Page 95 - Phoenix1998-99
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FEATURES Thursday, December to, 1998 - Page 15 60 Seconds Christmas in Europe represents What would you like from Santa this wealth of different traditions':' year? SOPHIE BOULET Almost all the children in Eu- In all of these countries, you can Staff Writer rope can see Father Christmas in find pine trees and light decora- the street and shops a few days be- tions, such as in Paris where the Christmas is one of the most fore Christmas, when everybody is Champs Elysees' trees are covered common celebrated parties world- hurrying to buy the last presents with lights and monuments have wide and it is interesting to see how and food that they will prepare for lights or pine trees in front of them. "A boa constrictor. " different peoples celebrate it in the big dinner of December 24 and Many cities also organize Dave Seydel '99 various countries. 25, when usually the families Christmas arts and crafts markets, Biology Great Britain, France, and its gather and everybody offers pre- where you can find all food speci- northern neighbors are used to the senrs to each other. alities and decorations, which Northern tradition of Father Christ- change a bit according to the coun- mas, a.k.a. Santa Claus in the U.S., try and sometimes the region. who is supposed to come down the The general image of Christmas chimney with his bag full of pre- with snow and Santa Claus with his sents. reindeer comes from the Scandina- In Great Britain, France, Bel- vian countries, and is seen almost gium, Luxembourg and Holland, it everywhere in Europe, even if "A car that runs is common for families to eat a big consistently that can get meal of a turkey and expensive some Southern countries have adopted the 'three kings tradition. me to and from college food on December 24. People are The tradition in most Catholic without breaking down on supposed to open their presents on countries is to go to midnight mass 195." the morning of December 25 in around II pm on the 24th or to most countries except Germany watch the Vatican's mass, broad- Randy Justice '02 and Spain. Political Science In Germany, Saint Nicholas cast on all TV channels the same day or on the 25th. comes on the 6th of December with Christmas is a big party every- his presents, but in Spain children where, even if different religions do have to wait until the 6th of Janu- not always celebrate it. ary. This is the day of the "Reyes It creates in Europe a very spe- Mages," when the three kings come cial atmosphere of sharing and par- with their hands full of presents for tying for most people, just as it does everybody, like at Jesus's birth. in the United States. "Sexy lingerie." Camille Read '01 Art ,')1Ci "A Juton and a bean bag chair and maybe a $3 shirt from WalMart. " Clint Mckay '01 Math/German "I want it to snow sometime soon. " Greg Dubell '00 Social Work GET MONEY FIDM lOUR UNCLE1IBrEID. "No more squirrel stories in the Phoenix. Let's talk about cats for a change. Miaow!" Siouxsie the Ph at Cat Sleeping Words by Sarah Radice, Photos by Robyn Hill FCl'«tcIdI$. vil;t Ih.o 2nd 1'Iiocll. QI1 Gym Of call U';-212O
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