Page 92 - Phoenix1998-99
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Resident Assistants assess pros and cons of their job BY SARA GREGG third floors of McDaniel Hall, seems to be ConlribulingWriler on the same page as Valentine when he says that being an RA helps with leadership skills. Before anyone decides to be a Resident "I was very shy and didn't know how to Assistant, they should listen to what lenny talk in front of people," he said. "Hall meet- Weddle, Ahsan Latif, loanna Kraft, and la- ings helped me talk in front of people and son Valentine have to say. now I don't have a hard time talking in front They are four of Western Maryland of my classes." College's 21 ResidentAssistants, better Knowing what is happening on campus known as RAs. is something that Kraft, a sophomore and RA Each of these students can describe the for the third floor of Blanche Ward Hall, en- best and worst parts of being an RA. joys. All four agree that getting to know all of "I like when people ask me stuff," she the residents is one of the best features of said. They (residents) ask me questions the job. from, 'where do we get toilet paper?' to Weddle, a junior and RA for the ground 'where is a certain place on campus?" By and basement floors of Whiteford, gets to being an RA, Kraft must know the answers know her residents by planning different ac- to many questions that residents have. The Expressions '98 fashion show gave students tivities. Being there to answer questions, learn- the opportunity to demonstrate their runway said. "I like planning different activities," night she ing leadership skills, gaining job experience, "We had a Tom Cruise movie planning new people activities, and meeting skills. The show profiled evening attire, fall and with popcorn and ice cream, craft night, an are all good reasons to be an RA. AIDS awareness program, and we decorate Another reason is the fact that RA's get winter clothing, and also featured a swim wear for the holidays together". free room and board and the spaciousness of A junior and RA for the second floor of a single room. section. The event was organized by the Black Rouzer, Valentine said that being an RA Being an RA sounds great, doesn't it? "gives you a lot of job experience and con- Not so fast, because being an RA has Student Union and was followed by a party in frontation skills." These are things he be- some disadvantages, too. the forum. lieves will help him in the real world For example, Weddle says, "Being woken Latif, a senior and RA for the first and up in the middle of the night sucks. Going on rounds at one in the morning is terrible Mock trials let students experience law and people I like to be asleep at one. It's cold, because are dumb when they're drunk." Although Weddle, Latif, Kraft, and Val- Iyst for the u.s. Commission on Civil Rights. ceremony. Queen said, "winning 'Best Wit- entine have the job of being an RA, it does BY JANET KEYMETIAN not mean that they are on duty 24 hours a Contributing Writer The WMC Mock Trial Team, accompa- ness' feels great ... to walk away with honors nied by Dr. Neal, made the 245-mile trip to for our school, in addition to receiving a per- day, seven days a week. In actuality, RA's What do nine Western Maryland students, Pittsburgh on Friday, November 13, and sonal award, is a great feeling. It is with are on duty one weeknight a week and one a Civil Rights attorney, and Pittsburgh have stayed in a hotel that night in order to be at humbleness and affection that I receive and night each weekend from 8 pm until 8 am. in common? Participation in the Thomas M. the competition at 8 am on Saturday morn- share this award." She expressed gratitude "It seems like everyone has a negative Kerr Annual Invitational Tournament hosted ing. The weekend ended an 8-week inten- to "the members who coached and drilled picture of an RA," said Kraft. ''They think by Carnegie Mellon University. sive period of training that included over 80 me day and night to perform the script of we're always on duty and we always care According to team member Stacey hours of collective preparation. each witness convincingly." about stuff." Myers, the competition "was not only a fun The team may be new, but they are strong, Latif agrees. "People think the RA is just and exciting event, it was a learning and At the tournament, WMC competed as evidenced by their awards. Williams, the there to write them up," he said. There re- bonding experience for the whole team." against teams from Allegheny College, Car- member with the most mock trial experience, ally aren't any RAs who want to write people The tournament is conducted in standard negie Mellon University, Indiana University believes that the team's greatest strengths up." mock tria1 competition fashion. There are at of Pennsylvania. S1. Vincent College, were that they, "had a hard-working collec- Along with the job comes a certain least four teams competing against one an- Susquehanna University, and University of tion of individuals that melded together as a science. "Being an RA dictates your other in at least four separate trials. The case Pittsburgh. team." life. You have to make a lot of and all of its materials are sent to each team Neal, professor of political science and Team members said they intended to be slons based on your job," said several months prior to the competition so prelaw advisor, said that Western Maryland competitive, but were not expecting to win. "You have to ask yourself questions . that they may prepare their questions and has never had a mock trial team before as far Walker said they "lust wanted to go there 1 be here at this party? Should I be become familiar with the case. as he knows. As a new organization, he feels and present ourselves as a legitimate mock out with these people? People think RAs Each team presents the prosecution or that the team did "unbelievably well for their trial team," and is confidant that "we' I[ be bad, evil, and out to get people." plaintiff's side of the case in one trial and first time out."ยท Pentino was not taking first next time." In reality, RAs are students just like ev- the defense's side in another. Presenting a sparing with praise either. He said that be- Lucey added, "For a team to go to an in- eryone else. They go to parties, hang out case includes making an opening statement, fore the competition he was "extremely con- vitational tournament and place second is with friends, and study. The difference is, directly examining a witness, cross-examin- fident in their ability to compete against more wonderful. For a team to go and place sec- sometimes they have the responsibility ing the opposing side's witness, and giving experienced teams." ond when half of the team has never done keeping}hings in order on campus. a closing argument. Pentino said that was satisfied with WMC mock trial before is unquestionably unbeliev- In competition, there are time allotments placing second out of seven teams. "My goal able." for each element. Each trial is presided over was not for them to win the competition, but Walker said, "I've gained confidence in by a judge or set of judges that conduct the to gain tools for life. I wanted these students myself as a public speaker and it taught me courtroom proceedings and score each par- to realize they can successfully argue their a lot about teamwork." your ticipant and their respective teams based on position as they will have to do in rea1 life Dr. Neal feels that the team brought honor a given set of criteria. These scores are later within the business world against people who both upon itself and WMC with its triumph. tabulated and a winner is declared. will take opposing views. The experience of "Western Maryland has a long history of album of WMC's team is a new organization on standing up publicly for your idea1s and mak- sending its graduates on to law school. The campus this year. It consists of nine mem- ing a good presentation are tools they'll use Mock Trial Team reflects well on the col- bers: Team Captain and senior, Janet later on." lege as it is another example of how our 1998? Keymetian; seniors, Miesha Queen, Jaime At the awards ceremony following the graduates are prepared to face the outside Walker and Morrison Benjamin; juniors competition, the team was surprised by its world," he said. The Phoenix is conducting an Francesca Saylor and Sergey Fayvusovich; unexpected second place showing. Reflect- Each member said they plan to continue sophomores Nathan Williams and Dennis ing on that moment, Walker said, "It was one with the team next semester. Plans are un- informal poll to find out what Lucey; and freshman, Stacey Myers. of my most exciting college moments. I felt der way to write another grant for funding WMC is listening to. The team is supported by its faculty ad- like I was swelling with pride. I was proud so that the team may host its own tourna- visor, Dr. Charles Neal, and its coach, Marc to represent WMC." ment next semester. Provost loan Develin Email Shawn Sprague with your Pentino. Pentino, an attorney and WMC Team member Miesha Queen was pre- Coley granted the funding necessary for this nomination at alumnus, is employed as a civil rights ana- sented with the Best Witness Award at the tournament trip.
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