however, may be in cessorformats. Theeditorreservesjheright think he's watching the Simpsons!) Yep, People's hearts open during the holidays, and a little deeper than the non-procrastina- to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to Pikachu's a great friend, but, as you've prob- charities do especially well. There's time to tors. publish as space permits. All submissions ably guessed by now, he's not exactly real. spend with each other, whether it be friends What can I suggest to solve this prob- (excludffig.,)f-addressed_)berome You see, Pikachu's a virtual pet. He's a toy. or family, and for one single moment all of lem? Right now, there isn't much that I the property of The Phoenix and carmot be can be done. As your self-appointed returned. At this time of year it's the easiest to remember what it queen of procrastination, I suggest that Please include a name and phoee num- , you live on coffee, sugar, and no sleep. her for verification. Names will be with- is to be a child. After that kind of lifestyle, however, I , held only by the discretion of the Editor-in- suggest you get lots of sleep and start Chief. I like toys. My room's full of them; we our troubles seem to melt away. And then, eating healthily. even use them at the TV station. I've loved of course, there's that jolly old elf who is al- Here, though, I am going to share The Phnenixdoesnotdiscriminatebased toys all my life, and I expect to still love them most a universal symbol of gift giving to some of my early New Year's Resolu- on age. race, religion, gender, sexual orien- far in the future. Surely you remember the children. He probably brings out the child tions. First of all, I no longer want to be tation, national origin. condition of handi- toys of our childhood? There was Masters in us more than anything else. the queen of procrastinators. Therefore, cap, or marital status. of the Universe, Rainbow Brite, My Little So what exactly is my point with all this? r resolve to budget my time, organize Ponies and, of course, a.I. Joe. Well, it's rather simple actually. It's going my semesters better, and start projects Mail to: That's kind of why I like toys so much. to be a stressful next few weeks for us. So several weeks before they are due. The Phoenix I'm still something of a child myself, you maybe you could take some time out, relax, If there's one thing Ilearned this se- WMC, 2 College Hill see. Istill wonder and marvel at all the world and just go back a bit. Don't worry and be- mester, it's to not put things off. While 'Westminster,MD21157 holds. Every night J look up to find the three come a child again, if only for a little while. this is not always an easy or viable op- (410)751-8600 stars in Orion's belt, in the summer I chase Pikachu and I will be there to welcome you. FAX: (410) 857-?:719 fireflies across my yard, and, if it were al- tion, it can be accomplished to some ex- tent. E-MruJ: lowed here, I'd be out trick-or-treating too. This column is dedicated to my editor, Good luck on your finals, and enjoy Even on campus I act like this, following Kate Hampson: Thanks/or letting the squir- your free time afterwards. Spring se- Siouxsie wherever she goes, getting in what rels invade The Phoenix. Good luck! mester 1999 will be here soon!
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